Actual drag Event.getTarget() hidden by isc_EH_eventMask - smartclient

My canvas has canDragResize: true
then for dragResizeMove I'm printing isc.Event.getTarget()
But it's only returning some objected with the id isc_EH_eventMask
Can anyone shed some light on what that object is? Or how I can get the actual target?


What are the possible causes for DataBindingUtil.setContentView to return null occasionally?

The following code works perfectly at least 99.9% of the time:
FooBinding binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this,;
Occasionally, binding is null.
Could anyone shed some light on the possible causes of this? I want to give a helpful message to the user when this occurs.

pdfOutline of PDFKit in Objective-C

i try badly to extend (im a beginner with Objective-C) a pdf-viewer with PDF-included Outlines. The viewer is based on Apples PDFKit. (
Thats what i have done so far:
PDFPage *page = [_pdfDocument pageAtIndex:_pdfDocument.pageCount-1];
PDFOutline *pdfOutline = [_pdfDocument outlineRoot];
NSLog(#"LOG of pdfOutline");
NSLog(#"%#", pdfOutline);
NSLog(#"%i", pdfOutline.numberOfChildren);
Thats gives me the following Output:
[3685:9776989] LOG of pdfOutline
[3685:9776989] <PDFOutline: 0x60c000203370>
[3685:9776989] 4
So far so good, but I need somehow the labels and the page numbers in an jsonObject (its necessary cause of using it later in a react-native callback). Im even not sure what the output of "pdfOutline" is.
I really have no idea how to start. The goal is clear, generate an json-object from the outlines.
That's just given you a pointer to the object. You need to use the pdfOutline.label method to get the text of the outline's label.
Outlines don't contain a page number, but a Destination object, which you can read using the .destination method; or an Action object. A Destination is a page number, page co-ordinates, and optional zoom level. An Action may be "Go to page", or a URL, or other.
Don't forget that page numbers in PDFKit start at 0, not 1. !!

change CAMetalLayer background color

My CAMetalLayer background color is black, even if i'm assigning new color as the backgroundColor property.
Am i missing something? Thanks!
Link to the original project :
This project takes a rather unconventional approach to clearing the drawable's texture each frame: it replaces the textures contents with an array of zeros that is the same size as the texture (width * height * 4). Subsequently, it encodes some compute work that actually draws the particles. This is almost certainly not the most efficient way to achieve this effect, but if you want to make the smallest change that could possibly work (as opposed to experimenting with making the code as efficient as possible), Just fill the blankBitmapRawData array with your desired clear color (near line 82 of ParticleLab.swift).
I have gone through your code and can not see a place where you are setting background Color.
The metal layer is added as a sublayer to it, so you have to set it explicitly.
Add this line at the end of your init method in ParticialLab class and see if it works.
self.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor().CGColor
I found that self.isOpaque = false was needed on the layer.

Size argument exception

I am experiencing a first chance excpetion:
I am completely baffled what is going on here.
As I see in the inspector, Height is 732 and Width is 1114.
Looks absolutely fine to me.
Does anybody have any idea why the error might occur?
_CompanyLogo.Size gets or sets the width and height of the control. It doesn't contain the size of the control
Probably you're looking for
Dim nSize1 as Size
nSize1.Width = _CompanyLogo.Width
nSize1.Height = _CompanyLogo.Height

Knob drags beyond right boundary [More 1.5.1]

When creating a nice slider using Mootools More 1.5.1 Slider class, I noticed that the 'knob' can be dragged too far to the right.
Consider this slider scenario:
I find I am able to do this:
which is no good when the parent div has overflow:hidden set.
This occurs because the Drag object in the Slider class sets the left most x position ( limit.x[1] ) as the width of the passed in element (parent of the knob).
I would expect this limit to be the the element width minus the knob width.
I get the same problem whether the 'knob' is inside or outside the 'element' (above and below in the DOM).
The only way I could fix this was with a hack:
mySlider.drag.options.limit.x[1] -= mySlider.knob.getSize().x;
Check out this Fiddle (examples of broken and hacked).
Am I missing something here? Or should this be raised as a bug?