How to add more data to be stored in jenkins rest api - api

To make the question simple, I know that I can get some build information with https://jenkins_server/...///api/json|xml|python. And I get a lot of information for that build record.
However, I want to add more information to that build record. For example, the docker image created, or the tickets or files changed from last build to create release note, ... etc. How do I do that?
For now, I use a script to create a json file as an artifact and call that json file to get these information, but it seems a duplicate if I can add more data to the jenkins build object directly.

The Jenkins remote access API is designed to provide access to generic Jenkins-internal information, like build numbers, timestamps, fingerprints etc.
If you want to add your own data there, then you must extend Jenkins accordingly, e.g., by designing a plugin that advertises your (custom) information items as standard Jenkins-"internal" data. If you want to do that, you may want to have a look at they way fingerprint information is handled (I found that quite instructive).
However, I'd recommend that you stick with your current approach, and keep generic Jenkins-internal information separated from Job-specific data. It is less effort and clearly separates your own data from Jenkins' data.


How to pass random parameters to SilkTest Workbench or Classic Record&Play Scenario

I am new to SilkTest and I don't have any scripting background. What I need to do is to record some test cases and then play them to check my system. After getting used to it, I plan to learn scripting and dive into it, but first things first.
What I need is to pass random generated (or randomly read from a text file or pre-defined) parameters into the recordins so that every time I run the tests, different parameters are used. For example, there is a component in which I write some letters and the component filters the results based on the text. Then, I select one of the results. Now, instead of recording the same letters everytime, how can I use random given parameters?
What you are looking for is called Active Data in Silk Test.
It allows enhancing your visual tests with external data, for example from an Excel file.
ActiveData testing enables you to leverage existing data in external files as input for powerful, comprehensive application testing solutions. ActiveData testing enables you to perform multiple transactions against test applications using a different set of data for each transaction without writing complicated code or compromising existing data.
You can find an introduction to Active Data in the online documentation or in the tutorial video.
I have a question, what version of Silk Test are you using, also, what client are you using (Silk Test Workbench, Silk4Net or Silk4J). Each of these clients has the ability to receive parameters from an external source whether it is from a command line or from an external data file.
You indicate that you want random data, do you really mean random data or external data? If it is random data that you want you probably need to use a random number/string generator for the client that you are working with (.Net code for Workbench and Silk4Net and Java code for Silk4J).

Add objects to core data only once

I want to create a large database. I am thinking of using core data for this purpose.But i want to insert the data to it manually and only once. This data is never deleted or edited but only read. How can i use core data to add such large number of objects to database? How to create database in core data and write only once.
Your question is quite general but I'll try to give you some hints on it.
Based on my experience, the simplest way to achieve it, it's to follow these two steps:
1) You could create an external file, in XML, JSON or plist format, that you can parse and use to create a prepulated a Core Data store. You can find some info in core-data-tutorial-how-to-preloadimport-existing-data-updated. In particular, you could set up a dummy project (or just use the AppDelegate methods) and use it to create the store, e.g. MyDataStore.sqlite.
2) Once you created, forget about the routines you have previously used and you ship the store in the application's bundle of your app. There the store is read-only. Otherwise, if you need to modify it, you are not allowed to do it and so you need to move it, for example, to the document directory.
You cand find additional info in the following SO topics:
Is Core Data useful for readonly data too?
How can I ship my app with a pre-populated Core Data database?
Core Data Store included in App Bundle
P.S. If you are in production and you need to make same change to your store, you need to republish the app (since the store is within the main bundle). To avoid this you need to move the store to a different directory and set up, for example, a sort of sync mechanism.
Hope that helps.

How to access results of Sonar metrics for use with applications like PowerPivot

I'm trying to run a number of applications with known failure rates through Sonar, with hopes of deciding which metrics are most valuable in determining whether a particular application will fail. Ultimately I'll be making some sort of algorithm that will look at the outputs of whatever metrics I'm using and generate a score from 1 - 100. I've got about 21 applications put through Sonar, and the results have been stored in a MySQL database. I originally planned to use PowerPivot to find relationships in the data, but it seems like the formatting of the tables doesn't lend itself well to that. Other questions on stackoverflow have told me that Sonar's tables are unformatted, and I should instead use the Web Service API to get the information. I'm unfamiliar with API and was unsuccessful in trying to do what I wanted by looking at Sonar's documentation for API.
From an answer to another question:,violations_density,comment_lines_density,public_documented_api_density,duplicated_lines_density,blocker_violations,critical_violations,major_violations,minor_violations
This looks very similar to what I'd like to have, except I'm only looking at each application once (I'm analyzing a sample of all the live applications on a grid), which means Timemachine isn't really what I'm looking for. Would it be possible to generate a similar table, except instead of the stats for a particular application per date, it showed the statistics for an application and all of its classes, etc?
If you're not familiar with the WS API, you can also create your own Sonar plugin to achieve whatever you want: it is written in Java and it will execute on every analysis you run. This way, in the code ot this custom plugin, you can do whatever you want: flush the metrics you need in an output file, push them into a third party system, ... etc.
Just take a look on how to write a plugin (most probably you will create a Decorator). You have concrete examples also to get started faster.

Storing default instances of an NSManagedObject in every new file

I have a core data document based application. Part of my model works by having a DeviceType table, and a Devices table with a relation between them. I would like my application to be able to store the list of DeviceTypes separately from each file, and possibly be able to sync that to a server later.
What would be the best way to accomplish this?
You're using a lot of database terminology with Core Data. You should break that habit as soon as possible (the reasons why are given in the introductory paragraphs to the Core Data Programming Guide).
I assume your "usually-static" device list is something you want to be able to update as new devices come out? I would actually recommend just storing the list as a PLIST resource in your app bundle and pushing an update to the app when new devices come out (for simplicity). Using a dictionary-based PLIST, your keys can be device IDs and that key can be a simple string attribute of your managed objects. It's perfectly reasonable to look things up outside your Core Data model based on some ID.
If you must update, I'd still include the "default" list with the app (see above) but if a ".devicelist" (or whatever) file is present in the documents folder, use that instead. That way you can periodically check for an updated list and download it to the docs folder if it differs.
If I've misunderstood you, I encourage you to clarify either by editing your question or posting comments.

Intersystems Cache routine to write process information to a file on local system?

I am interested in creating a routine that would query the currently running cache processes and then write this information to a file. How could this be done in Cache 2008.2?
PERFMON might be what you're looking for. That's app with it's own UI, but you can call it's functions directly too, as an API.
Check the Cache docs for "Cache Monitoring Guide". That will give you links to PERFMON docs, as well as docs for other system monitoring tools.
You might find something useful in the Class Reference, under packages %SYSTEM, %SYS, and %Monitor.
For some process info you might need to shell out to the OS. In that case check into the $ZF function. That will let you invoke os-level commands from within Cache.
Oh, and you might want to consider saving the process data within the Cache DB, rather than dumping it out to a file. That is, create a Persistent Class with Properties corresponding to each process attribute that you want to capture, then write code to create, populate, and save instances of that class, taking the data from PERFMON or whatever other source you choose.
If you do that you can use Cache SQL to generate whatever kind of report you need. (Cache will automatically generate a SQL Table corresponding to your Persistent Class.) Cache supports ODBC, so you can use an external tool like Crystal Reports or Access for that part.
Obviously that will be more work than just echoing data to a file, but some kind of structure will be needed if you're going to do anything interesting with the information.