Using Atlassian QuickReload with java 7 - jira-plugin

Developing a JIRA Plugin and would like to use the QuickReload feature. However I am using the 5.0.x SDK and that uses Java 7. QuickReload appears to need Java 8. Is there a way to get this working for java 7?

I have successfully used QuickReload with Java 7 on JIRA standalone releases as far back as JIRA 6.1 (without regard to the Plugin SDK version in use).
To get this to work, you can download the QuickReload sources, build it as a JAR with atlas-mvn package, and then upload the JAR as a plugin to JIRA. Then add a to the root of your JIRA install directory and everything should work as expected.
(I suppose it's possible that newer versions of quickreload might require a higher version of Java, but this worked fine as of commit a8e25f30fbd.)


Create a old Play 2.3.1 framework (current is 2.4.3)

I'm trying to create a Play 2.3.1 framework, because the lack of info on how to get started with 2.4.3. So much has changed apparently that the tutorials on youtube is useless and I can't get it to work.
How do I do this?
I have tried to go to but all versions yield the same link to
which installs the newest playframework 2.4.3.
Please say that someone knows how to do this?
Also, why should I bother using 2.4.3 > 2.3.1 if I'm only creating a simple mobile app w/database? Security reasons or just "easier"?
Same question for IntelliJ 14 > IntelliJ 13 ? is the link you need.
When you're new to Play! it can be quite confusing so I think a bit of terminology is needed.
SBT - Scala build tool. This is a build tool that is baked into every Play! project but totally independent of Play! framework, ie. many Scala projects use this to manage their builds without ever using Play! It's just the Scala equivilient of a Maven, Gradle or Ant. Nothing special.
Activator - This is Play!'s commandline, like a build-tool++. It's commandline tool with a superset of the SBT commands clean compile etc etc, with Play! specific ones like 'new', 'run'. It actually just amounts to not much more than a script (.sh/.bat) which bootstraps SBT and some extra goodness for running play commands. In earlier versions like 1.x this command was named play. Version 2.x was a practically a re-write so you can ignore all related advice.
Play - the playframework itself is just a regular jar (and all its dependencies). It is declared in the project/plugins.sbt
So the reason all the download links point to activator-1.3.6 is because that is just the version of the commandline tool. This will default to latest: 2.4.x.
When you perform an activator new you get a choice of templates. If you REALLY REALLY want to use 2.3.x you could choose this template when prompted hello-play-2_3-scala.
But I don't suggest you do that because:
The documentation for 2.4.x is comprehensive and there are walkthrough guides, it won't take any longer than a youtube video.
There are bug fixes and new features in 2.4.x
2.4.x introduced dependency injection which means it will be harder to upgrade once you'ved developed everything in 2.3x.
Apart from dependency injection most stuff works the same in 2.4.x
Use 14. Play support is improving all the time. If you can use the Early Access Program and the latest version of the Scala plugin.
Don't run 'activator idea' - this is deprecated. File -> open project from Intellij should be enough.

cordova 3.7 in worklight 6.3

Our product is using Worklight 6.3 (which contains Cordova 3.6.3). There is apparently a bug introduced in Cordova 3.6 that doesn't allow selenium tests to be run against it. Is there a supported way we can substitute the latest version of Cordova in Worklight 6.3?
Please see the post below for the problems we're facing:
related link:
There is no way for you, as a developer using MobileFirst Platform 6.3, to replace the bundled Cordova as it will be regenerated during each build in MFP Studio.
What we can do is patch the Cordova build that is used in MFP with the fix you've linked to. What you need to do is to open a support ticket (PMR), requesting this.
Link to this question in the PMR.
#tedL I'v had to deal with Cordova bugs specific to Windows in the past. See my answer in IBM Worklight - How do I patch Cordova? on how I was able to add the patched files in to a automated Worklight build. You can try the same and hope it helps.

Where is the Grails SDK located when installed using homebrew?

I installed grails using homebrew, and I know that the files are installed in /usr/local/Cellar/grails. I'd like to reference that grails installation as a Grails SDK location in my IDE (e.g. IntelliJ), but what directory should I use?
Using Grails version 2.2.4 as an example, the correct SDK path is:
It's not /usr/local/Cellar/grails/2.2.4 as you might normally think.

Force Eclipse (Helios) to use a newer version of SWT at application runtime

I'm developing an RCP project using Eclipse-Helios.
The version of SWT that is installed (in the plugins directory) is [org.eclipse.swt-win32-3.6.2, & org.eclipse.swt.jar]
I require new API functionality that is only available from swt-3.8. (specifically, I wish to set the custom colours, for an SWT color dialog before opening.)
I have downloaded 3.8.1 from the SWT/Eclipse downloads site [ ]
The SWT download is NOT a plugin (couple of jars, and some readme files), so I am unable to add it to my "Target Platform" (it doesn't appear as an available jar even after adding the containing directory in "locations")
I was unable to find an update site for SWT (or any site where i could get a plugin for the newer version)
If I add the swt.3.8.jar to my classpath (and then increase it's order-priority in the project build-path), I am able to access the newer api functionality from my code (as well as view the source).
When I run the application however, it seems as though the runtime is still using the older SWT jar, as i get an unknown method error, when attempting to access the newer functionality.
Is there an SWT repository location that I can use to download a newer version of SWT using the eclipse install manager?
If not, is there a way I can force the runtime to ignore the older version (I assume via plugin.xml)?
Is there a better way to achieve what I am trying to do?
What is the difference between the two SWT jars currently in the helios plugins directory (as the 3.8 download only contains the win-32 version)?
Thanks in advance.
SWT is downloadable as a separate plugin here:
Eclipse 3.8 contains regular plugins including the SWT (the win32 specific as well as the generic "org.eclipse.swt_.jar"). I am currently using the 3.8 version and they appear as plugins.
I also have Eclipse 3.6 (Helios) and I was able to import the swt plugins using the "File->Import->Plug-in Development->Plug-ins and Fragments" wizard. I just specified the eclipse 3.8 directory and could import them in my workspace. Once imported I can of-course use them to be included in the runtime environment. Eclipse should use the latest version automatically.

Error Installing ESRI ArcGIS Server Java Web ADF Plug-in in Netbeans 7.x

I am very new to GIS. I wanted to use ESRI ArcGIS Server Java Web ADF Plug-in in Netbeans 7.0.1
But when I followed the installation guide/instruction, it failed to install because of some dependency version mismatch.
It shows ...........................
Some plugins require plugin Editor Library to be installed.
The plugin Editor Library is requested in version >= (release version 1) but only (of release version different from 1) was found. The following plugin is affected: ******ESRI ArcGIS Java ADF web controls NetBeans Module.
Any Suggestion to overcome this ??
FYI I am using Windows 7 64bit with 64bit JVM and Netbeans.
Thank you.
The NetBeans plugin was for ADF developers, and the ADF has been deprecated, and 10.1 will be the last release of is the link of the question asked on their official forumbeside this , as you are not a new member , but i want to tell you that atleast google them once before asking such type of simple question.I hope you are not child enough and have read the faqs as well.I am not the one who down voted you but i guess this has been down voted because of your this silly attitudeGoodluck