TYPO3: variables not working - variables

Using variables in T3 aren't working.
I actually just copied the snippets from a working site.
page.10.variables {
content < styles.content.get
content.select.where = colPos=0
info < styles.content.get
info.select.where = colPos=1
Inside the HTML template:
<f:format.html parseFuncTSPath="">{info}</f:format.html>
<f:format.html parseFuncTSPath="">{content}</f:format.html>
The template is being included, added a random <hr/> to make sure changes are displayed in the FE.
Dummy content is inserted in the correct columns in the BE (colPos 0 & 1).
Also tried it without the <f:format.html> and with a <f:format.raw>.
EDIT: Well, even though it's obvious, I also made sure I'm on the correct page (uid=2).
Can anyone help? Thanks.
I'm running T3 7.6.9

Well, I knew it was somewhere obvious:
I forgot to include the fluid_styled_content includes.


PDFBox: Fill out a PDF with adding repeatively a one-page template containing a form

Following SO question Java pdfBox: Fill out pdf form, append it to pddocument, and repeat I had trouble appending a cloned page to a new PDF.
Code from this page seemed really interesting, but didn't work for me.
Actually, the answer doesn't work because this is the same PDField you always modify and add to the list. So the next time you call 'getField' with initial name, it won't find it and you get an NPE. I tried with the same pdfbox version used (1.8.12) in the nice github project, but can't understand how he gets this working.
I had the same issue today trying to append a form on pages with different values in it. I was wondering if the solution was not to duplicate field, but can't succeed to do it properly. I always end with a PDF containing same values for each form.
(I provided a link to the template document for Mkl, but now I removed it because it doesn't belong to me)
Edit: Following Mkl's advices, I figured it out what I was missing, but performances are really bad with duplicating every pages. File size isn't satisfying. Maybe there's a way to optimize this, reusing similar parts in the PDF.
Finally I got it working without reloading the template each time. So the resulting file is as I wanted: not too big (4Mb for 164 pages).
I think I did 2 mistakes before: one on page creation, and probably one on field duplication.
So here is the working code, if someone happens to be stuck on the same problem.
Form creation:
PDAcroForm finalForm = new PDAcroForm(finalDoc, new COSDictionary());
Page creation:
PDPage clonedPage = templateDocument.getPage(0);
COSDictionary clonedDict = new COSDictionary(clonedPage.getCOSObject());
clonedPage = new PDPage(clonedDict);
Field duplication: (rename field to become unique and set value)
PDTextField field = (PDTextField) originForm.getField(fieldName);
PDPage page = finalDoc.getPages().get(nPage);
PDTextField clonedField = new PDTextField(finalForm);
List<PDAnnotationWidget> widgetList = new ArrayList<>();
for (PDAnnotationWidget paw : field.getWidgets()) {
PDAnnotationWidget newWidget = new PDAnnotationWidget();
newWidget.getCOSObject().setString(COSName.DA, paw.getCOSObject().getString(COSName.DA));
clonedField.setQ(field.getQ()); // To get text centered
clonedField.setPartialName(fieldName + cnt++);
And at the end of the process:

Opencart shows variable instead text

my store suddenly starts to show just the variables, instead the text of the variable.
i already check the controller, and it looks okay.
the footer shows like this:
and the content of theses variables is
$_['text_address'] = 'Endereço';
$_['text_address_cnt'] = 'Endereço da sua loja';
the controller looks like:
$data['text_address'] = $this->language->get('text_address');
$data['text_address_cnt'] = $this->language->get('text_address_cnt');
anyone went through this?
ps: store version 2.0.2
I made a new store and works ok... Still don't know why this has happened.

Store $_POST in Yii2 session

I'm having a little trouble with my quiz form. I'm using a page to show a single question that a user answers, from there I was hoping to save the question id and option id (My form is multiple choice, i set the options).
My HTML looks like this:
<input type="radio" name="question[3]" value="4">My Answer
When the form is posted I am doing this
// Get posted array
$question = $_POST['question'];
Yii::$app->session['question'] = $question;
So it's saved into my session as:
[3] => 4
Which is fine, the problem I'm finding is trying to save the next question without overwriting the previous [question_id] => [option_id].
I understand why the following code just overwrites the existing the session['question'] variable. But I'm struggling to be able to save each question and answer array to my variable.
I have tried Yii::$app->session['question'][$i] = $question; and get Indirect modification of overloaded element of yii\web\Session has no effect
I've also tried array_push and array_merge to try and combine the previous array of question and chosen option, but have had no luck either. What am I doing wrong here please?
The correct way to do this is
$q = $_POST['question'];
Yii::$app->session['question'] = array_merge(Yii::$app->session['question'], [$question]);
You should do
Yii::$app->session['question'][] = $question;
Notice the extra []

Target specific slide in Soliloquy slider with url

Does anyone have any experience with using a url to target a specific slide in a Soliloquy slider? I am using multiple sliders that I need to link to specific slides of from external pages/sites. The Soliloquy Docs provide this info (soliloquywp.com/docs/dynamically-set-the-starting-slide/) as closest to the solution but, for a php noob like me, the explanation is a bit terse and lacking, my fault, not theirs.
The example given in the docs seems to be a custom filter for a specific slide in a specific slider. I need to target slides in multiple sliders with urls. I guess I need help understanding the filter's function. I have commented out what I think each part does. Maybe someone could show me where I'm wrong?
//OP: I don't understand, what ids/slides are represented by the 10 and 2 values in these parameters. Where do I find these?
add_filter( 'soliloquy_pre_data', 'tgm_soliloquy_dynamic_starting_slide', 10, 2 );
function tgm_soliloquy_dynamic_starting_slide( $data, $slider_id ) {
// If the proper $_GET parameter is not set or is not the proper slider ID, do nothing.
//OP: Is the 'sol_slide' parameter for ALL soliloquy sliders in my site or is it the name in the Dashboard given when constructing the slider?
if ( empty( $_GET['sol_slide'] ) ) {
return $data;
// Change this if you want to target a specific slider ID, or remove altogether if you want this for all sliders.
//OP: I believe to target ALL sliders in my site I should comment this out. Right?
if ( 51064 !== $slider_id ) {
return $data;
// Set the slide number as a config property. Also preventing randomizing slides.
$data['config']['start'] = absint( $_GET['sol_slide'] );
$data['config']['random'] = 0;
// Optionally prevent autostarting the slider. Uncomment if you want that.
//$data['config']['auto'] = 0;
return $data;
Basically, I guess I am asking for a little help with implementing this filter to target any slide in any slider with a url. Slim odds, but I'm dead in the water! Big thanks to anyone who can shed some light on this for me.
Complete, correctly functioning answer is here provided the plugin author, of course, duh: http://soliloquywp.com/support/topic/a-way-to-link-directly-to-a-specific-slide/
The value "sol_slide" is generic to any slider created with the plugin. Just put the custom filter provided in the example into your, hopefully, child-theme's functions.php, and construct your urls targeting specific slides like so: http://mywebsite.com/specific-product-page-with-slider/?sol_slide=3. Slide numbering is based on zero so 1 = 2 etc. Works like a charm.

Need to lighten a color within the variables passed in a LESS mixin

I am currently updating the bootstrap source less files for a project and I have to modify the hover state for the buttons. The end goal is something along these lines:
.btn-primary {
.buttonBackground(#btnPrimaryBackgroundHighlight, #btnPrimaryBackground);
&.hover {
.buttonBackground( lighten(#btnPrimaryBackgroundHighlight, %20), lighten(#btnPrimaryBackground, %20));
However, that returns a compile error. Any thoughts on this issue? I'm sure it's something simple, but I'm at a loss. Thanks in advance.
P.S. - I will also be using the :hover pseudo-class, but for sake of example I'm using a simple class.
Put the percent sign after the number (20% instead of %20)