How to display an image and two labels in a three column UITableView? - objective-c

I need to display multiple columns in my UITableView. The first column, will be an Image, and the next two will be a label. How can I do that programmatically?
For Example:
MyImage Text#1 Text#2
Image Another Sample

You try with custom cell and then put a 3 views over there or taken directly UIImageView and Two UILabel. It is More easy.


How do I control the direction in which my UILabel Expands?

I have several Buttons each with three UILabels alongside them, half of these buttons two labels to the left as shown below. Each label has a number within it between 1 and 3 digits and will expand (using the UIView method 'sizeToFit') to fit this number. However when the labels are on the left the view overlaps the button when it expands. How can I fix this?

Auto Resize UITableViewCell when a view is added to it

I have a table view where in each cell i want to add various fields dynamically as i fetch them from a web service. each cell will have different information represented by different fields.
My question is how do I set the height of the cell dynamically for each cell with different number of fields which gets added in my cell. Each field will be displayed using a label that will be added to the cell view.

How to detect how many cells are visible in a UITableView

My table view covers part of the view. If I have 20 objects, I am displaying all of them in a tableview. But I want to know that how many cell are loaded that are visible to the user.
(i.e. first 5 cells data is visible for me: when I scroll down, the remaining cells will load. Here I want to know without scrolling how many cell are loaded.)
Is this possible?
You can use [tableView visibleCells] count], which returns numbers of the table cells that are visible, if I understand correctly what you want.
The below code will give you the array of indexpath of cells currently visible
NSArray *visiblePaths = [self.tableView indexPathsForVisibleRows];
after getting the index path you can easily access the cell at a particular indexpath
Its usually : (tableView's height / cell row height ) + 1
Can you take the size of the visible part of the table, and then the size of one cell, and divide them to know how many of them fit in the screen?

How do i add n custom-cells to my view?

I have a table view, amongst the table, in each row i want to display an image to the extreme left, some string in the middle, a number after that and again a string followed by a number, n all that should be in different font styles and sizes. Now i did this using custom-cells, but that is just for one row, what if user wants to enter data and then view the added info in the next row of the table. How do i add multiple custom cells to my view?
Update the datasource of your tableView and call reloadData method
[tableView reloadData];
---------- Please follow below link for help :
Sorry if i m wrong. But think this will help you out.

Can I programmatically modify which UITableViewCell is selected?

Is there a way to move the highlighted tableviewcell programatically. If I wanted to highlight cell number 3 and then highlight cell number 4 instead, based on something the user did in the detail view of my split view controller, can I do this?
Is there a way I can get the indexpath for the row two below one that I have?
You can do this via the UITableView selectRowAtIndexPath:animated:scrollPosition: method.
In terms of getting the "next" row from the indexPath, you can simply use the indexPath.row property (as supplied from your UITableViewDelegate's tableView:didDeselectRowAtIndexPath: method) as the basis for the selected row.