XLS Report error in odoo - odoo

I want to generate my own excel report using Excel report engine in odoo 8.
I am trying code which is place in this link
How can i generate xls report in odoo
but i am getting below error:
coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, type found <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>,coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, type found,<traceback object at 0x07366CD8>
Someone please tell me about this error. I'll be very thankful to you...!

Ok, Question resolved. type field was not exist in tree view therefore this error occurred, thanks.


I have two types of Errors in Blazor Server that appear in razor.g.cs files (upgrading to preview 9)

I created a preview 9 server blazor project and attempted to convert an existing preview 6 to it, Using a guide that is public in the internet. I get two types of errors (35 errors) that appears in razor.g.cs files:
Error CS1662 Cannot convert lambda expression to intended delegate type because some of the return types in the block are not implicitly convertible to the delegate return type BlazorStore9 C:...\obj\Debug\netcoreapp3.0\Razor\Pages\Admin\EditProductComponents\AddEditProductDescriptionImage.razor.g.cs
Error CS1503 Argument 6: cannot convert from 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.EventCallback' to 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.EventCallback' BlazorStore9 C:...\obj\Debug\netcoreapp3.0\Razor\Pages\Admin\EditProductComponents\AddEditProductDescriptionImage.razor.g.cs 326 Active
I managed to solve all the errors (thousands) based on that guide, but finally stop here, how do I solve this?
The error raised because new Radzen file input version expects a TValue="string" attribute for setting up its callback.

Odoo error after installing xls report

I added xls engine and webkit addons. I am using Windows 2008 server. When I try to print ledger reports, it gives the following error:
Required report does not exist: account.account_report_general_ledger_xls
<type 'exceptions.Exception'>,Required report does not exist: account.account_report_general_ledger_xls,<traceback object at 0x1030CE40
Can any one guide me what im doing wrong? I did the same steps on another windows 7 server, its not giving me any error.
It seems that odoo can't find the report. Did you try an update all? Or take a look and try to find the report in database.

workflow task summary throwing error specified cast is not valid using spmetal layer

I have created share point data access layer with spmetal, everything is works fine but when I try to query with task summary list through SPMETAL it throws error I tried several techniques to cast , directly use this Iqueryable list but as I try to access it, "it throws error specified cast is not valid"
Any help or clue why is throwing this error
Its solved by changing the types of event type to string and duration field with double .
that error was produced by SPMETAL wrong mapping while generating the layer form SharePoint.

What is the reason behind this Error?

I have faced a problem when converting the access .mdb file data to CSV.I got this error "The command or action 'TransferText' isn't available now" when doing the transferText with the inbuild function.
The code was written like this
Access_Application_definst.DoCmd.TransferText(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.AcTextTransferType.acExportDelim, , "employee", <FileName>, True)
May I know the reason behind this error ? Already TransferText is a inbuilt function?

Getting mapping error. After dragging table with xml fields into dbml file and then compiling

"Error 1 DBML1005: Mapping between DbType 'Xml' and Type 'System.Xml.Linq.XElement' in Column 'XML_LAYOUT' of Type 'QUEST_BLOCK' is not supported."
The above is the error am getting. What am doing is dragging a table with xml fields as columns from server explorer into a dbml file. After that when i compile i am getting the above error. Now after that i changed server datatype to blank. Now the program compiles successfully. But at runtime if i query the table directly using WCF in silverlight the function is showing error. After a debug i found that the select statement on the table is returning the rows in the funtiion, however the error is produced in the reference file in the following function.
Public Function EndGetQuestionListRecord1(ByVal result As System.IAsyncResult) As ServiceReference1.QUEST_BLOCK Implements ServiceReference1.Medex.EndGetQuestionListRecord1
Dim _args((0) - 1) As Object
Dim _result As ServiceReference1.QUEST_BLOCK = CType(MyBase.EndInvoke("GetQuestionListRecord1", _args, result),ServiceReference1.QUEST_BLOCK)
Return _result
End Function
Hope someone around here could resolve this error...
rideonscreen, recently I started getting the same type of error. In my case I get it dragging a stored procedure with a XML input parameter.
I wonder whether you managed to resolve the issue and how.
I googled and found some articles:
"devenv /resetskippkgs" helps, but next day the issue appears again.
What is also interesting that I do not touch the LINQ2SQL model (dbml file) at all. The code there is the same for a long time. The issues is definitely exclusively related to Visual Studio.
P.S. I am thinking to migrate to EF.