QTabWidget get the tab page's widgets - qt5

So I'm using PyQt5 to develop an app.
I'm able to create a new tab with a custom widget.
This widget had 3 other widgets in a custom layout, ie. a QTextEdit, a QLineEdit and a QPushButton.
I can get the QWidget for the current tab, by tabWidget.currentWidget() bt I don't understand how to get to that QLineEdit or any of the other widgets for that matter.
Can you tell me how to fix this problem?
Thanks in advance :)


How do I load detail content when row/ column is clicked

I'm practicing Jetpack Compose, I'm trying to create a screen that load texts and image content when navigated to.
Here's what I mean;
[Referencing the android developer soothe app.] If I make the rows clickable. And I want to navigate to a screen containing details of Inversions, quick yoga or stretching, depending on which is clicked.
What compose navigation feature should I use to create it??
I did a bit of research previously but I haven't been able to find what I need.
Just in case it's needed, I'll add these.
my compose navigation version;
def nav_version = "2.5.2"
implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-compose:$nav_version"
I'll be sinerely greatful for any help. Thanks in advance.
If I understood you correctly, you want to navigate to a seperate screen when you click one of the items inside the Horizontal LazyRow. In order to do this you will need to implement navigation using compose navigation library: https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/navigation
and you will need to add an onClick event for each item in that LazyRow. For this you would need to set up a NavController, Navhost and Routes for each item.
I have set up something similar but with a navigation Drawer, maybe it will help you understand how the navigation works in jetpack compose!
Navigating between composable's using a Navigation Drawer in Jetpack Compose
Hope this will help you!

Add a menu button on control bar in videojs

Hi I am using videojs player framework version 5.2.4.
I am trying to add a custom button in control bar menu. I tried code given here add item in control bar
But it seems that our version of video js is causing a problem in calling functions.
Is there any help for current version of video js? Also I want it to show/hide automatically as control bar hide and show.
Please help.

How to render the Tab container widget through code in socialengine

Hi i want to know the rendering of core.container-tabs widget through code and how the child widgets are rendered in that tab container widget in social engine
Please help me if any one knows the answer

Preventing list items from appearing until YUI3 Tabview loaded

I'm using YUI 3 tabview, and my page appears without tabs very briefly, and then the tabs appear. I found this page:
Hiding Progressively Enhanced Markup
which seems relevant, but I'm not sure how it applies to tabview.
Is there a way to prevent the display of the untabbed list until the tabs are ready?
Thanks very much!
The default style of the tab container could be set to display:none; and on your tab view creation you could then remove the display:none property
You could bind to your tabview render event and set the display on that.

Adding footer in NSTableView

I'm developing a Cocoa application for Mac. In the application, I have to add a footer to a table for adding and deleting rows like in the attached image:
Is there any default controls present for such type of footer view?
If there is no such default control, I have to use the image.
There is no such default control. you can create a custom control like this or you can get this effect by taking a image and two buttons.
You can check out Bottom bar in NSWindow for a similar problem and suggestions to solve it!