Button is not clickable with span tag inside div tag - selenium

I tried to click the "No" button using the below xpath.
HTML code :
<div class = "ui-dialog-buttonpane" type = "button" id ="btnID">
<span class = "ui-button-text"></span>
<span class = "ui-button-text">No</span>
It didn't work.
But I tried with
It worked fine. But my problem is div tag represents the button element. Therefore ,
should be also worked.
Please anyone can explain ?.

Here is the xpath which can Identify the object


How to find xpath of an element which depends upon sibling class

I have below html code
<a class = sidetoolsdivider>
<div class = sideone > Test 1 </div>
<div class = sidetwo> </div>
<a class = sidetoolsdivider>
<div class = sideone > Test 2 </div>
<div class = sidetwo> </div>
Here I need to find xpath locator of class sidetwo which has text Test1. There are many such similar classes hence you can differentiate between different only based on element text
The xpath would be something like below:
Since the element depends on the text, can make use of text attribute for the same.
Link to refer - Link
This gets you the correct 'a'. Find an 'a' which contains the right div of sideone (note the .//, find a Child which is)
"//a[.//div[ #class='sideone" and text()='Test 1']"
Then just get the side two, complete xPath
"//a[.//div[ #class='sideone" and text()='Test 1']//div[#class='sidetwo']"
Works even if there is more text inside the entire 'a' and stuff gets complex with more elements inside.

Selenium getting href link returning null

Getting href link from following html is always giving me null. I have been trying multiple ways to get this I cannot use xpath since xpath changes for every page.
<div class="form-group" id="idfb">
<label class="control-label">PDF </label> <a type="button" value="Download" href="./decisiondecisionForm-pdfContainer-filePdfDownload&id=6303"><i class="fa fa-download fa-2x xh-highlight" aria-hidden="true"></i></a><br>
I am trying to get href in following way
val element = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("*[id^='id']"))
val link = element.getAttribute("href")
Is issue in aria-hidden attribute ?
Actually you want get the href attribute from the <a> tag, and your selector is not referring to it, but to the div tag.
The div tag doesn't have the href attribute, so that's why your code returns null.
So, instead you can try with the following value: By.cssSelector("div[id^='id'] > a")
Can you try this: Assuming div class="form-group" id="idfb">
is parent tag.
val element = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("*[id^='id' a]"))

Xpath not finding element (parent/ancestor)

<div class="slds-show" data-aura-rendered-by="10155:0">
<div class="footer" data-aura-rendered-by="10156:0">
<div class="slds-grid slds-grid--align-end slds-m-top--large" data-aura-rendered-by="10157:0">
<div class="slds-show" data-aura-rendered-by="10158:0">
<button class="slds-button slds-button--neutral slds-m-left--small" data-aura-rendered-by="10159:0">Cancel</button>
<button class="slds-button slds-button--neutral slds-m-left--small" data-aura-rendered-by="10161:0">Save & New</button>
<button class="slds-button slds-button--brand slds-m-left--small" data-aura-rendered-by="10163:0">Save</button>
This is part of page, on which I will have to click on Save button.
Button is not unique and I need to find it throu class attribute from first div (slds-show), or
Can somebody tell me, why this xpath is not finding this element?
//button[parent::div[#class='slds-show'][#class='slds-button slds-button--brand slds-m-left--small']]
I've also try with ancestor, text instead of class and results is the same. Element is not found via Firefox console
To click on Save button once finding it through class attribute from first div (slds-show) you can use a much simpler and effective xpath as follows :
//div[#class='slds-show']/button[#class='slds-button slds-button--brand slds-m-left--small']
Note : The class attribute slds-button--brand is unique for the Save button.
Try to update your expression as below:
//button[parent::div[#class='slds-show'] and #class='slds-button slds-button--brand slds-m-left--small']
Note that predicate [#class='slds-button slds-button--brand slds-m-left--small'] in your XPath intend to test #class value of parent div, but not target button
You can try the following xpaths.
//*[class="slds-show"]/button[#class="slds-button slds-button--brand slds-m-left--small"]
An xpath can easily get too complex, you can also try something like this:
//button[text()='Save & New']
These will return the exact buttons you need. If you're looking for a specific ancestor, include it in your xpath:
//div[#class="slds-show"]//button[text()='Save & New']

Using selenium, how to select a the text in a paragraph which is nested in a div element?

Sample code:
<div class="loginbox">some code</div>
<div class="loginbox">other code</div>
<div class="loginbox">
<p> style="color: Red;">Test Extract</p>
Using Selenium Web Driver, I would like to extract the text Test Extract within the paragraph element which is nested within a div, whose class name is shared with other div classes. c# preferred.
You can try below method:
You should use = inside the square braces like:
C# code to get the text from the locator specified,
IWebElement element = Browser.GetElementByCssSelector("div.loginbox p");
string text = element.Text;

How to validate Web element if xpath locator is dynamic in selenium webdriver

ID and Xpath is changing for "OK" button every time while saving(Account).
HTML Code:
<div class="modal-footer" style="display: block;">
<div class="bootstrap-dialog-footer">
<div class="bootstrap-dialog-footer-buttons">
<button id="fe02d6bd-6058-4871-b0e1-c1e914f64a6a" class="btn btn- default">Ok</button>
"ID"/XPath is not constant and it is varying while saving.
use the below code:
You can devise your own XPath locator to find the OK button by it's text content like so:
The first part of the XPath expression - //button - will select all <button> WebElements within the currently focused content.
The second part - [.='Ok'] - is a predicate that will filter out any WebElements whose exact text content is not equal to 'Ok'.
If it is the only OK button available on the page then you can probably use below code.
Else you can take a reference of parent window and locate a button on it as below
WebElement modalWin = driver.findElement(By.id("modal-window-id"));
This below code helps to click OK button in any page.
just call this method with parameter saying OK
public void buttonClick(String buttonname){
WebElemennt button = driver.findelement(by.xpath("//button[text(),'Ok']"))
WebElemennt button = driver.findelement(by.cssselector(".btn btn- default"))
for(int i=0; i<button.size;i++)
Let me know result..