How to get names in alphabetic order in Yii - yii

In my Yii web application, having student table for saving student details. I want to student name in alphabetical order when retrieve data from student table.
public function defaultScope() {
return array("order" => "student_firstname");
I tried this function, but not working properly.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.

you can use the defaultOrder property of CSort. For example...
$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Example', array(

In model's search method for data provider try to set default order, like this:
$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(
'defaultOrder'=> 'student_firstname ASC'

In model's search method for data provider try to set default order, like this:
return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(


how to convert query with multiple group by columns to CActiveDataProvider in Yii 1.1.14?

I need to conver this sql statement that has a multi column group by clause into CActiveDataProvider in Yii version 1.1.4?
select * from my_table_name group by bookname,categorytitle,bookkey order by bookname,categorytitle,bookkey asc;
I need a CActiveDataProvider to feed a CGridView search function. Apparently, I only have a simple return in my model of the search function that runs my CGridView
return new CActiveDataProvider(get_class($this),
'criteria' => $criteria,
'sort' => array(
'defaultOrder' => 'id ASC'
'pagination' => array('pageSize' => ActiveRecord::PAGE_SIZE),
so how to convert the sql statement that I gave into CActiveDataProvider format ?
You can do using two way -
Make sql view and than create yii model and use this in your
controller or page view.
Create custom search function in your existing model and use group by
e.g. -
public function new_search(){
$criteria = new CDbCriteria();
$criteria->group = "bookname, categorytitle, bookkey";
$criteria->order = "bookname, categorytitle, bookkey";
return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(

CListView filtering by value

is there a parameter that I can use with ClistView to get the commments of a given post_id
<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(
)); ?>
I'd like to add post_id = value in order to only list the comment with the given post_id
I put a search function in my comment model
public function search()
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
return new CActiveDataProvider('Comment', array(
'defaultOrder'=>'status, create_time DESC',
Thank in advance for your help. I cannot find in the documentation.

cgridveiw to display fetched data via customized query

I am a newbei in yii, when a person clicks on a category display him all products under that particular category in a gridview
<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
)); ?>
public function actionProductcategory($id)
$model= Product::model()->SelectedCategoryProducts($id);
public function SelectedCategoryProducts($id)
$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Product', array(
return $dataProvider;
Property "CActiveDataProvider.sellerSelectedCategoryProducts" is not defined.
PLEASE HELP! I am losing my mind on this ... not able to display in gridview.
Pass $id to your view file.
Then pass id to model function in ccgridview function.
Hope this might help
Controller file
public function actionProductcategory($id)
$model=new Product;
In View file
change them to lowercase which are your original column names
$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Product', array(
this can retrieve needed data.... first check that data is perfect ... is it right after that take second step....

Accessing field in related table through Foreign Key in Yii

I have three tables
1. tbl_employee: id(PK), name, position_id(FK), type_id(FK)
2. tbl_position: id, position
3. tbl_type : id, type
I want to display records in field position like what sql does below.
SELECT, tbl_position.position
FROM tbl_employee, tbl_position
WHERE tbl_employee.position_id = AND tbl_position.position LIKE '%Designer';
In my EmployeeController
public function actionIndex(){
$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Employee', array(
'select'=>', tbl_position',
'condition'=>"tbl_position.position LIKE '%Designer'",
and in my models
public function relations(){
// NOTE: you may need to adjust the relation name and the related
// class name for the relations automatically generated below.
return array(
'position' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Position', 'position_id'),
'type' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Type', 'type_id'),
and this is my view
<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array(
)); ?>
The error I've got is:
Active record "Employee" is trying to select an invalid column "tbl_position".
Note, the column must exist in the table or be an expression with alias.
How can I access position field in tbl_position by using join?What is the correct syntax for achieving that purpose.
Many thanks
'select'=>', position.position',
'condition'=>"position.position LIKE '%Designer'",
$model = TblEmployee::model()->with('position','type')->findall(array("condition"=>"position.position LIKE '%Designer'"));
Here I find the solution, but actually your answer was very close
public function actionIndex(){
$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Employee', array(
'condition'=>"position.position LIKE '%Designer'",

Cgridview with data from 2 unrelated models

I am slowly advancing yii
Not how to apply this:
I have a CGridView which shows me data from 3 related tables
I do it this way (modify the default generated by the crud:
model tabla1
public function search()
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->with = array('tabla2','tabla3');
$criteria->together = true;
return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(
The view
<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
This shows me everything works perfect.
The problem is that I want to use two more tables that are not related, they are tabla4 and tabla5 and aggregate data from both tables to Cgridview.
  as can be done for linking data to table1 to be unrelated to tabla4 and tabla5?
Greetings and thanks