Testlink Jenkins result integration not working - selenium

I want to sync automation result from jenkins to testlink. I tried with Testlink -jenking plugin and testlink-api-client but not worked getting error.
Pre-setup :
$tlCfg-> api-> enabled
$tlCfg-> exec_cfg-> enable_test_automation
From Testlink UI enable automation for the project.
Test code :
TestLinkAPIClient testlinkAPIClient = new TestLinkAPIClient(APIKEY, "http://localhost/testlink/lib/api/xmlrpc/v1/xmlrpc.php");
testlinkAPIClient.reportTestCaseResult(Project, TestPlan, TEST_CASE, Build, notes/comments, teststatus);
output :
"testlink.api.java.client.TestLinkAPIException: The call to the xml-rpc client failed.".
References used :satishjohn.wordpress.com
2. softwaretestinghelp.com
and other stackoverflow threads.
I browsed and try out defined steps from some of the blogs but still facing same issue?. Can anyone help me to resolve this issue or other approach on sync result with testlink ?.

I believe you should follow the documentation(1) written by kino who wrote the plugin.We recently managed to sync automation results from Jenkins to Testlink by following above doc.Our auto tests were written based on testng framework, Hence we used "testng-results.xml" and TestNg method name based result seeking strategy.
We didn't come across an issue as you mentioned. From (2) and (3) you can get the plugin source .My advice is to debug the code after enabling the debug on Jenkins hosted tomcat server. So you can find the actual cause of the issue by yourself.
(1) https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/download/attachments/753702/jenkins.pdf
(2) https://github.com/jenkinsci/testlink-plugin
(3) https://github.com/kinow/testlink-java-apienter code here

You can run wireshark and filter on port "tcp port http" to see exact error you get from the server. When it was not working for us we were getting 200 OK with text "XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only."
You can also check /var/log/apache2/error.log for testlink errors.
We fixed the issue by setting following config in config.inc.php and restarting apache.
$tlCfg->api->enabled = TRUE;
$tlCfg->exec_cfg->enable_test_automation = ENABLED;


how to properly see the errors of a flask application in production mode

I have made a flask application at my local computer in the debugging mode and it runs all fine. But when it comes to production, the website gives me 500 or internal server error, which I have no idea what the bug is. I am fairly new to flask production and this has been stopping me from moving forward for quite a few days.
My questions are:
1> in my local development environment, one could always print things out. But how can I see those prints in the production stage?
2> Do I see them through Apache2 log? Where is Apache2 log?
For production, I actually followed the tutorials from pythonprogramming.net. Youtube link is here:
To use a very simple example, if the code imports a package which wasn't installed, where can we see the errors?
Thanks in advance.
I've tried to use to use try ... except block for every flask function. Whenever there is an exception, it can be return to the front-end. But what about other errors?
I found out:
Use logging module
Read apache2 log from /var/log/apache2

Codeception looking for external server

I finally handled that Yii1 and YiiBridge install instructions and run some sample test. The problem now is, instead use my localhost, PHPBrowser is going to an unknown server from LAN, which obviously fails all tests. Is there any configuration that can prevent this?
edit: Refs

"handshake_failure" error trying to connect IDEA to Jira

I am trying to set up jira as a task server in IDEA IntelliJ.
I am getting handshake_failure error when I try to test my connection.
Reading about it in SO and Atlassion forums, I tried several things but none worked:
downloading the certificate from jira server and installing it in intellij
adding -Dhttps.protocols="TLSv1" to my .vmoptions IDEA startup config file
It happens both to my corporate jira instance and to external public jira servers.
In addition, it also happened with IntelliJ 2016.
Has anyone managed to get this working?
The problem was that the server used a cipher that was disabled in my jvm.
In order to fix, I uncommented
in my jre <jre-home>\lib\security\java.security
see this SO question or this one for more details about security policies

Unable to add connector update from Mulesoft exchange

I am using AnypointStudio 3.7 and trying to install object-store plugin from exchange. but when I click on install button I got an error displaying the message
"There was a problem loading the update site located at
The same error also occurs in order to install other plugins/connector like box from same repository.
I have tried to add the plugin from Help->Install New software window but there also getting the same error.
error getting here is :
"Unable to read repository at http://repository.mulesoft.org/connectors/releases/3.5.0/content.xml."
However I am able to install the updates from other sites like Anypoint update, DevKit etc but not able to install updates from connector update site.
Please anyone help me to find the reason why Anypoint is behaving like this:
FYI , I am using proxy setting in my machine. Could it be the cause of failure?
Thanks in advance !!
Instead of adding from exchange, you can also try an option to add new software from Help -> Install New Software -> work with "Anypoint connector update site" -> specify "objectstore" in search. Select the appropriate ve
#Md. Sadique Ansari ... Please check http://repository.mulesoft.org/connectors/releases/3.5.0/content.xml this url from your browser first because this error mostly due to network firewall setting.
Are you assessing this in your organization network ??
I spotted the message about this in the error logs...googling lead me here...
I noticed, in my attempts to manually test the urtl in a browser that some paths got flipped to HTTPS...so I changed the url in preferences to use HTTPS...and now no errors in the log!
(No updates either but...)

How to restrict access to Selenium Standalone Server instance?

I have an instance of Selenium Standalone server in a virtual Widows box to run my tests on. It's being started in the following way:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.46.0.jar -D"webdriver.chrome.driver"=chromedriver_2.13.exe -D"webdriver.ie.driver"=IEDriverServer_2.44.exe
Today I've noticed in the output some unexpected lines. The tests are running in the night and after that I see following:
08:46:20.197 INFO - Couldn't proxy to http://www.cv7.waw.pl/108258/Dachy/artykul.html because host not found
11:12:07.873 INFO - Couldn't proxy to http://g1nkaku.bieszczady.pl/damy-rade-zespol-na-wesele-bydgoszcz because host not found
11:49:49.204 INFO - Couldn't proxy to http://www.swiat.opt.waw.pl/Kryszyn/planeta-102-7/ because host not found
None of my tests were accessing any of such links, especially at these timestamps, and I have no idea where it can come from. My assumption is that someone found out the link to this instance of Selenium server and was sending requests through it.
What are my options to restrict access to Selenium server? Are there any options to request some custom login/password for all clients of this server? It's being used by several people in our team from multiple locations, so IP based checks are not an option.