Redis Length growing - redis

Our Pipeline:
VMware-Netflow -> Logstash -> Redis -> Logstash-indexer -> 3xElastic
Data I have gathered:
I notiticed in kibana that the flows coming in were 1 hour old, then
2, then 3 and so on.
Running 'redis-cli llen netflow' shows a very large number that is slowly increasing.
Running 'redis-cli INFO shows pretty constant input at 80kbps and output at 1kbps. I would think these should be near equal.
The cpu load on all nodes is pretty negligible.
What I've tried:
I ensured that the logstash-indexer was sending to all 3 elastic nodes.
I launched many additional logstash instances on the indexers, redis now shows 40 clients.
I am not sure what else to try.

TLDR: rebooted all three elasticsearch nodes, and life is good again.
I inadvertently disabled elasticsearch as an output, and sent my netflows into the ether. The queue size in redis dropped down to 0 in minutes. Although sad, this did prove that it was elasticsearch not logstash or redis.
I watched the elastic instances, and it seemed like something was wrong with the communication between them. All three showed logs indicating that 2/3 were dropping out of the cluster, and taking forever to respond to cluster pings. What I think was happening, is writes were accepted by elastic, and just bounced around a while before being written successfully.
Upon rebooting them all, they negotiated correctly, and writes are happening as they should.


RabbitMQ slowing down after some times

On our RabbitMQ installed in production, we have a performance issue.
To explain the context, we have an initialization batch that creates around ~60k messages. For business reasons, those messages must be treated in strict order and we can't lose any. As such, we have only one queue which is durable and lazy and one consumer (SpringBoot AMQP) with a prefetch of 10. Both are on the same virtual machine.
At first, the processing is fast enough, around 5 to 10 messages per second. But it progressively slows down until it reaches a cap of fewer than 20 messages per hour. It takes approximately 1 hour to reach this point.
After some investigations, we found out that the problem comes from RabbitMQ. When we simply stop and restart it, the performance goes back to normal and then drops slowly again. Doing the same on just the consumer doesn't change anything.
I'm thinking about some resources bottleneck but I can't manage to find which one as RAM, CPU, and disk looks fine. I am not really familiar with ERL virtual machine and managing RabbitMQ itself so I may have missed something.
Does someone as an idea of the source of the problem or where I could look for more information on what is happening?
RabbitMQ characteristics :
ERL 23.3.2
RabbitMQ 3.8.14

Thousands of TimeoutExceptions after switching to Redis Enterprise

We recently attempted to switch from Azure Redis to Redis Enterprise, unfortunately after about an hour we were forced to roll back due to performance issues. We're looking for advice on how to get to the root cause and proceed. Here's what I've figured out so far, but I'm happy to add any more details as necessary.
First off, the client is a .NET Framework app using StackExchange.Redis version 2.1.30. The Azure Redis instance is using 4 shards, and the Redis Enterprise instance is also configured for 4 shards.
When we switched over to Redis Enterprise, we would immediately see several thousand of these exceptions per 5 minute interval:
Timeout performing GET (5000ms), next: GET [Challenges]::306331, inst:
1, qu: 0, qs: 3079, aw: False, rs: ReadAsync, ws: Idle, in: 0,
serverEndpoint: xxxxxxx:17142, mc: 1/1/0, mgr: 9 of 10 available,
clientName: API, IOCP: (Busy=2,Free=998,Min=400,Max=1000), WORKER:
(Busy=112,Free=32655,Min=2000,Max=32767), Local-CPU: 4.5%, v: (Please take a look at this article for some common client-side issues that can cause timeouts:
Looking at this error message, it appears there's tons of things in the WORKER thread pool (things waiting on a response from Redis Enterprise), but nearly nothing in the IOCP thread pool (responses from Redis waiting to be processed by our client code). So, there's some sort of bottleneck on the Redis side.
Using AppInsights, I created a graph of the busy worker threads (dark blue), busy IO threads (red), and CPU usage (light blue). We see something like this:
The CPU never really goes above 20% or so, the IO threads are barely a blip (I think the max is like 2 busy), but the worker threads kinda grow and grow until eventually everything times out and the process starts over again. A little after 7pm is when we decided to roll back to Azure Redis, so everything is great at that point. So, everything points to Redis being some sort of bottleneck. So, let's look at the Redis side of things.
During this time, Redis reported a max of around 5% CPU usage. Incoming traffic topped out around 1.4MB/s, and outgoing traffic topped out around 9.5MB/s. Ops/sec were around 4k. Latency around this time was 0.05ms, and the slowest thing in the SLOWLOG was like 15ms or so. In other words, the Redis Enterprise node was barely breaking a sweat and was easily able to keep up with the traffic being sent to it. In fact, we had 4 other nodes in the cluster that weren't even being used since Redis didn't even see the need to send anything to other nodes. Redis was basically just yawning.
From here, I was thinking maybe there were network bandwidth contraints. All of our VMs are configured for accelerated networking, and we should have 10gig connections to these machines. I decided to run an iperf between the client and the server:
I can transfer easily over 700Mbit/sec between the client and the Redis Enterprise server, yet the server is processing 9.5MB/sec easily. So, it doesn't appear the problem is network bandwidth.
So, here's where we stand:
The same code works great with Azure Redis, yet causes thousands of timeouts when we switch over to Redis Enterprise.
Redis Enterprise is handling 4,000 operations per second and sending out 9 megs a second, and can usually handle a single operation in a fraction of a ms, with the very longest being 15ms.
I can send 700+ Mb/sec between the client and server.
Yet, the WORKER thread pool builds up with pending requests to Redis and eventually times out.
I'm pretty stuck here. What's a good next step to diagnose this issue? Thanks!

What is the point of REDIS in ELK stack?

I currently have architecture with filebeat as the log shipper, which sends logs to log stash indexer instance and then to managed elastic search in AWS. Due to persistent TCP connections, I cannot load balance using AWS ELB multiple log stash indexer instances since filebeats always picks on of the instances and sends it there. So I decided to use redis. Now seeing how difficult it is to scale redis and make it highly available compontent in ELK stack I want to ask what is even the point of redis. I read a million times it acts as a buffer, but if filebeats stops sending logs to logstash if logstash can't handle the load, why do we even need a buffer. Filebeat is smart enough to know to stop sending logs. Logstash is smart enough to stop sending logs to elastic search if elastic search goes down. So the pipeline stops. I really don't understand of the redis acting as a buffer in every standard ELK architecture.
Redis or Kafka or XYZ can be used as buffer in the ELK stack as you've rightly noticed.
The ES folks published a blog post yesterday about using Kafka in the pipeline, but it could as well have been Redis or XYZ. They make a good point about WHEN such a buffer could be needed and when it is not.
It is a good idea to have such a buffer in order to
handle event spikes
deal with a potentially unreachable ES cluster
If you don't anticipate such behaviors, i.e. you know
your events will always come at the same rate and/or
you're ok with your logs being shipped a bit later in case you need to upgrade your ES cluster
...then you don't need such a buffer. What's more, that will be one less piece of software you need to manage, monitor and maintain.
When it comes to the Elastic Stack ecosystem, there's no one-size-fits-all approach, it always depends on your precise use case and requirements. You need to ask yourself what is important to you, your system(s) and your users and then design your solution accordingly.

When will LogStash exceed the queue capacity and drop messages?

I am using LogStash to collect the logs from my service. The volume of the data is so large (20GB/day) that I am afraid that some of the data will be dropped at peak time.
So I asked question here and decided to add a Redis as a buffer between ELB and LogStash to prevent data loss.
However, I am curious about when will LogStash exceed the queue capacity and drop messages?
Because I've done some experiments and the result shows that LogStash can completely process all the data without any loss, e.g., local file --> LogStash --> local file, netcat --> LogStash --> local file.
Can someone give me a solid example when LogStash eventually drop messages? So I can have a better understanding about why we need a buffer in front of it.
As far as I know, Logstash queue is very small. Please refer to here.
Logstash sets each queue size to 20. This means only 20 events can be pending into the next phase.
This helps reduce any data loss and in general avoids logstash trying to act as a data storage
system. These internal queues are not for storing messages long-term.
As you say, your daily logs size are 20GB. It's quite large amount. So, it is recommended that install a redis before logstash. The other advantage for installing a redis is when your logstash process have error and shutdown, redis can buffer the logs for you, otherwise all your logs will be drop.
The maximum queue size is configurable and the queue can be stored on-disk or in-memory. (Strongly advise in-memory due to high volume).
When the queue is full, logstash will stop reading log messages and drop incoming logs.
For log files, logstash will stop reading further when tit can't keep up, it can resume reading later. It's keeping track of active log files and last read position. The files are basically acting like an enormous buffer, it's really unlikely to lose data (unless files are deleted).
For TCP/UDP input, messages can be lost if the queue is full.
For other inputs/outputs, you have to check the doc, whether it can support back pressure, whether it can replay missed messages if a network connection was lost.
Generally speaking, 20 GB a day is pretty low (even in 2014 when it was originally posted), we're talking about 1000 messages a second. logstash really doesn't need a redis in front.
For very large deployments (multiple TB per day), it's common to encounter kafka somewhere in the chain to buffer messages. At this stage there are typically many clients with different types of messages, flowing over a variety of protocols.

some questions about couchbase's replicas detail

Here I get several questions about the replica functions in couchbase, and hope can be answered. First of all, I wanna give some my own understanding ahout the couchbase; If there are 10 nodes in my cluster, and I set the number of replica to be 3 in each bucket (
actually I find that the maximal value is 3 , and I coundn't find any other way to make it larger than 3), then, does it mean that each data in bucket can only be copied to
other three nodes(I guess the three nodes should be random choosen, but could it select manually )in totally 10 nodes; Furthermore, if some of the 10 nodes have downtime,
will it cause loss of data?
I conclude my questions as follows;
1, The maximal value of the replica number in couchbase is 3, right or wrong? If wrong, how could it be largger than 3.
2, I guess the three nodes should be random choosen, but could it select manually
3, If my understanding is right, it will have loss of data when we find some nodes being in downtime. How could we avoid the loss under that condition
The maximal value of the replica number in couchbase is 3, right or wrong? If wrong, how could it be larger than 3.
The maximum number of replicas that you can have is 3, we run in production with 1 replica but it all comes down to how large your cluster is and performance impact. The more replicas you have the more inter node communication and transfer that will occur.
When you have 3 replicas this means that each node has its data replicated to 3 other nodes, this means you could handle 3 node failures in your cluster. It could happen but it is unlikely, what's more likely to happen is a machine dies and then Couchbase can automatically fail over and promote a replica held in an other node to serve requests/updates.
Couchbase's system is nice because it means you can scale up and down by failing over a node and automatic re-balancing.
I guess the three nodes should be randomly chosen, but could I select it manually?
You have no say on which nodes replicas are held, in fact I think it's a great thing that all of Couchbase's sharding and replica processes are taken out of the developers hands, it's all an automatic process.
If my understanding is right, it will have loss of data when we find some nodes being in downtime. How could we avoid data loss under that condition?
As I said before, if one node goes down then a replica is promoted, with 3 back ups you'd need 3 nodes to fail before you noticed something happening. In a production environment you should already have a warning system for each individual node, be it New Relic, Nagios etc that would report if a server dies. If there was a catastrophic problem and you lost more than 4 nodes then yes you would have data loss.
Bare in mind automatic fail over in Couchbase isn't instantaneous but still it's pretty quick. If you need downtime across the cluster say for server maintenance that needs a restart or something then it is possible to fail a node over, remove it from the cluster, perform operations and tasks on it, then add it back into the cluster and rebalance. Perform those stops again for as many nodes as you need, I've personally done that when I forgot to set specific Linux things that needed a system restart.
Overall to avoid data loss, monitor your servers, make (daily/hourly) backups of the data in your cluster and have machines that are well provisioned for your workrate.
Hope that helps!