Accidentally dismissed the decompiler prompt in Intellij Idea, how can I enable it? - intellij-idea

I accidentally dismissed the decompiler license agreement (pressed Escape) in Intellij Idea when it first popped up. How can I turn this feature back on as it seems not to work and the setting to reset this is nowhere to be found?

Instead of wasting time and panicking - just restart your IDE and it'll prompt you again.


Tool window quick access doesn't work in IntelliJ IDEA Sometimes

I'am Using IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3.5 (Ultimate Edition)
I've been going through all the documents from JetBrains, but I couldn't find how to show my tool windows. Sometimes IDEA behaves unexpectedly by not giving me a way to show my tool windows. I've tried to access them using my usual keyboard shortcuts, Find action feature or by clicking this icon
But unfortunately, IDEA does not give me any response.
By the way, it works If I completely shutdown IDEA, but I can't do that when I am in the middle of a keynote since it takes time to reboot.
How can I fix the issue?

Intellij 2018.2 stops working and exits on MacOs. What might be a problem?

As an daily IntelliJ user you usually concentrate on the projects you are working on and IntelliJ is just a tool. You are not willing to dig into tool's problem itself. But this is what is forced on you by default after IntelliJ installation on MacOS and opening relatively big project(most of the projects nowadays are huge and have thousands of files and use numbers of IntelliJ 3rd party plugins).
Here is a minimal list of actions. IntelliJ must have set MORE RAM to be used by default.
Read: .
From IntelliJ open Help / Show log in Finder and open idea.log file with; In press "Reload" and "Now" buttons to track "live" what IntelliJ is doing.
If in logs of IntelliJ you find that some of the plugins exit with fatal error, you just uninstall those plugins. For me the one that failed to the moment of this answer was "BashSupport" as example.
Start ; Run command: open -a TextEdit /Applications/IntelliJ\ ; Change options in idea.vmoptions file to:
-Xmx2048m ; Read to see how you can tune IntelliJ for your project. This step is handy when your IntelliJ app doesn't start at all and you want to change properties in a global way.
From IntelliJ open Help / Edit Custom Properties.... Here you can set same properties that will override global and will work only for current OS user.
Also there is also a possibility of underlying OS to do it voodoo magic so the IntelliJ won't work as it should like here -
Make sure your project build output for *.class files is set. Read: . In my case when IntelliJ started project build it terminated without warnings shortly after.
Finally in my case none of 6 steps above solved the issue so I found this read: . Basically try reinstall IntelliJ from original distribution again.
I know that you must read every time you install a new version of IntelliJ, but why not to add some consistency into configuration process of the main java process that runs IntelliJ itself? You can ask how much ram to use during installation of IntelliJ and explain why it is so. Then Help digging won't be necessary in the first place for devs who fed up with changing those default settings that will be always more than 700MB. I think for most devs out there it is at least 10x of that. I bet what makes most devs mad about this is not the fact that you need to do some options changing, but where those options are depending on OS plus the fact that you simply forget why IntelliJ app just exits while you are doing a debugging of your own app. I bet this problem makes us mad since first java based IDEs appeared. User-friendly is the key here and explicit reminders within the app itself would help.

Prevent groovysh from stealing focus on macOS

When launching the Groovy REPL, groovysh, it also launches a separate support app that appears in the dock. This app thus steals focus meaning I can't start typing into the groovysh interpreter immediately; I need to click back to the terminal to get focus there again.
Is there a way to disable this behaviour or should I make a bug report? I found this old ticket which sounds promising but the focus theft persists.
This worked for me:
groovysh -Djava.awt.headless=true

Android Studio Freezes

I use Android Studio 0.8.6 for Android Development, and when I'm editing a file, it will freeze, and I have to restart computer to close it, since System Monitor (I am on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS) won't close it. It's always the same file I'm editing, this never happens with any other file. It shouldn't matter, but the name of the file is sun_vertex_shader.glsl. There's no error, or log output, or anything.
Here's exactly what happens - I'm typing in the file, the cursor freezes, stops blinking, and the mouse pointer is an I-beam, no matter where in the window I move it. The window doesn't close when I press the X, and when I restart my computer and open Android Studio again, I start editing the file and seconds later, it happens again.
I know you probably can't help me without any error logs, but I couldn't find any. If you know where I could find them, I will post them here.
I found out what is causing this: the GLSL plugin I downloaded from here is causing Studio to freeze, as I have read in the comments.
Please check your system Date/Time and correct it, this problem occurred if your system date does not match with current date.

Intellij 13.0.2 is always on top

I recently upgraded from Intellij 12 to 13.0.2 on a Windows XP PC. Apart from minor settings like toolbar missing etc rest looks fine.
However the most annoying issue is that Intellij doesn't allow any other window to be on top of it. If I open a browser, it automatically goes behind the Intellij window.
I already tried setting the "Always on top" to false.
I know it sounds very trivial and stupid, but is there some setting that I need to change ?
Try to restart your IDE - this should normally solve the problem.
It seems to be an error in the IDE that will probably be fixed soon. Since there is this simple workaround, it might take a while till they fix it.