Getting mapping error. After dragging table with xml fields into dbml file and then compiling - wcf

"Error 1 DBML1005: Mapping between DbType 'Xml' and Type 'System.Xml.Linq.XElement' in Column 'XML_LAYOUT' of Type 'QUEST_BLOCK' is not supported."
The above is the error am getting. What am doing is dragging a table with xml fields as columns from server explorer into a dbml file. After that when i compile i am getting the above error. Now after that i changed server datatype to blank. Now the program compiles successfully. But at runtime if i query the table directly using WCF in silverlight the function is showing error. After a debug i found that the select statement on the table is returning the rows in the funtiion, however the error is produced in the reference file in the following function.
Public Function EndGetQuestionListRecord1(ByVal result As System.IAsyncResult) As ServiceReference1.QUEST_BLOCK Implements ServiceReference1.Medex.EndGetQuestionListRecord1
Dim _args((0) - 1) As Object
Dim _result As ServiceReference1.QUEST_BLOCK = CType(MyBase.EndInvoke("GetQuestionListRecord1", _args, result),ServiceReference1.QUEST_BLOCK)
Return _result
End Function
Hope someone around here could resolve this error...

rideonscreen, recently I started getting the same type of error. In my case I get it dragging a stored procedure with a XML input parameter.
I wonder whether you managed to resolve the issue and how.
I googled and found some articles:
"devenv /resetskippkgs" helps, but next day the issue appears again.
What is also interesting that I do not touch the LINQ2SQL model (dbml file) at all. The code there is the same for a long time. The issues is definitely exclusively related to Visual Studio.
P.S. I am thinking to migrate to EF.


Error message when using UDF and javascript - The project ____ has not enabled BigQuery

In BigQuery console I created a UDF function (language js) and now trying to call it from a saved query. I tried referencing the UDF with projectID.dataset.UDF_Name (same as I am using the for referencing vies/tables). When I click Run in UI I got an error:
"The project XXX has not enabled BigQuery"
I checked the BigQuery API and it says enabled.
When I only used dataset.UDF_Name for reference the query worked but I can save it as view getting another error: Bad routine reference "dataset.UDF_Name()"; routine references in standard SQL views require explicit project IDs
So clearly, the right approach is to use the projectID.dataset.UDF_Name() format but I can't figure out how to get rid of the "The project XXX has not enabled BigQuery" error.
Any help, much appreciated.

ssis Package validation error ole db source failed

I am getting the following error when I try and run my package. I am new to ssis. Any suggestions. Tahnks
Package Validation Error (Package Validation Error)
Error at Data Flow Task [SSIS.Pipeline]: "OLE DB Source" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA".
Error at Data Flow Task [SSIS.Pipeline]: One or more component failed validation.
Error at Data Flow Task: There were errors during task validation.
Program Location:
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Project.DataTransformationsPackageDebugger.ValidateAndRunDebugger(Int32 flags, IOutputWindow outputWindow, DataTransformationsProjectConfigurationOptions options)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Project.DataTransformationsProjectDebugger.LaunchDtsPackage(Int32 launchOptions, ProjectItem startupProjItem, DataTransformationsProjectConfigurationOptions options)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Project.DataTransformationsProjectDebugger.LaunchActivePackage(Int32 launchOptions)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Project.DataTransformationsProjectDebugger.LaunchDtsPackage(Int32 launchOptions, DataTransformationsProjectConfigurationOptions options)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Project.DataTransformationsProjectDebugger.Launch(Int32 launchOptions, DataTransformationsProjectConfigurationOptions options)
VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA shows up when the underlying data behind one of the tasks changes. The fastest solution will probably be to just delete and re-create each element which is throwing an error.
How about disabling validation checks?
Like if you right click on source or destination component and select properties then you will have the property named validateExternalMetadata put that as false and try.
This Solution is working for me.
This normally occurs if there has been a change to your schema, not to stress, just double click on your input and output and it should resolve itself
Make sure your connection is valid. If you are using dynamic connections, then try to set the option "delay validation" = true on the package or dataflow.
In my case destination table structure was not matching with matadata in OLEDB component. I added the missing column which i forgot to add and after that it was fixed.
After researching a bit (check to extract your own conclusions: this and this one), I think I've found a nice workaround for when the problem with the metadata comes from a Ole DB object, but only for a very specific case.
The thing is that when you change your columns names / remove columns / add columns, you can't do anything but update the metadata.
However, if you use a SQL query to retrieve the data from the object, in the case that you don't need to update the query itself, you won't need to update the metadata if the query still can ask for what it wants. Basically, if the query is still valid.
I've tried it within my own ETL, and changed an Ole DB object which was reading the data from an Excel file, targeting one sheet and then I had all the columns selected in the tab.
Changing it for an SQL query to retrieve the full sheet like:
SELECT * FROM ['Sheet_Name$']
Solved completely the case for me, even introducing files with different metadata in headers.

workflow task summary throwing error specified cast is not valid using spmetal layer

I have created share point data access layer with spmetal, everything is works fine but when I try to query with task summary list through SPMETAL it throws error I tried several techniques to cast , directly use this Iqueryable list but as I try to access it, "it throws error specified cast is not valid"
Any help or clue why is throwing this error
Its solved by changing the types of event type to string and duration field with double .
that error was produced by SPMETAL wrong mapping while generating the layer form SharePoint.

Reporting Server throws an error for RunEmbeddedQuery method for XML data source

This the scenario have. There's an SSRS server that has a report where the datasource is of type XML and it uses windows authentication, nothing else to it. Inside the report there's a dataset that uses that data source with this for a query "=Code.ReportUser.GetListOfItems()". This calls a method in the custom assembly that connects to the database and returns data in a string formated like this (angle brackets changed to curly for read
"<Query><XmlData><Items>" + xmlDocument.DocumentElement.InnerXml + "</Items></XmlData></Query>"
where sql datatable is written into the xmlDocument. If I go to the reporting server through an IE and run the report everything works as it should. The Problem occures when add this link to Zangle application which runs it as " 'report's url'". I believe its a foxpro app that opens a browser object and report fails on the dataset that uses my xml data source. There's no question about url or reports correctness because it functions in a different environment.
This is the server error i get:
Call to GetPermissionsAction(path to my report).
Call to GetSystemPropertiesAction().
Call to GetPropertiesAction(path to my report, PathBased).
Call to GetSystemPermissionsAction().
Call to GetSystemPropertiesAction().
e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: ,
Error during processing of the CommandText expression of dataset ‘Items’.;
e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: ,
Cannot set the command text for dataset 'Items'. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException:
Error during processing of the CommandText expression of dataset ‘Items’.
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.OnDemandProcessing.RuntimeDataSet.RunEmbeddedQuery(Boolean& readerExtensionsSupported, Boolean& readerFieldProperties, List`1 queryParams, Object[] paramValues)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---;
I'm not sure what this means exactly. Any thoughts? it looks like a permission issue but i don't understand where. I did try to change xml data source authentication from windows to none and then add my AD account as an execution user on the reporting server. This didnt' change anything still working from browser but from Zangle browser object. One more thing, server requires authentication and all the report regardless of the environment promt for login and successfully authenticate so my credentials seems to pass to the server and only my xml data source is throwing an error when launched from with Zangle. Please share your ideas. I'm a programmer but I'm not too server stuff savy and I'm new to SSRS. Thank you.
Resolved. Turns out that foxpro app lowercases everything and the name of the sql server passed to the assembly doesn't match the name stored in the assembly. Silly :) So we'll be lowercase comparing everything from now on.

Problem during SQL Bulk Load

we've got a real confusing problem. We're trying to test an SQL Bulk Load using a little app we've written that passes in the datafile XML, the schema, and the SQL database connection string.
It's a very straight-forward app, here's the main part of the code:
objBL.ConnectionString = "provider=sqloledb;Data Source=SERVER\\SERVER; Database=Main;User Id=Username;Password=password;";
objBL.BulkLoad = true;
objBL.CheckConstraints = true;
objBL.ErrorLogFile = "error.xml";
objBL.KeepIdentity = false;
objBL.Execute("schema.xml", "data.xml");
As you can see, it's very simple but we're getting the following error from the library we're passing this stuff to: Interop.SQLXMLBULKLOADLib.dll.
The message reads:
Failure: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory has been corrupted
We have no idea what's causing it or what it even means.
Before this we first had an error because SQLXML4.0 wasn't installed, so that was easy to fix. Then there was an error because it couldn't connect to the database (wrong connection string) - fixed. Now there's this and we are just baffled.
Thanks for any help. We're really scratching our heads!
I am not familiar with this particular utility (Interop.SQLXMLBULKLOADLib.dll), but have you checked that your XML validates to its schema .xsd file? Perhaps the dll could have issues with loading the xml data file into memory structures if it is invalid?
I try to understand your problem ,but i have more doubt in that,
If u have time try access the below link ,i think it will definitely useful for you
link text
I know I did something that raised this error message once, but (as often happens) the problem ended up having nothing to do with the error message. Not much help, alas.
Some troubleshooting ideas: try to determine the actual SQL command being generated and submitted by the application to SQL Server (SQL Profiler should help here), and run it as "close" to the database as possible--from within SSMS, using SQLCMD, direct BCP call, whatever is appropriate. Detailing all tests you make and the results you get may help.