splashscreen issue with iOS 9.3 but ok with 8.1 - objective-c

My current issue is the following I'm using the "Default.png" nomenclature in order to have a splashcreen following the device's language.
In iOS 8.1 there's no issue (at least on simu 4,4s,5, 5s,6..) but with iOS 9.3 (simu AND device from 5 to 6+), the splash screen doesn't appear and the application has the "size" of an iPhone 4 application.
I'm using the last version of Xcode and the project was an old project (iOS6) upgrade to iOS8 following the client requirements.
Any clue ?
my splashscreens for the following formats
320x480 640x960 640x1136 750x1334 1242x2208


Titanium SDK 3.5 not adding Splash Screen for iPhone 5

I was using SDK3.4.1 and the build was fine for iPhone, I submitted it successfully on iTunes Connect using Application Loader, but since SDK 3.4.1 doesn't support 64bit it got rejected. I upgraded my sdk to 3.5.0 but this time although I have splash screen present for iPhone 5 (Default-568h#2x.png) but it's keep giving me error that the binary is not iPhone 5 optimized and the splash screen is missing. I'va cleaned, created new project and done everything but cannot solve this problem. Any Help?
Thank you

App runs on iOS7 simulator, but changing simulator to iOS8 it doesn't recognize CoreData store

I have an iPad app, XCode 6, iOS 7, Storyboards and ARC. If I change the target to 7.x, the app works fine on the simulator running 7.0.
However, if I change the simulator to 8.0, the app doesn't recognize the CoreData store created when running under 7.x (the store is still there, just not found when running on the 8.0 simulator.) Also, none of the objects (UIButtons, UITextboxes, etc) show up either!
I don't have iOS 8 installed on my iPad (afraid stuff like this will affect my users), but the question is: just because something doesn't run on the simulator v8.0, does that mean that setting the lowest target to iOS 7, it won't run on the device if it is running iOS 8?
The iOS 7 simulator is on a separate (virtual) machine from the iOS 8 simulator. So any data you created one of these machines, will not be found on the other.

although ios 6.1 as base sdk xcode 5 build ipa for ios 7

i changed the base sdk for iOS 6.1 in xcode 5 .
When i simulate my project on a iOS 6.1 simulator or on a iOS 6.1 device
all works fine. But when i build a ipa and install it on a iOS 7 device
the device use the iOS 7 sdk and my hole app looks weird. I changed my base
sdk for iOS 6.1, so why use my device the iOS 7 sdk?
I read that iOS 7 use the iOS 6.1 sdk for old published apps.
What do i have to do that iOS 7 also do that for my app?
My only idea is to install xcode 4 again...
I have experienced the same problem - unfortunately only discovered AFTER submitting to the app store and the app being approved and released, causing all sorts of mayhem due to interface glitches.
The issue occurs due to a bug in XCode 5 (including in XCode 5.0.2 it seems) that is triggered when you install older SDKs.
When you have multiple SDKs installed, you will see that when you connect your device to XCode, there are multiple entries for your device, with no way to tell them apart. But it appears that the TOP entry is for the OLDEST SDK you have installed, the BOTTOM one for the NEWEST SDK.
I have found that if I first use "Test" project option to run the app on the device with the SDK I want to use (in my case the top entry, which is for iOS6.1 SDK), then that is the SDK that will subsequently be used when I archive the app.
You can have both xcode 5 and 4.6.3 installed.
Also a lot of post say that in the simulator it look iOS7 but on device it will look iOS6.1 if you set the base sdk to 6.1
Is it possible to install iOS 6 SDK on Xcode 5?
Do apple allow custom iOS 5/6 style UI for iOS7?

iOS 4.2 with XCode 4.2 - Catch 22?

I want to keep Deployment Target to 4.2, to support iPhone 3G/S, as that device cannot upgrade it's iOS to any higher. I kept my XCode in version 4.2 and the Base SDK as iOS 5.0, as the newer versions do not support older iOS's.
My app gets rejected with the message:
iPhone 5 Optimization Requirement - Your binary is not optimized for
iPhone 5. New iPhone apps and app updates submitted targeting iOS 6
and above must support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5 and must include
a launch image with the -568h size modifier [...]
So I add the launch image Default-568h#2x.png. But then I get rejected with the following message instead:
Invalid Launch Image - Your app contains a launch image with a size
modifier that is only supported for apps built with the iOS 6.0 SDK or
It seems like a catch 22. Do I have to change my SDK, and to what? Am I doing something wrong, or can I simply not deliver to iOS 4.2 any longer?

iOS 5 Screen size without using default-568#2x.png

I am using iOS 6, and have set the deployment target as 5.0. But Appstore does not allow default-568#2x.png with iOS version lower than 6. Is there any way to handle the screen size of 4 inch screen without using default image?
To be able to start with the 4inch size on the iPhone 5 you have to add a Default-568#2x.png splash screen and compile with the iOS 6 SDK.
Of course you can still use you deployment target to 5.0+ while you are building your app with the iOS 6 SDK as base SDK (the deployment target and the base SDK are 2 different things, with the iOS 6 SDK you can target iOS 4.3+)
If you add a iPhone 5 splash screen and you're using the iOS 5 SDK as base SDK, you app will be rejected.
A short tips: try to create a new project with the latest Xcode version and you will find a basic Default-568#2x.png black splash screen which will allow you to start on the iPhone 5 screen size without artwork.