Oxyplot: IsValidPoint on realtime LineSerie - oxyplot

I've been using oxyplot for a month now and I'm pretty happy with what it delivers. I'm getting data from an oscilloscope and, after a fast processing, I'm plotting it in real time to a graph.
However, if I compare my application CPU usage to the one provided by the oscilloscope manufacturer, I'm loading a lot more the CPU. Maybe they're using some gpu-based plotter, but I think I can reduce my CPU usage with some modifications.
I'm capturing 10.000 samples per second and adding it to a LineSeries. I'm not plotting all that data, I'm decimating it to a constant number of points, let's say 80 points for a 20 secs measure, so I have 4 points/sec while totally zoomed out and a bit more detail if I zoom in to a specific range.
With the aid of ReSharper, I've noticed that the application is calling a lot of times (I've 6 different plots) the IsValidPoint method (something like 400.000.000 times), which is taking a lot of time.
I think the problem is that, when I add new points to the series, it checks for every point if it is a valid point, instead of the added values only.
Also, it spends a lot of time in the MeasureText/DrawText method.
My question is: is there a way to override those methods and to adapt it to my needs? I'm adding 10.000 new values each second, but the first ones remain the same, so there's no need for re-validate them. Also, the text shown doesn't change.
Thank you in advance for any advice you can give me. Have a good day!


React Native, IBECONS, RSSI value to distance conversion

How to stabilize the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) of low energy Bluetooth beacons (BLE) for more accurate distance calculation?
We are trying to develop an indoor navigation system and came across this problem where the RSSI is fluctuating so much that, the distance estimation is nowhere near the correct value. We tried using an advance average calculator but to no use,
The device is constantly getting RSSI values, how to filter them, how to get the mean value, I am completely lost, please help.
Can anyone suggest any npm library or point in the right direction, I have been searching for many days but have not gotten anywhere.
In addition to the answer of #davidgyoung, we would like to point out that any filtering method is a compromise between quality of noise level reduction and the time-lag introduced by this filtration (depending on the characteristic filtering time you use in your method). As was pointed by #davidgyoung, if you take characteristic filtering period T you will get an average time-lag of about T/2.
Thus, I think the best approach to solve your problem is not to try to find the best filtering method but to make changes on the transmitter’s end itself.
First you can increase the number of signals, transmitter per second (most of the modern beacon allow to do so by using manufacturer applications and API).
Secondly, you can increase beacon's power (which is also usually one of the beacon’s settings), which usually reduces signal-to-noise ratio.
Finally, you can compare beacons from different vendors. At Navigine company we experimented and tested lots of different beacons from multiple manufacturers, and it appears that signal-to-noise ratio can significantly vary among existing manufacturers. From our side, we recommend taking a look at kontakt.io beacons (https://kontakt.io/) as an one of the recognized leaders with 5+ years experience in the area.
It is unlikely that you will find a pre-built package that will do what you want as your needs are pretty specific. You will most likely have to wtite your own filtering code.
A key challenge is to decide the parameters of your filtering, as an indoor nav use case often is impacted by time lag. If you average RSSI over 30 seconds, for example, the output of your filter will effectively give you the RSSI of where a moving object was on average 15 seconds ago. This may be inappropriate for your use case if dealing with moving objects. Reducing the averaging interval to 5 seconds might help, but still introduces time lag while reducing smoothing of noise. A filter called an Auto-Regressive Moving Average Filter might be a good choice, but I only have an implementation in Java so you would need to translate to JavaScript.
Finally, do not expect a filter to solve all your problems. Even if you smooth out the noise on the RSSI you may find that the distance estimates are not accurate enough for your use case. Make sure you understand the limits of what is possible with this technology. I wrote a deep dive on this topic here.

RRDtool what use are multiple RRAs?

I'm trying to implement rrdtool. I've read the various tutorials and got my first database up and running. However, there is something that I don't understand.
What eludes me is why so many of the examples I come across instruct me to create multiple RRAs?
Allow me to explain: Let's say I have a sensor that I wish to monitor. I will want to ultimately see graphs of the sensor data on an hourly, daily, weekly and monthly basis and one that spans (I'm still on the fence on this one) about 1.5 yrs (for visualising seasonal influences).
Now, why would I want to create an RRA for each of these views? Why not just create a database like this (stepsize=300 seconds):
DS:sensor:GAUGE:600:U:U \
If I understand correctly, I can then create any graph I desire, for any given period with whatever resolution I need.
What would be the use of all the other RRAs people tell me I need to define?
BTW: I can imagine that in the past this would have been helpful when computing power was more rare. Nowadays, with fast disks, high-speed interfaces and powerful CPUs I guess you don't need the kind of pre-processing that RRAs seem to be designed for.
I'm aware of this page. Although it explains about consolidation very clearly, it is my understanding that rrdtool graph can do this consolidation aswell at the moment the data is graphed. There still appears (to me) no added value in "harvest-time consolidation".
Each RRA is a pre-consolidated set of data points at a specific resolution. This performs two important functions.
Firstly, it saves on disk space. So, if you are interested in high-detail graphs for the last 24h, but only low-detail graphs for the last year, then you do not need to keep the high-detail data for a whole year -- consolidated data will be sufficient. In this way, you can minimise the amount of storage required to hold the data for graph generation (although of course you lose the detail so cant access it if you should want to). Yes, disk is cheap, but if you have a lot of metrics and are keeping low-resolution data for a long time, this can be a surprisingly large amount of space (in our case, it would be in the hundreds of GB)
Secondly, it means that the consolidation work is moved from graphing time to update time. RRDTool generates graphs very quickly, because most of the calculation work is already done in the RRAs at update time, if there is an RRA of the required configuration. If there is no RRA available at the correct resolution, then RRDtool will perform the consolidation on the fly from a high-granularity RRA, but this takes time and CPU. RRDTool graphs are usually generated on the fly by CGI scripts, so this is important, particularly if you expect to have a large number of queries coming in. In your example, using a single 5min RRA to make a 1.5yr graph (where 1pixel would be about 1 day) you would need to read and process 288 times more data in order to generate the graph than if you had a 1-day granularity RRA available!
In short, yes, you could have a single RRA and let the graphing work harder. If your particular implementation needs faster updates and doesnt care about slower graph generation, and you need to keep the detailed data for the entire time, then maybe this is a solution for you, and RRDTool can be used in this way. However, usually, people will optimise for graph generation and disk space, meaning using tiered sets of RRAs with decreasing granularity.

Algorithm for reducing GPS track data to discard redundant data?

We're building a GIS interface to display GPS track data, e.g. imagine the raw data set from a guy wandering around a neighborhood on a bike for an hour. A set of data like this with perhaps a new point recorded every 5 seconds, will be large and displaying it in a browser or a handheld device will be challenging. Also, displaying every single point is usually not necessary since a user can't visually resolve that much data anyway.
So for performance reasons we are looking for algorithms that are good at 'reducing' data like this so that the number of points being displayed is reduced significantly but in such a way that it doesn't risk data mis-interpretation. For example, if our fictional bike rider stops for a drink, we certainly don't want to draw 100 lat/lon points in a cluster around the 7-Eleven.
We are aware of clustering, which is good for when looking at a bunch of disconnected points, however what we need is something that applies to tracks as described above. Thanks.
A more scientific and perhaps more math heavy solution is to use the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm to generalize your path. I used it when I studied for my Master of Surveying so it's a proven thing. :-)
Giving your path and the minimum angle you can tolerate in your path, it simplifies the path by reducing the number of points.
Typically the best way of doing that is:
Determine the minimum number of screen pixels you want between GPS points displayed.
Determine the distance represented by each pixel in the current zoom level.
Multiply answer 1 by answer 2 to get the minimum distance between coordinates you want to display.
starting from the first coordinate in the journey path, read each next coordinate until you've reached the required minimum distance from the current point. Repeat.

How should I objectively test my program results?

I have developed two differing methods in MATLAB which aim to analyse a pop song and then automatically create a 30 second audio thumbnail (a preview clip) containing part of the chorus section.
Both methods have varying results:
The first method can create a thumbnail for each track, managing to find a chorus section in 40 out of 50 tested songs
The second method only managed to work on 30 out of the 50 songs, and it found the chorus section 21 times out the 30.
Obviously I know which method is superior, but I need to describe and explain the results in a report which requires the demonstration of proper statistical testing.
Other academic papers have previously used an f-test to do this, but because their methods are vastly superior, their aims are usually involve the detection of chorus onset times with 100% accuracy.
My aim is more relaxed as I am just looking for the generated thumbnails to contain any part of the chorus, regardless of onset.
Can anyone suggest some objective tests that I could possibly explore with regards to my project? This is my first time conducting an investigation like this so my experience/knowledge is incredibly low.
Thank you!
Possibly, the way for you is formating your song track with time cuts for relevant information about type of sound(chorus, etc). In sound editor like CoolEdit, you can set time cuts and assign names for theirs like 'chorus', 'pause','music'... Then, you must extract cut information to import in Matlab. For Windows 32 can be used utility Wav2labs from http://www.pallier.org/ressources/wspot/sig2wav/toolswav.html; http://www.pallier.org/ressources/wspot/sig2wav/Wav2labs.exe This program extract cuts to text file and you can read with Matlab textscan function.
After all, only segmentation accuracy must be proceed, like percent time when signal type(chorus/not chorus) was recognized correctly
Or specify your question more exactly

How to Periodically Updating Labview chart when collecting multi channel data at a high rate

Looking for some help with a Labview data collection program. If I could collect 2ms of data at 8kHz (gives 16 data points) per channel (I am collecting data on 4 analog channels with an National Instruments data acquisition board). The DAQ-MX collection task gives a 1D array of 4 waveforms.
If I don't display the data I can do all my computation time is about 2ms and it is OK if the processing loop lags a little behind the collection loop. Updating the chart in Labview's front panel introduces an unacceptable delay. We don't need to update the display very quickly probably at 5-10Hz would be sufficient. But I don't know how to set this up.
My current Labview VI has three parallel loops
A timed-loop for data collection
A loop for analysis and processing
A low priority loop for caching data to disk as a TDMS file
Data is passed from the collection loop to the other loops using a queue. Labview examples gave me some ideas but I am stuck.
Any suggestions, references, ideas would be appreciated.
Follow Up Question
eaolson suggests that I re-sample the data for display purposes. The data coming from the DAQ-MX read is a one dimensional array of waveforms. So I would need to somehow build or concatenate the waveform data for each channel. And then re-sample the data before updating the front panel chart. I suppose the best approach would be to queue the data and in a display loop dequeue the stack build and re-sample the data based on screen resolution and then update the chart. Would there be any other approach. I will look on
(NI Labview Forum)[http://forums.ni.com/ni/board?board.id=170] for more information as suggetsted by eaolson.
changed acceptable update rate for graphs to 5-10Hz (thanks Underflow and eaolson)
disk cache loop is a low priority one (thanks eaolson)
Thanks for all the responses.
Your overall architecture description sounds solid, but... getting to 30Hz for any non-trivial graph is going to be challenging. Make sure you really need that rate before trying to make it happen. Optimizing to that level might take some time.
References that should be helpful:
You can defer panel updates. This keeps the front panel from refreshing until you're ready for it to do so, allowing you to buffer data in the background, and only draw it occasionally.
You should know about (a)synchronous display. This option allows some control over display rates.
There is some general advice available about speeding execution.
There is a (somewhat dated) report on execution speed on the LAVA forums. Googling around the LAVA forums is a great idea if you need to optimize your speed.
Television updates at about 30 Hz. Any more than that is faster than the human eye can see. 30 Hz should be at the maximum update rate you should consider for a display, not the starting point. Consider an update rate of 5-10 Hz.
LabVIEW charts append the most recent data to the historical data they store and display all the data at once. At 8 kHz, you're acquiring at least 8000 data points per channel per second. That means the array backing that graph has to continuously be resized to hold the new data. Also, even if your graph is 1000 pixels across, that means you're displaying 8 data points per screen pixel. There's not usually any reason to display any more than one data point per pixel. If you really need fast update rates, plot less data. Create an array to hold the historical data and plot only every Nth data point, where N is chosen so you're plotting, say, only a few hundred points.
Remember that your loops can run at different rates. It may be satisfactory to run the write-to-disk loop at a much lower frequency than the data collection rate, maybe every couple of seconds.
Avoid property nodes if you can. They run in the UI thread, which is slower than most other execution.
Other than that, it's really hard to offer a lot of substantial advice without seeing code or more specifics. Consider also asking your question at the NI LabVIEW forums. There are a lot of helpful people there.