Where is the Grails SDK located when installed using homebrew? - intellij-idea

I installed grails using homebrew, and I know that the files are installed in /usr/local/Cellar/grails. I'd like to reference that grails installation as a Grails SDK location in my IDE (e.g. IntelliJ), but what directory should I use?

Using Grails version 2.2.4 as an example, the correct SDK path is:
It's not /usr/local/Cellar/grails/2.2.4 as you might normally think.


Unable to set up Ballerina slalpha2 as SDK in IntelliJ

I have recently reinstalled Ballerina on MacOS Catalina. My current distribution is set to slalpha2. The distribution is located in the standard place, /Library/Ballerina/distributions/ballerina-slalpha2.
I'm trying to set this up as an SDK in IntelliJ, where I'm using the Ballerina plugin, but when selecting that directory, I get the message "The selected directory is not a valid home for Ballerina SDK". I've tried a few of its subdirectories but those didn't work either. What should I be pointing it to?
Please note that the Ballerina IntelliJ plugin development is currently on hold and therefore the Swan Lake support is yet to be added.
You can still use the intellij plugin for Ballerina 1.x versions but I'm afraid your only option would be using the vscode plugin for the moment, if you are using Ballerina Swan Lake versions.

How to install Apache Directory Studio in Eclipse Neon

I cannot find how to install Apache Directory Studio under Eclipse Neon. It looks like this project requires an update. Do you have more information about this?
I installed Neon alongside Luna, then, as usual I did a File -> Import -> From existing installation. That installation failed for almost all packages. Then I tried to find Apache under the Eclipse Installer window and could not see anything. Finally I decided to add a new site and use the URL http://directory.apache.org/studio/update and that worked fine.

Using Atlassian QuickReload with java 7

Developing a JIRA Plugin and would like to use the QuickReload feature. However I am using the 5.0.x SDK and that uses Java 7. QuickReload appears to need Java 8. Is there a way to get this working for java 7?
I have successfully used QuickReload with Java 7 on JIRA standalone releases as far back as JIRA 6.1 (without regard to the Plugin SDK version in use).
To get this to work, you can download the QuickReload sources, build it as a JAR with atlas-mvn package, and then upload the JAR as a plugin to JIRA. Then add a quickreload.properties to the root of your JIRA install directory and everything should work as expected.
(I suppose it's possible that newer versions of quickreload might require a higher version of Java, but this worked fine as of commit a8e25f30fbd.)

Force Eclipse (Helios) to use a newer version of SWT at application runtime

I'm developing an RCP project using Eclipse-Helios.
The version of SWT that is installed (in the plugins directory) is [org.eclipse.swt-win32-3.6.2, & org.eclipse.swt.jar]
I require new API functionality that is only available from swt-3.8. (specifically, I wish to set the custom colours, for an SWT color dialog before opening.)
I have downloaded 3.8.1 from the SWT/Eclipse downloads site [ http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.8-201206081200/#SWT ]
The SWT download is NOT a plugin (couple of jars, src.zip and some readme files), so I am unable to add it to my "Target Platform" (it doesn't appear as an available jar even after adding the containing directory in "locations")
I was unable to find an update site for SWT (or any site where i could get a plugin for the newer version)
If I add the swt.3.8.jar to my classpath (and then increase it's order-priority in the project build-path), I am able to access the newer api functionality from my code (as well as view the source).
When I run the application however, it seems as though the runtime is still using the older SWT jar, as i get an unknown method error, when attempting to access the newer functionality.
Is there an SWT repository location that I can use to download a newer version of SWT using the eclipse install manager?
If not, is there a way I can force the runtime to ignore the older version (I assume via plugin.xml)?
Is there a better way to achieve what I am trying to do?
What is the difference between the two SWT jars currently in the helios plugins directory (as the 3.8 download only contains the win-32 version)?
Thanks in advance.
SWT is downloadable as a separate plugin here:
Eclipse 3.8 contains regular plugins including the SWT (the win32 specific as well as the generic "org.eclipse.swt_.jar"). I am currently using the 3.8 version and they appear as plugins.
I also have Eclipse 3.6 (Helios) and I was able to import the swt plugins using the "File->Import->Plug-in Development->Plug-ins and Fragments" wizard. I just specified the eclipse 3.8 directory and could import them in my workspace. Once imported I can of-course use them to be included in the runtime environment. Eclipse should use the latest version automatically.

Glassfish 3.1.2 and Eclipse

I just downloaded the Glassfish version 3.1.2, this is not yet an official release.
I need this version because my web application is using websockets.
The problem I have now is with the Glassfish plugin for eclipse, he is not recognizing the new Glassfish Version.
With the Glassfish Version 3.1.1 in Eclipse everything works fine.
I am using Oracle Glassfish Server Tools (Eclipse plugin ) version from Oracle(last version I could download).
If I try to add a new Server Runtime Environment in Eclipse for the Glassfish 3.1.2 I get the error:
There is no valid GlassFish installation in the specified directory...
I need everything to be able to debug my web application in Eclipse.
Anyone know what the plugin is checking ?
There is any change to trick the plugin so will run with Glashfish 3.1.2 too ?
Use the plugin from here (for Indigo): http://dlc.sun.com.edgesuite.net/glassfish/eclipse/indigo/
The plugin for Helios does not support 3.1.2.
If you have to live with the bits the are blessed by Oracle or keep using Helios, then you can try the following trick:
create a couple files....
${glassfish.rootdirectory}/modules/jsf-impl.jar and
These files were renamed between 3.1.1 and 3.1.2...
You may be able to get the 3.1.2 to mascarade as 3.1.1 by just
creating empty files with the above names. If that doesn't do it,
make copies of the following files should do it.
The new name for jstl-impl.jar is
The new name for jsf-impl.jar is
If you are on Helios, you can try the following:
uninstall the Glassfish 3.1.1 plugin (and all associated runtimes and servers).
go to "Install new software" and type in (for the URL): http://download.java.net/glassfish/eclipse/indigo
Though the plugin says indigo, it is also working for me in Helios. And it gives options for both Glassfish 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 servers (pre and post name changes).
Note that it downloads Glassfish itself, and installs an internal server. You can delete that one, and install your own server ("New server...") if you have an existing server you want to work with (as I did).