Sitefinity Feather custom action form - sitefinity

I've got the following problem: in Sitefinity (9.1, Feather) I need a form, which can call 3rd party API (Mandrill) once submitted.
As far as I understand, I need some kind of custom widget or something.
Any help would be very appreciated.

I would start here. You don't necessarily have to create a separate class library for creating the custom Feather widget (you can just put it in the SitefinityWebApp web project), but you can if you like. With Feather/MVC widgets you basically get a Controller and View, with an optional Model class to play with too.
In your scenario, you'd probably have a Controller with two actions: Display the form, and handling the form submission. In your form submit action you'd then call Mandrill to submit the data (or do whatever it is you need to do). In your Controller you're in C# purely, so you can do whatever you like there.


WKWebView - replace web action

Inside my app, I'm using the WKWebView to display a website. My goal is, when user is pressing a button on this website, I want to stop an action linked to this event and replace it with my own, natively made (custom action outside the WKWebView). I've been trying to search for any solution to fetch mentioned event but unsuccessful. What more came to my mind, if there is a way to fetch a JavaScript in WKWebView, I have a possibility to add some JS script code to this site (not to delete the action I want to block). Thank you for any help.
First, do you have a permission to mess with this web site's behaviour? I assume you do, otherwise it is likely illegal.
Second, try using Safari Web Inspector with a device/simulator, and use the DOM tree and console tools to find out what is the HTML/javascript that is involved with this action on this site.
If you can't find what happens in HTML/JS yourself, feel free to post a new separate question on SO with your target URL, some HTML/JS code, and which link/action you want to replace. Tag the question with "javascript" and ask if it is possible to write some javascript to replace that particular action to some custom JS code.
Usually there are 2 types of actions: either it is something that provokes AJAX calls to a server API triggered by an event handler, or it is a plain HTML link that results in a web navigation. For both cases it is possible to write a JS script that overrides the action.
Finally, use WKUserScript to inject javascript into the page, and override the action. Use window.webkit.messageHandlers to send an event from your custom action to the app side. Use WKScriptMessageHandler to process the event in the Objective-C or Swift code.
See an example here:

Create and use global view in C# WP8 XAML

I was trying to digg something on this topic before, but have no luck. What I'm trying to achieve is pretty simple, but seems to be hard to achieve :-)
I have a WP8 app (C# XAML) and I need to implement global messages (something like toasts) which could be displayed across whole application no matter of current navigation processes. Such toast message(s) should be displayed even while user is navigating between pages. To use the built in toasts is not a way (in case some other solution exists) since I'm possibly in need to have more than one message displayed at the same time (each one is independent of another) and should disappear after specified period of time.
So, my question is. Is there any way how to implement and use some kind of global view instance which sits above all pages and can be called from any page?
All I found until now is the possible ability to use PhoneApplicationFrame, but I would like rather avoid that if possible. I'm still unsure if this is even the way it can be done, but I suppose so. Do you have any alternatives or assurance this is possible and only way to achieve this goal?
Thank you all for your time and answers.
You can have UerControl for the Functionality you are looking for. It is Control that has its own Seprate Xaml and cs file. You can call it from any page into your Project. UserControl provides the base class for defining a new control that encapsulates related existing controls and provides its own logic. You have a XAML file and C# class file for a user control. The class file extends the UserControl class and adds additional behaviours and properties. The XAML file encapsulates the composing controls, the styles, the templates, animations and whatever necessary to form the UI. Since it is a just composition, it is really easy to create. for more Reference you can go here Why and how to create a User Control in Windows Phone
I have ended up rolling my own custom navigation using a single master page. As such any global controls are instantiated once at startup. Navigations are called from my viewmodels and result in usercontrols being removed and added to the visual tree as necessary (using transition animations to give the impression of page navigation) This works but im not sure whether it is best practice and would appreciate some opinions and comments on this. Certainly it solves the problem of global views described.

How to use/handle a loader in an MVC app?

in a ASP.NET MVC application that I am currently working there are multiple places in a single page that the user can click. So there is a main menu that's in _layout and for each inidividual page there can be links associated with that page.
I am trying to use a loader which will be shown on every click, mainly where the response takes time but for now it's for every click.
For example in the home page, from the main menu the user can click Students and the loader should come up and hide when the page loads completely. On the students page there can be an ajax call that gets data and binds it to the grid.
So from the time the user clicks on a menu link and the page loads the loader is active/shown. It's hidden once the page loads completely.
The grid can have editing functionality and when the user clicks on any of the CRUD links the loader should show and hide.
I am looking at suggestions on implementing this requirement.
If I can hookup any of the MVC events, that would be cool as I want less of Javascript/jQuery stuff but if Javascript/jQuery is the way then that's fine too.
Currently I don't have anything so anypointers are appreciated.
Assuming AJAX is being used
I don't see a way to keep this server-side without a middle page with a redirect being used (which would just be unnecessary bloat). And, since you're not opposed, you can implement this fairly easily using jQuery and something like blockUI.
I'll let you play with refining the binding to only links you care about, but for now we'll assume all links. Also, MVC should be using jQuery for things like Ajax.Actionlink so we can hijack events like $.ajaxStart and $.ajaxStop:
function showLoadingScreen(enabled){
return enabled ? $.blockUI() : $.unblockUI();
Later on you can maybe apply classes to the links you care about and just bind to them (instead of $.ajaxStart) but I'll leave that up to you.

What should I prefer to use widget or renderPartial in Yii's view?

I am confused when I should use a custom widget or renderPartial in my view files. Sometimes I use widget and sometimes I use renderPartial.
You use widget when your application logic is defined in a separate CLASS file and the logic is somehow separated and standalone.
Widget's are chosen when the functionality is repeatedly used elsewhere, on lot of pages.
You use renderPartial for VIEW files that you want to embed into something bigger, or when you want to print something without using the application layouts.
renderPartial is chosen when all the variables it need to access are already prepared in the current action.
You can use widget when your site has some common part like header and footer or sometime some kind filter which require on every page of site.
Take example of search form of yii crude which is called by using renderPartial because that serach form is changing according to requirement of pages.
Sorry for english.

Display a form in prestashop

I would like to show a form in prestashop module and would like to store that value in database. How is it possible?? Is there any prestashop expert ??
You may use custom HTML block and add your form code inside that. And off course have to use a hook to show up that HTML block in the site.
There are lots of free Custom HTML block modules available.
You should take a look at all the modules available in the modules/ directory.
If you want to display a form in the back and/or the front office, you'll have to override different methods of the Module class, and you'll have to use the different hooks available..
Best regards,
Try this free module :
With this one you can add HTML in some hooks from back-office.
Everything is stored in database.
You should use Helpers and Tools class (Helpers show forms and Tools::getValues() does what it says...)
In MegaBlock there is also TinyMCE available. Have a look, this module is really useful ;-)
you can develop a module by using hooks based on the hooks used the form will be displayed in that position in prestashop while using hooks you need to assign a tpl file in that tpl file you can write the codings to display a form
And also you can develop a module with a separate controller and you can assign a tpl for that controller.