Test case scenarios of import excel feature in web application? [closed] - testing

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am a Quality Analyst. Performing testing on a web application. So in my web application, there is one button of "Import excel". Through which we can import some records of user like Email Id, Mobile No, Name, etc. So as I am a beginner I want test cases scenarios for testing that import excel feature.

You can try out the following scenarios:
Check different file (Other Then Excel)
Small/Large size file
Enter all the records Email id, Mobile, No and name and then leave one row empty and check the behavior of the system.
Make sure that on uploading empty file, error message should be displayed.
Make sure that multiple users can at a time perform the upload process.
Make sure that empty spaces in between the uploaded content is not displayed in the corresponding listing page.
Make sure that on trying to upload already existing data, proper notification message is displayed.


Unreal Engine 4 In-game Screenshot [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Is there a way to take a screenshot in UE4 while in-game and save it somewhere so that I can use it again as an image or something?
There is a HighResShot solution, but that saves it somewhere outside the range of the editor (you cannot reach it programmatically), is there another way of doing it, that allows me to access it in-game?
I would recommend using HighResShot for taking the screenshots. As you mention, it saves this outside the range of the engine, in the "saved" folder. (In packaged builds, the saved content is in the user's appdata.) You can actually get this with ProjectSavedDir(), which returns this saved directory. https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/API/Runtime/Core/Misc/FPaths/index.html
It's C++, but you can expose this to Blueprints fairly easily. You can get the ProjectSavedDir()/Screenshots directory and load the images in-game. For doing this, I recommend the Ramas plugin (https://forums.unrealengine.com/development-discussion/blueprint-visual-scripting/4014-39-rama-s-extra-blueprint-nodes-for-you-as-a-plugin-no-c-required?3851-(39)-Rama-s-Extra-Blueprint-Nodes-for-You-as-a-Plugin-No-C-Required=)

Best way to display, modify and then store data? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Currently I have several machines that output data in a CSV file. I'm putting a system in place to import this CSV file into a SQL Server database using SSIS. Once the data resides on the SQL Server I would like to then display the data as a report (preferably SSRS), however the hangup I'm having is my end users then want to modify the data displayed in the report and then re-upload this finished report into the database. Ideally I leave the raw data in its raw format and store any modified data separately. What are some potential methods for accomplishing this?
You could write a custom app instead of SSRS that displays the report in an editable data grid.
You could also create a custom app that lets users import data via excel, so if they export your SSRS report to Excel, they can edit the Excel doc and then upload it to save their changes to your database.

Interact with my running application [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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A list-based application with an advanced user-system based on two applications:
Displays all Entrys with possible filters
Create entrys
Delete entrys
Edit entrys
Filter entrys to only see specific ones
...you get the point
Reads specific informations out of a file and opens the same mask as the Main-Tools creation function as a separated application.
The Problem:
So I have my Creation-Tool and the Main-Tools function to create entrys as well. So each time i am changing a thing on the creation mask, i have to do it in two applications.
The Solution:
There has to be a way to call functions of my application from the outside.
The Question:
How can i get rid of the second application? The Main-Application has more informations (Logged in user for example) than the Creation-Tool, so i want to get rid of the Creation-Tool. Having a second application that calls my main application is okay.
What you want to do is to move all of your functionality into a separate library. Using inter-process communication would require both programs to be running. Whereas if you had two programs that shared the same dll, that would solve your duplicate code issue and each program can be run independently. Once you have all your functionality separated from the user interface and moved into it's own dll, then consolidating the UI of both applications into one will be much easier.

online reports for vb.net desktop application [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am developing a desktop application but would like users to be able to log in to my website to view reports generated from their data which is stored in a local PostgreSQL database. I am trying to figure out my options and if it is going to be possible to do this. It seems it would be a security risk/too much effort on the users end to open up their firewall ports in order to access their database from the internet. Another option is to create a 'reports' database on my website that my application could periodically update vital stats to which could then be used to create reports. I also could just create a .pdf in the application and upload that to the website to be viewed. This might be the easiest route. Are there any better/easier options?
Based on the solutions you have presented, the second solution seems sound.
A rough plan would be to:
Have a feature in your webpage that Calls for the application in your server to generate the .pdf file
Upload the Pdf to your webpage
finally, send the file to the user for download.

How to auto generate Download Page for music folders? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Scenario :I am trying to build a Mobile Entertainment Portal. It will enable users to download Music & Movies to their Cell Phones...
Problem Exp : Suppose I upload 100 folders of Songs, each folder is for one Album. I want a way to generate a page with all the folders name (Album Name) in it. If user click on the page, they should be taken to a page where they get list of all songs in the album. Clicking on any song name will let them download it.
Can it be done anyway or will I have to manually design each of the 3 pages for each album. If I do that, its time consuming and also will be difficult to change anything like footer, header...
Also I want to know if I can monitor Realtime Download Statistics.
You create a database
You create one or more template pages, each taking a relevant ID, such as AlbumID (which you might be calling FolderID) as a URL parameter
At runtime, the page logic fetches the data (by AlbumID) and lays it out nicely for the user.
This sort of thing is covered in every entry-level database programming text. A quick search turned up this and this.