to fetch a specific value from resultset in Mule - mule

I have a flow that calls a MS SQL stored procedure which returns a value. The output that i get from the DB is {resultset1=[{id=30}]} i would like to store the value of id to flow variable
couldn't find a successful way to do this, Could somebody please help me in this
I'am using mule server 3.4.0 EE
Thank you in Advance

First place a json-to-object-transformer and then try the following :-
<json:json-to-object-transformer returnClass="java.util.HashMap" />
<set-variable variableName="id" value="#[payload.resultset1[0].id]" doc:name="Variable"/>


How to retrieve datetime minus 4 hours in Mule 3

I'm trying to get the current time minus 4 hours using the dateTime function.
With the next expression:
<sub-flow name="retrieve-time-last-run-os">
<objectstore:retrieve config-ref="ObjectStore_Connector" key="timeNow" defaultValue-ref="#[server.dateTime.plusHours(-4)format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'")]" doc:name="Retrieve Time Now"/>
<set-variable variableName="time" value="#[payload]" doc:name="Save time"/>
locally it works fine. The problem is when I deploy this function seems not to work. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Thank you
In the flow there seem to be a missing dot between plusHours() and format().

Mule : Use dynamic config-ref based on input values

I'm trying to connect to SQL Database with some configuration. But based on the input from the API we are supposed to hit different DB.
As of now, we have the code as
<choice doc:name="Check myFlag">
<when expression="#[flowVars.myFlag == 'true']">
<db:stored-procedure config-ref="Database_Configuration_1" doc:name="DB_config_1">
<db:stored-procedure config-ref="Database_Configuration_2" doc:name="DB_config_2">
Instead of repeating <db:stored-procedure../> twice, is there a way where I can set a flow var with the DB config reference and use it?
Something like,
<db:stored-procedure config-ref="#[flowvars.db_config]" doc:name="DB_config_2">
In Mule 3, no. config-ref's are evaluated at application startup, not runtime.
In Mule 4 this is possible using Dynamic Configurations:
Potential Mule 3 solutions documented here:
Put the DB call inside a sub-flow and call it from the rest of the flows with a <flow-ref>.

How to get the value using 'http.uri.params' in mule

I am trying to get the value through URI params in mule. I am using
to get the value. When I pass a value, (for eg 16) it is returning as Id=16. Since I am passing this value into a database stored procedure, I need the value alone. Could anyone help me out in this.
This works for me in Mule 3.7.3:
<http:listener-config name="listener2" host="" port="8083"/>
<flow name="uri">
<http:listener path="uri/{param}/resource" config-ref="listener2" />
<expression-transformer expression="#[message.inboundProperties.'http.uri.params'.param]" />
Running curl returns value which is the expected according to the documentation.
What about storing "id=16" as a string variable and splitting it on the =?
will retrieve only the value of the id. This will surely work.

Mule Message Enricher Target Expression

I have a flow that takes a pair of dates inbound and then uses a message enricher to get a list of employees that worked on a specific job between those two dates. The result is a simple list of maps returned from a JDBC database. I got that saved into a flow variable without any trouble. The next enrichment is causing me trouble. I setup a for each loop that uses the employees list from the flow variable. This works great and I then need to execute another JDBC query for each of these employees to get all the time tickets they turned in between the two dates passed to the flow. The query works but I am having trouble defining the target expression to hold the result. I would like to see the target be a map with the employee id as the key and the tickets for the period (list of maps) be the value. Is there any way to do this? Is there a better way to save these results? After I get all the tickets, I need to summarize them in various ways and generate a report showing the detail as well as the analysis.
I am currently developing this in mule studio for the community runtime version 3.4.
Is this like something that you are looking for?
<set-variable variableName="maplistmap" value="#[new java.util.HashMap()]"/>
<jdbc-ee:outbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" queryKey="selekt" queryTimeout="-1" connector-ref="Database">
<jdbc-ee:query key="selekt" value="select * from mytable where id = #[payload]"/>
<scripting:script engine="Groovy"><![CDATA[
flowVars["maplistmap"].put(payload[0].id, payload)
<logger message="#[flowVars.maplistmap]" level="INFO"/>

Mule choice compare

In mule flow I need to compare the last two params from an input string message
And if param1(1) <= param2(5), I need perform jms:outbound-endpoint.
Is there a standard choice element to do it? Could you please provide example.
While using mule 3.2.x your best option is to use the groovy evaluator and use a choice router that look like the following
<when expression="#[groovy:payload.split(',')[2] <= payload.split(',')[3] ]">
<jms:outbound-endpoint queue="out" doc:name="JMS"/>
Otherwise if you are willing to upgrade to Mule 3.3.0 you can take advantage of the new Mule Expression Language that allows to do the same without the need of the groovy operator
you can also use splitter and split on the basis of ',' and then have the compare logic for the params
You need not use Groovy for this. You can directly apply the split() function on payload.
<when expression="#[payload.split(',')[2]<=payload.split(',')[3]]">
<processor-chain doc:name="Processor Chain">
<jms:outbound-endpoint queue="data" connector-ref="Active_MQ"doc:name="JMS"/>
Apart from expression filter you can also use choice flow control. Capture the 2 values to be compared in a flowvars and use below expression in when condition of choice flow control.
[flowVars.param1 <= flowVars.param1]
Giving below the link for more information.
you can take advantage of the new Mule Expression Language that allows to do the same without the need of the groovy operator