Bind youtube event to Hangout on air - youtube-livestreaming-api

Please, help me out. Here is an outline of what I am trying to do.
1) Create an event
2) Bind it to a stream
3) Bind the event to Google Hangouts on Air
4) Get link to Hangouts
5) Invite participants
All this I want to create via API.
I manage to create event and bind it to a stream but it is not Hangout on Air type.
With new LiveStreaming API I can create an event and bind it to a stream, which I did but I can nowhere see options to bind this newly created event to the Hangouts on Air.
However, I can easily create it via Youtube console (choosing 'Quick' type) and it will prompt me to open a Hangout app.
Is there anyway to do the same steps via API and get a hangout link?


How to make whatsapp perform actions on behalf of react-native application?

I am trying to integrate whatsapp in my react-native app. So far the resources that I have found only tell how to send a message or open whatsapp via Linkurl from react-native application. But I want to take a step further and perform action from whatsapp. Imagine like you trigger the notification and you select the Yes and No and that performs the respective actions I want to make similar functionality but on whatsapp. After a user perform certain activity from the react-native application I want to send notification on whatsapp and without opening the react-native application the user should be able to perform action. Is there a way I can achieve this functionality.
React Native/JS do not have support to 'whatsapp://' scheme.
The following Schemes Only:
mailto; //For Mailing
tel; //For Telephone
sms; //For SMS
http / https; //For Hyperlinks
You can use this method to send WhatsApp message direct to a number.<phone#>

How to create Hangouts chat message via API with a link to Video meeting

I'm trying to create Google Hangouts Chat message with a link to new Video meeting.
So far I managed to send a regular message, but I cannot find how to create a video meeting and send a link there:
msg := chat.Message {
Text: "test msg",
_, err := chatService.Spaces.Messages.Create(spaceID, &msg).Do()
if err != nil {
In the chat itself it's easily doable:
Any help will be appreciated! Thanks!
You have several options:
Include the link in a simple message:
If you include a plain link URL in your message text, such as, Hangouts Chat uses this as the link text and automatically hyperlinks that text to the specified URL.
If you don't want the link URL to show up, you can provide an alternate link text for this link, using the following syntax:
<video-meeting-url|your link text>
You can also customize your message to a higher degree by sending a card message. You can for example, provide a custom image for the meeting link, as explained here.
Before doing this, you have to create a video meeting and get its link. You cannot create a video meeting with Hangouts Chat API.
As you can see in the official documentation, Chat API can only be used to manage spaces (that is, chat rooms and direct messages), as well as its members and messages. Video meetings are not part of Hangouts Chat but of Hangouts Meet, and there is no open Hangouts Meet API.
Including links in message text
Card Messages: Image widget

Android app displaying list of video from YouTube playlist using YouTube API

I want to make an app which shows video from my YouTube channel or from my playlist using using YouTube API..
the app should be like this..
app should display list of all video in playlist and when user click on any video it should be played...
how can i do this app ?
if you know solution please send both java and xml code for this.. or send a link from where i can download source code
Checkout PlaylistItems, it returns all the videos from your playlist.
"A playlistItem resource identifies another resource, such as a video,
that is included in a playlist. In addition, the playlistItem resource
contains details about the included resource that pertain specifically
to how that resource is used in that playlist."
For Java code samples, checkout the Official Youtube api-samples/java for code reference.

"Start a Hangout on Air" button for Youtube LiveStreaming API

We've been using the as yet un-deprecated "Start a Hangout on Air" button:
to start hangouts on air on our site for several years now. Full source code at
In the last 24 hours, clicking those buttons now redirects to instructions to manually start a youtube live event:
This is a problem as manually started events will not create the hangout app that lets our community know an event is starting and provides us with important telemetry on events.
There is unfortunately no documentation in the youtube live streaming API about how to create a button that will create a youtube live streaming event, or load a plugin into that event:
We need some code similar to that provided by the hangouts api, e.g.
<script src="" async defer>
<div class="g-hangout" data-render="createhangout"
data-initial_apps="[{ app_id : '123456789012', start_data : 'dQw4w9WgXcQ', 'app_type' : 'ROOM_APP' }]">
but that will work with the new youtube streaming api. Any ideas?
The YouTube live documentation talks about being able to create a broadcast, but it seems to be only for custom "streaming" broadcasts and not hangouts:
The new events page allows us to select the "quick" type, which creates a hangout on air ( so we can create HOAs manually, but not programmatically? We would very much appreciate clarity from Google on this.
It seems that support for Hangout on Air Buttons, creation of HOAs via API has been dropped no?
Note that Google is specifically requesting support questions for the Youtube LiveStream API are posted to StackOverflow:
The functionality all started working again after a 3 week break. We're not sure if Google changed anything. There were no changes on our end. Buttons for starting HOA's have been stable now for the last two months or so ...

Is there anyway to have hangouts outside google+?

Is there any way by which we can have a hangout session within our webapp, say in an iframe ?
I was about to experiment with hangout api, but going by existing apps on hangout, it seems they can only be viewed and used from within Google+.
Is there a work around where I can make the user feel that hangout is a part of my app rather than my app being part of the hangout ?
There's no way to embed a hangout into your web application, but you can use the hangout button to launch a hangout app. This allows you to integrate features and data from your web application into a hangout.
The hangout button is made up of an image and a hangout launching link. It comes in a few sizes. Here's the code for the smallest size (75x19 px)
<a href="" style="text-decoration:none;">
<img src=""
alt="Start a Hangout"
In this snippet you must substitute APP_ID with your application's ID from the API console. When you are viewing your project you'll find the application ID at the end of the URL.
Currently, there's no way of embedding a Hangout app in your web application. But, there's an opened issue tracker where you can add your comments about the need of this feature and Google might release it in their future API releases.