How do I check a response against a Regex with Codeception? - codeception

I want to do functional tests with Codeception on some ajax Requests. As some of them are time dependend or random I just want to validate, that the response matches the expected format. For Example I expect one result to be a 5 digit number lower than 5000. Is that somehow possible?

Use REST module, it has some useful methods for inspecting JSON and XML responses.
$I->sendPOST('/ajax/', $params);
'number' => 'integer:>10000:<50000'


Karate : Is it feasible to iterate Url to support pagination

I have a rest endpoint with pagination, I want to verify expected parameter exists by traversing through all pages. One option I could think of is to have an array defined with page offset intervals like {0,25,50....}
Welcoming better approaches. Is it feasible to break the loop when my expected condition is met?
ex: Given url ''+'#(offset)'
And request {name : 'Billie'}
When method post
Then status 201
Note: have not tested the above code, looking for better approach.
You should be able to figure this out with conditional logic:
There should be some part of your response that tells you whether there is a "next" page or not. There are ways you can "loop" manually, refer this part of the docs:

Cypress Assertion

I have a question regarding Cypress assertions, just recently start playing with this testing platform, but got stuck when the URL returns a random number as shown below.
As you can see token is random and dojo.preventCache is also a random string. I want to detect this url and check if deep=true regardless the token number, but I don't know how to achieve this.
cy.location('origin', {timeout: 20000}).should('contain', '/Geocortex/Essentials/REST/sites/SITE?f=json&deep=true&token=**&dojo.preventCache=**');
Anyone any idea?
You can check both the path and query like this (note that cy.location('origin') doesn't yield neither pathname nor query from your original question, so I'm using cy.url()):
.should('contain', '/Geocortex/Essentials/REST/sites/SITE')
.should('contain', 'deep=true');
or check each separately:
cy.location('pathname').should('contain', '/Geocortex/Essentials/REST/sites/SITE');
cy.location('search').should('contain', 'deep=true');
or, use a custom callback in which you do and assert whatever you want:
cy.url().should( url => {
expect(/* do something with url, such as parse it, and access the `deep` prop */);

Content-Range configuration for Django Rest Pagination

I need to send a content-range header to a dojo/dgrid request:
I cannot find any examples of HOW to do this. I'm not exactly sure where this setting goes (Content-Range: items 0-9/*). I have been given a great linkheaderpagination example on this question: Django Rest Framework Pagination Settings - Content-Range But I don't know how to make this work to produce a Content-Range response. Any takers or does anyone know of any good resources or examples??
UPDATE: I am trying to create pagination in Dojo/grid. I have am using a server-side api (Django Rest Framework) to supply to data to the Dojo/Dgrid. Django Rest Framework does not automatically sent content-range headers when it gets a response from Dojo. Dojo sends a range request when formatted to have pagination. I don't know now to configure the Django Rest Framework API to send a content-range header when it gets a request from Dojo. Unfortunately, I'm trying to do something very specific and just general settings on either side doesn't work.
Including Content-Range Header in response:
You just need to create a headers dictionary with Content-Range as the key and value as how many items are being returned and how many total items exist.
For example:
class ContentRangeHeaderPagination(pagination.PageNumberPagination):
A custom Pagination class to include Content-Range header in the
def get_paginated_response(self, data):
Override this method to include Content-Range header in the response.
For eg.:
Sample Content-Range header value received in the response for
items 11-20 out of total 50:
Content-Range: items 10-19/50
total_items = # total no of items in queryset
item_starting_index = - 1 # In a page, indexing starts from 1
item_ending_index = - 1
content_range = 'items {0}-{1}/{2}'.format(item_starting_index, item_ending_index, total_items)
headers = {'Content-Range': content_range}
return Response(data, headers=headers)
Suppose this is the header received:
Content-Range: items 0-9/50
This indicates that first 10 items are returned out of total 50.
Note: You can also use * instead of total_items if calculating total is expensive.
Content-Range: items 0-9/* # Use this if total is expensive to calculate
If you are talking about providing Content-Range in the response, I mentioned in an answer to another SO question (which I believe may also have originated from your team?) that there is one alternative to this header: if your response format is an object (not just an array of items), it can specify a total property indicating the total number of items instead.
Again looking for a few minutes at the DRF documentation, it appears it should be possible to customize the format of the response.
Based on the docs and reading the source of LimitOffsetPagination (which you want to be using to work with dstore, as already discussed in a previous question), if I had to take a wild guess, you should be able to do the following server-side:
class CustomPagination(pagination.LimitOffsetPagination):
def get_paginated_response(self, data):
return Response(OrderedDict([
('total', self.count),
('next', self.get_next_link()),
('previous', self.get_previous_link()),
('items', data)
This purposely assigns the count to total and the data to items to align with the expectations of dstore/Request. (next and previous are entirely unnecessary as far as dstore is concerned, so you could take or leave them, depending if you have any use for them elsewhere.)

Constrain Wikipedia Search API to generate only NS:0 pages

I am calling the Wikipedia API from Java using the following search query to generate redirected pages:
where the final 'D' is just an example for the continue-from.
I am interested in only iterating over items in namespace:0. In fact, if I don't, the continue return value includes category pages, which break the next query iteration.
Thank you in advance.
The parameter you need from the Allpages api is
but notice that when you omit it, then 0 is the default anyway.

Ushahidi GET request with multiple parameters

I'm working on an application that uses Ushahidi to return an array of JSON objects using a HTTP GET request. I would like to use two parameters in the request. These parameters are category id and max id. In the URL below the first parameter is &by=catid&id=2 and the second is &by=maxid&id=499. The example below will only read the last parameter entered. So the catid parameter would be ignored.
Why will this request only return JSON objects by the last parameter entered rather than both parameters?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Those requests typically get parsed as key-value dictionaries by web servers.
This means the "by" parameter can only have one value when your request is processed and responded to. You will have to make 2 subsequent requests if you need all these values :