Is there anyway to have hangouts outside google+? - google-plus

Is there any way by which we can have a hangout session within our webapp, say in an iframe ?
I was about to experiment with hangout api, but going by existing apps on hangout, it seems they can only be viewed and used from within Google+.
Is there a work around where I can make the user feel that hangout is a part of my app rather than my app being part of the hangout ?

There's no way to embed a hangout into your web application, but you can use the hangout button to launch a hangout app. This allows you to integrate features and data from your web application into a hangout.
The hangout button is made up of an image and a hangout launching link. It comes in a few sizes. Here's the code for the smallest size (75x19 px)
<a href="" style="text-decoration:none;">
<img src=""
alt="Start a Hangout"
In this snippet you must substitute APP_ID with your application's ID from the API console. When you are viewing your project you'll find the application ID at the end of the URL.

Currently, there's no way of embedding a Hangout app in your web application. But, there's an opened issue tracker where you can add your comments about the need of this feature and Google might release it in their future API releases.


How to implement customized unfurling (preview snippets) with quick links?

We generate quick links in our iOS app that are supposed to point to specific content within the app. When a quick link is shared via a messaging app that supports preview snippets, we want the snippet to display custom content depending on the parameters passed when our iOS app generates a link.
For example, user wants to share an audio, the app generates a link which is then posted in a messaging app or social media. We want the preview snippet to reflect specific title/subtitle and image related to that audio.
We use a custom domain name for Branch links if that matters.
What is the right way to achieve this?
You can use Link Preview for achieving this functionality. It will enable the link to display content as a preview card in Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, iMessage, etc. This card can contain a title, description and image (that you append in the link as OG Tags such as $og_title, $og_description, and $og_image_url) .

"Start a Hangout on Air" button for Youtube LiveStreaming API

We've been using the as yet un-deprecated "Start a Hangout on Air" button:
to start hangouts on air on our site for several years now. Full source code at
In the last 24 hours, clicking those buttons now redirects to instructions to manually start a youtube live event:
This is a problem as manually started events will not create the hangout app that lets our community know an event is starting and provides us with important telemetry on events.
There is unfortunately no documentation in the youtube live streaming API about how to create a button that will create a youtube live streaming event, or load a plugin into that event:
We need some code similar to that provided by the hangouts api, e.g.
<script src="" async defer>
<div class="g-hangout" data-render="createhangout"
data-initial_apps="[{ app_id : '123456789012', start_data : 'dQw4w9WgXcQ', 'app_type' : 'ROOM_APP' }]">
but that will work with the new youtube streaming api. Any ideas?
The YouTube live documentation talks about being able to create a broadcast, but it seems to be only for custom "streaming" broadcasts and not hangouts:
The new events page allows us to select the "quick" type, which creates a hangout on air ( so we can create HOAs manually, but not programmatically? We would very much appreciate clarity from Google on this.
It seems that support for Hangout on Air Buttons, creation of HOAs via API has been dropped no?
Note that Google is specifically requesting support questions for the Youtube LiveStream API are posted to StackOverflow:
The functionality all started working again after a 3 week break. We're not sure if Google changed anything. There were no changes on our end. Buttons for starting HOA's have been stable now for the last two months or so ...

Does Chrome or Firefox have an API whereby we can display a badge on the taskbar/dock icon?

I'm working on a web app that does notifications much the same as Twitter, Facebook, and StackOverflow.
When there are async notifications sent to the notification area on these websites, you'll notice that usually the <title> is also updated to reflect the notification.
<title>(3) Twitter / Home</title>
I'm wondering if either Firefox or Chome have a Badge api whereby we can send a badge to the dock/taskbar that sums up all of the notifications (much the same as Apple I am fairly confident that IE wouldn't have this.
So if the browser has a twitter notification,
It would also have a dock notification
note, these graphics are OS X, but my question is generic... ie: all OS platforms
My personal vision for this would be to add a meta tag to the page when the notification is sent to the client.
<meta notification-badge="3" />
If there is not an API for this, is there a way to swap out the browser icon asynchronously to achieve the same effect?
I didn't realize this was an apple-specific question until I saw the graphic. The answer is "No", browsers do not have Apple OS-specific APIs. You would have to write your own client application to get this effect.

How to integrate facebook fan page within an iphone app?

I want to integrate facebook fan page in my game with out leaving the game. And I also want to detect If any one like that app, I mean I want to detect "like" button pressed or not.I view this tutorial But there is only instruction to add the like button,but o detection if any one tapped the button or not.
Any one help me please.Sample code or tutorial may help a lot.
Thanks in advance.
The Facebook API on iOS is meant to redirect the user on the Facebook app (or website when the app is missing) in order to grant access for the like itself. This needs to be done at least once.
In order to gather information about who is liking what you can set up whatever log or backend functionality to the Facebook app that you have to create to activate the like functionality on your iOS app.

How can I post a video, via Facebook's Connect API, to my Facebook profile page?

Has anyone posted a video via the Facebook Connect API to their profile / feed page?
Ideally, the video should be queued to the first frame with the superimposed Facebook's blue right arrow "play" button. Or if a thumbnail representing the video has to also be uploaded (rather than the video being queued to the first frame) as well, this is fine.
Also, when the video, or thumbnail, on the profile page is clicked, the video plays where it is - rather than going to another page off Facebook to be played there.
The question may have not been correctly worded. The term "API" was misleading to a couple of folks - and I apologize for that.
What I was trying to do was to "share" a video by linking it in Facebook, AND to have it play in the profile feed (ie. to not leave the Facebook site while viewing the video - just like YouTube and do).
After digging into the JavaScript that Hulu was using to get this behavior, we noticed that a link tag was missing between our version of the <meta> and <link> tags, and Hulu's.
Facebook's web page,, was missing a tag that you should have if the content is a video, and you want it played in the profile feed.
Along with:
<link rel="video_src" href=""/> ...
You should include:
<link rel="media:video" href=""/>
That will get it to play in the feed. BUT, your domain name must be whitelisted.
To get your domain whitelisted, fill out this form:
I got a reply, and approval, within a day! Kudos to the Facebook developer support staff!
Use the Video.upload as described by stevedbrown or the Stream API or if you want to go simple share the link via API or share link.
Have you read the Facebook developer wiki page on this? That explains what is possible and how, it's pretty decent.