How to get the value using 'http.uri.params' in mule - mule

I am trying to get the value through URI params in mule. I am using
to get the value. When I pass a value, (for eg 16) it is returning as Id=16. Since I am passing this value into a database stored procedure, I need the value alone. Could anyone help me out in this.

This works for me in Mule 3.7.3:
<http:listener-config name="listener2" host="" port="8083"/>
<flow name="uri">
<http:listener path="uri/{param}/resource" config-ref="listener2" />
<expression-transformer expression="#[message.inboundProperties.'http.uri.params'.param]" />
Running curl returns value which is the expected according to the documentation.

What about storing "id=16" as a string variable and splitting it on the =?

will retrieve only the value of the id. This will surely work.


Mule:Retrieving object store in an MEL in Mule 3.5

Having a requirement to test a object store whether it contains a key or not in a choice router
<objectstore:config name="storeDownload" doc:name="ObjectStore" persistent="false" partition="test"/>
<when expression="#[app.registry.storeDownload.contains('#[flowVars.startKey]').equals('false')]">
Getting an error
1. Expression Evaluator "registry" with expression "ON" returned null but a value was required. (org.mule.api.expression.ExpressionRuntimeException)
org.mule.expression.RegistryExpressionEvaluator:101 (
2. Failed to invoke store. Message payload is of type: byte[] (org.mule.api.MessagingException)
The main issue is that you are embedding MEL into MEL which can't work. Also the boolean-as-string comparison is dodgy.
Replace this:
with that:
My use case was a bit different to Nazar's I needed to monitor a long running process which can take up to four hours.
In the first flow I generate a key value with a time stamp in it as the payload and then use it to set the ProcessState to the static value 'Started' in an ObjectStore as shown below. After which I fire a Quartz Outbound Endpoint with a four hour delay.
<objectstore:store config-ref="MonitoredProcess" value-ref="Started" key="#[payload]" doc:name="ObjectStore"/>
<quartz:outbound-endpoint jobName="ProcessMonitor" responseTimeout="10000" doc:name="Quartz"
repeatInterval="0" repeatCount="0" startDelay="${process.monitor.event.start.delay}">
<quartz:job-endpoint address="vm://processMonitorQueue"/>
And I got the same exception.
After scratching my head and lots of searches the name of the variable 'value-ref' in combination with David's answer above finally revealed my problem namely the MEL is always invoked for this ref field.
As soon as I changed the field to an expression #['Started'] that MEL could evaluate my problem went away.
<objectstore:store config-ref="MonitoredProcess" value-ref="#['Started']" key="#[payload]" doc:name="ObjectStore"/>
For completeness I've included the code that retrieves the ProcessState from the ObjectStore. Note the defaultValue-ref also needs to use MEL
<vm:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="one-way" path="processMonitorQueue" doc:name="VM" />
<objectstore:retrieve config-ref="MonitoredProcess" defaultValue-ref="#['DoesNotExist']" key="#[payload]" targetProperty="processState" doc:name="ObjectStore"/>

to fetch a specific value from resultset in Mule

I have a flow that calls a MS SQL stored procedure which returns a value. The output that i get from the DB is {resultset1=[{id=30}]} i would like to store the value of id to flow variable
couldn't find a successful way to do this, Could somebody please help me in this
I'am using mule server 3.4.0 EE
Thank you in Advance
First place a json-to-object-transformer and then try the following :-
<json:json-to-object-transformer returnClass="java.util.HashMap" />
<set-variable variableName="id" value="#[payload.resultset1[0].id]" doc:name="Variable"/>

Mule MEL to do substring on a flow variable

I have a variable my_variable with value as a dynamic URL like --
I want to do a substring on this dynamic URL to find the string after last "/" i.e. in case above mentioned URL, I want to get the substring "ask"
How can I use MEL to do that?
You can use the string functions which are availalbe from the java.lang package.
Hope this helps.
You can use JDK classes in MEL, in fact these packages are auto imported (
This flow receives requests on port 8081 and return the last part of the path:
<flow name="testedbFlow3">
<http:inbound-endpoint host="" port="8081" />
<expression-transformer expression="#[message.inboundProperties['http.request'].split("^.*/")[1]]"/>
You can use basic Java String methods such as substring() and lastIndexOf() on the variable.
which is simpler one

append specieal charecters in payload tag in Mule ESB

i want payload value like below in <http:outbound-endpoint>:
<set-variable variableName="url" value="#[json:url]" doc:name="Variable"></set-variable>
<set-variable variableName="payload" value="#[json:param]" doc:name="Variable"></set-variable>
<http:outbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" address="http://admin:admin##[url.substring(7)]" method="POST" doc:name="HTTP" password="admin" user="admin">
<set-payload value="action=start&params={input:#[payload]}&createTask=false&parts=all"/>
but it is giving error.
You can get rid of the error by replacing & with &
However, that is not your only problem.
payload is a reserved variable to hold the current payload. You can not use set-variable with variableName="payload", your setting will just be ignored when you call #[payload] later.
Your POST data would be something like action=start&params={input:yourdata}&createTask=false&parts=all. This is some kind of hybrid of JSON and HTTP GET syntax, and I doubt that this is what you are trying to achieve. If you want to send a POST request in key=val format, set a payload of type Map. If you want to send the request as JSON, set a payload with a JSON String, you have the object-to-json-transformer to help in Mule. If you want to have parameters in the URL, put them in the URL. But you can not mix these different syntaxes.

Mule Performing a string manipulation

What is the best way to perform a string manipulation. I wish to perform a substring on a email address to extract the domain detail and populate this to a variable.
a java transformer is a possibilty, but i was hoping if i could use a message enricher with a expression to perform this operation.
pardon me but i am still a greenhorn on Mule.
here is the excerpt from my mule flow which is failing with error cannot resolve method string length.
<enricher target="#[flowVars['FromAddressDomain']]" doc:name="Message Enricher">
<expression-transformer expression="#[ payload.fromAddr.substring(payload.fromAddr.lastIndexOf('#')+ 1,payload.fromAddr.lenth())]" doc:name="Expression"></expression-transformer>
Simply use:
<set-variable variableName="FromAddressDomain"
value="#[org.mule.util.StringUtils.substringAfter(payload.fromAddr, '#')]" />
You can use dataweave transform on payload and use the operator splitby and spilt on # character. Please take a look at below link for more information on splitby operator