Interact with my running application [closed] -

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Closed 6 years ago.
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A list-based application with an advanced user-system based on two applications:
Displays all Entrys with possible filters
Create entrys
Delete entrys
Edit entrys
Filter entrys to only see specific ones get the point
Reads specific informations out of a file and opens the same mask as the Main-Tools creation function as a separated application.
The Problem:
So I have my Creation-Tool and the Main-Tools function to create entrys as well. So each time i am changing a thing on the creation mask, i have to do it in two applications.
The Solution:
There has to be a way to call functions of my application from the outside.
The Question:
How can i get rid of the second application? The Main-Application has more informations (Logged in user for example) than the Creation-Tool, so i want to get rid of the Creation-Tool. Having a second application that calls my main application is okay.

What you want to do is to move all of your functionality into a separate library. Using inter-process communication would require both programs to be running. Whereas if you had two programs that shared the same dll, that would solve your duplicate code issue and each program can be run independently. Once you have all your functionality separated from the user interface and moved into it's own dll, then consolidating the UI of both applications into one will be much easier.


How to decompile a access database without starting/opening it? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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In our deployment chain we compress the access-database before sending it to the user.
As there where some troubles we want to decompile it too.
But unfortunately decompiling (as described here: How does one decompile and recompile a database application? ) seems to require to start/open the database.
As we deploy very frequently, I am searching for a way to decompile the database without opening/starting it.
Don't believe that you can de-compile without launching the application. (even from command line). The only possible approach would be to create a blank database and import everything. This I suppose could be automated, and the result would be a database that not been compiled. So, a import of all objects into a new blank database is a "possible" solution, but it would involve code to transfer objects into that new blank database. Not likely worth the effort, but is a possible. And one could also consider the save-as text to export all objects into a text file, and then re-build a new solution based on those text files (this is how source code control works with access, and thus even building from a GIT repository is possible).

Test case scenarios of import excel feature in web application? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am a Quality Analyst. Performing testing on a web application. So in my web application, there is one button of "Import excel". Through which we can import some records of user like Email Id, Mobile No, Name, etc. So as I am a beginner I want test cases scenarios for testing that import excel feature.
You can try out the following scenarios:
Check different file (Other Then Excel)
Small/Large size file
Enter all the records Email id, Mobile, No and name and then leave one row empty and check the behavior of the system.
Make sure that on uploading empty file, error message should be displayed.
Make sure that multiple users can at a time perform the upload process.
Make sure that empty spaces in between the uploaded content is not displayed in the corresponding listing page.
Make sure that on trying to upload already existing data, proper notification message is displayed.

Communicate between 2 applications [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have written a basic VB winform application (in visual studio) that control the lights. I published and create an install package so I can install this on other PCs.
My questions is how to sync these applications to communicate with one another so if I turn a light on, on one PC, other PC will sense that and display it on thier application.
I can use timer to see if there are any action every 15 second, but I don’t think this is efficient way.
Take a look at this question that involves sending information between computers over a network. You could have the program send what it did to the lights so that the other programs can update themselves.
I'd suggest you look at writing the status to a file accessible to all on the network, use the filewatcher class to detect changes to the file, and when the file changes read it from all PCs to see the current status of everything.
another option would be to use UDP broadcasting

Multiple programs on AVR atmega [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to make my Atmega robot to operate multiple modes (line following, obstacle avoidance, direct guidance from PC ) How can I load these separated programs on flash and how to select one of them when restarting the robot?
The easiest way is to make one big program with all the functionality of all the modes. On startup, in main() check if certain buttons are pressed, then choose which mode you are going to operate in. Then only use the functions and control mechanisms for that mode from then on. The rest of the code just sits there unused, but it would anyway in any other scheme.
There isn't an easy way to break the code into several different complete programs. For example, the vector table is fixed to be where it is. You would have to have the interrupt handlers check to see which mode is active then call the appropriate function for that mode.

How to create an exe to run SQL commands which ask for parameters [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a series of fairly simple SQL update commands that are used to update order owners in one of our databases. i.e.
SET BYRUSR_ID = upper('J123456')
WHERE BYRUSR_ID = upper('J654321')
AND po_st IN (1, 4, 5, 6, 10,11);
I want to enable our business users to make the changes, and thought that the best solution would be to create an application file that takes the parameters (olduser, newuser) and when the user clicks OK, the file opens a connection to the database (oracle) to make the updates.
While investigating I found a number of guides for creating exe files with .net but none that used SQL or asked for parameters. I haven't used .net before, so don't know where to start.
Using a PHP webform was considered but is not feasible.
Appreciate any help you can provide.
It's a rather vague question so I hope that this is what you need:
Usually, the best way to build a standalone-application which connects to SQL is via PHP. If you know a tiny bit of HTML, you can even create an HTML page in which your users can enter data and click on a button and the PHP script in the back-end will connect to the SQL-database and return the results on the next page.
Here a link for the beginning:
There are also alternatives to connecting PHP with SQL (SparkSQL, Hadoop, ...) but I think that this is the simplest way of creating such an app.