How can i add oncomplete evetn to movie clip generated from animate CC exporter - createjs

i have a canvas project created by Animate CC ,
i need to add "onComplete" event to a movie clip generated from Animate CC canvas project ,
the solution present from createjs site :
target.alpha = 1;
.to({alpha:0, visible:false}, 1000)
function handleComplete() {
//Tween complete
from tweenJs site
i don't want to modify the js file generated by Animate CC , but i could not find a way to hock to movie clip tween
I've tried to access exportRoot.MyMovieClipInstanceName.timeline to get the tween but with not lock

You shouldn't need to access the timeline directly -- MovieClips fire a "animationend" event when their timeline is complete. From anywhere you should be able to do:
exportRoot.instance.on("animationend", function(e) {
You could also add code to the timeline in Animate, which basically does the same thing.
this.on("animationend", function(e) {


Zoom out by scrolling in a testcafe test

I have a map in my angular application OpenLayers map.
During the test using testcafe, I have to zoom out, but I have no way how to do that.
I only have to put my mouse at the center of the screen, and then scroll down to zoom out.
Already tried using ClientFunction with scrollBy and etc but nothing happens in map.
Thank you
Find out on which element the handler you need hangs and what event it listens to. This is most likely a 'mousewheel' event. This should help you:
const zoom = ClientFunction(zoomSize => {
const event = new WheelEvent('wheel', { deltaY: zoomSize });

Konvajs Delete canvas not working , Instead it just clears canvas

I am trying to delete canvas. For that I have used below 2lines of code
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);**
This is just clearling the canvas, but on click on that canvas its reshowing same data.
The canvas is not deleted, but temporary hidden on clear.
Konva is a scene graph for your canvas. The scene has nodes, such as Layer, Group, Shape.
You don't need to clear the canvas element manually. You just need to destroy all nodes from the scene. Like this:
I tried this too.Thats also not working.
I tried below code and thats working fine.
**var stage_main = this.$refs.stage.getStage();
Object.keys(this.canvasElements).forEach((key) => {
this.canvasElements[key]= [];
I also need to clear canvaselement object along with stage clear

Thumbnail of previous image instead of cancel button while camera is open

i want to show the thumbnail of the previous image taken by camera instead of the cancel button while camera is running ...
Is that possible ?? Need help ..
Yep. Just capture the last image, keep it in memory (or save it to disk), then use it as one of the controls. We can do this using the overlay property of the Titanium.Media.showCamera function. Here is a quick example:
First we need an overlay view to show the image.
var overlayView = Ti.UI.createView();
var imageView = Ti.UI.createImageView({
left : 5
Now this is the function we use to open the camera with the overlay view. Note that we don't have controls so you need to add those (for closing etc). All we do right now is set the overlays image.
success:function(event) {
// called when media returned from the camera
imageView.image =;
cancel:function() {},
error:function(error) {},
overlay : overlayView,
showControls: false // This is important!
To really make this work, you may need to save the in a global variable, or use a similiar technique make sure overlayView will not be nulled out / garbage collected.
Also this is a barebones solution, not very robust, but this is the basic method I would use!

Leaflet markers do not open popup on click

I just started using Leaflet and Marker Clusterer to organize the markers.
Problem #1: When an unclustered marker is clicked, no popup appears.
Problem #2: When a cluster is clicked several times, all the markers within that cluster appears, and when one of this marker is clicked, its popup appears! However, after closing the popup by clicking on the map, clicking on any of these clustered markers do not open any popups!
If I only have 3 unclustered markers, the popup works fine. However, as more markers are added, once a cluster forms, clicking on the marker within any cluster will not cause the popup to open!
Initializing markerclusterer
markers = new L.MarkerClusterGroup();
All markers added to markercluster markers
A loop calls on the render function to create the marker and add it to the markerclusterer's array markers. (ignore the backbone.js code)
ListingMarkerView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template( $('#tpl_ListingMarkerView').html() ),
render: function() {
// Create marker
var content = this.template( this.model.toJSON() );
var marker = new L.marker(
[this.model.get('lat'), this.model.get('lng')],
{content: content});
// Add to markerclusterer
Without markerclusterer
If I add the marker directly to map instead of the markerclusterer array markers, the popups work fine, so I guess the problem has something to do with markerclusterer.
Did I do something wrong that resulted in such behavior of the popups? All help appreciated, thanks!
From what little I know of the cluster marker group, you should do this:
var markerGroup = new L.MarkerClusterGroup();
markerGroup.on('click', function(ev) {
// Current marker is ev.layer
// Do stuff
To add an event handler to the cluster layer instead, do this:
markerGroup.on('clusterclick', function(ev) {
// Current cluster is ev.layer
// Child markers for this cluster are a.layer.getAllChildMarkers()
// Do stuff
Oh, and read the github README carefully, it's all in there...
Make sure you have the right versions of everything in your Leaflet + Clusterer stack (Js and Css). Compare against the examples in the Clusterer Github repo.

dojo splitter not resizing properly with dynamic content

I'm creating a seemingly simple dojo 1.8 web page which contains an app layout div containing a tab container and an alarm panel below the tab container. They are separated by a splitter so the user can select how much of the alarms or the tabcontainer they want to see.
Here's the example on jsfiddle:
For the purpose of the demo, there's a timer which grows the table in the alarm panel by an entry every 2 seconds.
The problem(s):
If one doesn't do anything and just lets the table grow, no scroll bar appears in the alarm panel.
If one moves the splitter without having resized the browser window first, the splitter handle ends up in a weird location.
Resizing the browser window makes it behave like I would expect it to begin with.
Am I doing something wrong in the way I'm setting things up and that's causing this problem?
How can I catch the splitter has been moved event (name?)
How do I resize the splitter pane to an arbitrary height? I've tried using domStyle.set("alarmPanel", "height", 300) and this indeed sets the height property... but the pane does not resize!
Any help greatly appreciated!
I forked your jsFiddle and made some modifications to it:
Get rid of overflow: hidden in html, body and explicitly set height of alarmPanel:
.claro .demoLayout .edgePanel {
height: 150px;
This tricky one. You have two options: to listen to splitter's drag and drop or to listen to ContentPane.resize method invocation. Both via dojo/aspect:
// Drag and Drop
var splitter = registry.byId("appLayout").getSplitter("bottom");
var moveHandle = null;
aspect.after(splitter, "_startDrag", function() {
moveHandle = aspect.after(splitter.domNode, "onmousemove", function() {
var coords = {
x: !splitter.horizontal ? : 0,
y: splitter.horizontal ? : 0
dom.byId("dndOutput").textContent = JSON.stringify(coords);
aspect.after(splitter, "_stopDrag", function() {
moveHandle && moveHandle.remove();
// ContentPane.resize()
aspect.after(registry.byId("alarmPanel"), "resize", function(duno, size) {
dom.byId("resizeOutput").textContent = JSON.stringify(size);
Call layout() method after changing the size:
registry.byId("alarmPanel") = "200px";