VBA: automatically run without a button - vba

So I followed instruction and built a button linked with a VBA code and it works well. Everytime I hit the button, it generates new data in Column C by using data in Column A, Cell B1, and the VBA code. Cell D1 is the sum of data in Column C and it will be generated automatically.
Now, I want to use build-in solver function in Excel. Namely, I want to find best B1 value to maximize D1 value. Is it possible? I think that means I need remove the button and make the VBA code works automatically to generate Column C and Cell D1. Can someone give me some instructions how to do this? Thank you very much!


Named Cells and Formulas In Excel

How do I utilize named cell references in Excel that aren't absolute. I want to be able to take a formula and be able to drag it across excel and have one name cell reference update to a different named cell as I move across.
For example: I want to keep RevenuePerStay going across the formulas row and have excel updated the cell reference to the number of people staying. So
400 should be RevenuePerStay * Stay400
600 should be `RevenuePerStay * Stay600`
I tried using mixed cell reference and relative cell references using the dollar sign but excel will not accept this.
Assuming your stays are in row 5:
For this worksheet, click on cell C7 and go to create a new named range called Stays and for the formula write =C$5$ and exit the name manager.
Now change your formula in C7 to being RevenuePerStay*Stays and drag it across. This will get the right amount of stays you want each time.
In explicit answer to your question: no you would never get the name in the formula to change unless you put all scenarios in the formula using multiple if statements.
If I understand your question correctly, this method seems convoluted because you can use =RevenuePerStay*C5 and drag over the row, and it should give the answer you want.
If you really want to take the advantage of named range and make it change dynamically, you will need to incorporate with INDIRECT like this:
But this is assuming you have all the named ranges defined properly such as Stay200, Stay400, Stay600, Stay800, Stay1000 like below. Otherwise it will not work.

vlookup not finding vba cells

I have a table that uses a bit of vba to populate column b with id numbers.
I then have column c as a vlookup that gets a name based off the id, from another sheet. The vlookup in the first cell works fine and returns the correct name, John Doe.
When I drag down, the rest of the cells in column c return the same name as the first, John Doe. The vlookup in the other cells is exactly the same, except the reference cell does change, as expected....so, c2 = vlookup(b2, $range, col, false), c3= vlookup(b3..), c4=vlookup(b4,..), etc.
The catch is, when I look at the vlookup in c3 and click on b3, the cell changes to find the correct name (no longer John Doe). So it works fine. And I have to do that for every cell in column c.
It's like vlookup isn't aware that column b changed? Is that something that happens with vba? Is there a refresh command or some other way for vlookup to register that column b has changed without having to click on each individual vlookup function?
If you've entered a formula in a cell, then copied the formula to another cell and Excel hasn't updated your results, that means that Calculation Mode is Manual.
To fix it (depending on version, this is for Excel 2010)
Click on Formulas in the Ribbon
Click on Calculation Options
Click on Automatic
If you need to have it calculate manually (valuable for making many formula changes in a large worksheet):
Click on Formulas in the Ribbon
Click on Calculate Now to calculate the entire workbook, or
Click on Calculate Sheet to calculate the current worksheet
You can skip all the clicking by pressing F9 to Calculate Now or Shift-F9 to Calculate Sheet.

Excel Cell reference that will go to the left

I am using an excel spreadsheet formula to add two cells together and I want to have it reference one row from left to right like it normally does, but I need it to reference the same row in another page in reverse, and then be able to drag the formula through the entire worksheet. I cannot seem to find anything like this when I look online. TLDR I need to know how to tell excel reference the cell to the left if I drag it to the right.
so I need to add A0 in page one and A9 in page two then when I copy the formula to the left I need it to grab A1 and A8, is there a way to get this?
Your question is not very clear; for example, you talk about a formula but have an Excel-VBA tag. However, I think I understand the effect you seek.
I have filled A1:I1 of the current sheet and A1:I1 of worksheet “Sheet3” with numbers.
I have typed the following formula into another cell within the current worksheet:
The target area for the INDEX function is Sheet3!$A$1:$I$1. This is a one row range so I do not need a row number. The column number is 10-COLUMN(A1) which is 9 so this formula is equivalent to:
If I copy the formula one cell to the right I get:
This is the equivalent of:
You can continue copying the formula to the right until you get:
Attempting to copy further gives an error because 10-COLUMN(J1) is zero and there is no column 0.
There are other methods of achieving this effect. The key feature of any such method is the expression N-X where N is a constant and X gets bigger as the formula is copied further to the right.

Creating a UDF that returns that returns a formula

I'm new to VBA and have been reading all about user defined functions and macros. I'm hoping someone could help me out with a project.
I have a subscription to a service that pulls information into excel using an add-in in the ribbon. The only way to pull in the formula is to either 1) use the ribbon which involves a lot of clicking and waiting or 2)type in the formula into the cell with also takes times.
On excel, for normal functions (i.e. if, find, text), I often use the tab shortcut to fill out the formulas. I would like to to create a formula in excel (using VBA) so that I can write "=" -then hit tab - then reference a cell - and then the formula takes the referenced cell and returns a formula.
FYI - I am using Windows 7 and Office 2013
For example:
IF cell A1 the input number = 12345
In Cell B1 I enter the Comm formula that pulls in the data = "=ABC(A1,"Value_Name")
Cell B1 will display = ZYZYZYZY (which comes from the subscription database)
How do I write a VBA code that basically does:
Function (Value)
Returns =ABC(Value,"Value_Name")
: Which then calls the comm function and returns ZYZYZYZY
End Function
I tried my best to explain what I am trying to do - apologies if it was difficult to follow.
You can call the other function using Application.Run:
Public Function MyUDF(Value As Variant) As Variant
MyUDF = Application.Run("ABC", Value, "Value_Name")
End Function

Copy data from one part of a userform to another automatically

I am trying to work with an Excel form using VBA that I have customized (I found the original on the web).
I have two tabs: one is called Planning-Deleted, the other is called Planning-Deleted Data. All the data that I enter in the first tab is copied to the second tab when I press a command button called Add to Database.
Is it possible to skip the command button altogether and record the data entered in cell D5 and D6 directly in the second tab and clear these cells for the next records? I have no knowledge of programming and I would appreciate as much clarity and specificity as possible.
If more details are needed, please let me know.
You'll need some trigger to cause the copy operation to happen, for example:
Using the 'Change' event, you can trigger some action any time some value is entered into a sheet:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Sheet2.Range(Target.Address).Value = Target.Value
End Sub
This code will copy any data entered into the first sheet into the same cell on the second sheet. 'Target' in this case is the cell where data was entered.
I'm not sure if this what you want though, since you also want to clear the cells after the copy. Can you describe when the copy-and-erase should occur, if not from clicking a button?
Also, your question doesn't seem to match your question's title. Can you clarify a bit what you are trying to accomplish?