Soundcloud API returns 0 tracks for user - api

For a client of mine I used the Soundcloud API to show tracks on his website.
now it had stopped working, the API returns 0 tracks.
I checked his account and all tracks have the right permissions.
What am I doing wrong?
(website of client)

All rate limits on the SoundCloud API are currently calculated against a client application's client id so you need to change your application client id
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SoundCloud allows certain users to block API requests. In this case, this user has blocked the ability to view their information via the SoundCloud API.
The only way around this is to use an API Key internal to SoundCloud, such as the one youtube-dl uses to download tracks.


Get historical data using Instagram API endpoints.

I am trying to fetch data using the Instagram API endpoints. Steps that I have followed
1. Register the client app.
2. Got the access token.
3. I am using this access token through out the url endpoints.
Ex. to get the data for recent media I am using this url endpoint:
However as I am in Sandbox mode, as per the documentation I get only the recent 20 media. Whereas my account contains in total 291 media.
Problems that I am facing:
Not able to get next_url in the paginationpart.
Usage of min_id and max_id in the url does not respond to any changes in the output or the data i.e fetched (Still get only 20 records/media)
Can anybody provide a solution as to how exactly I should get all of my historical data ?
You're in the sandbox mode so there's no way to achieve what you're trying to do before your app has been reviewed and approved (and gone live). From Instagram API documentation:
After your app has been reviewed and approved, you are ready to make it available to the general public. To switch your client from sandbox to live mode, you can use the button on the top section of the configuration screen for your app. When you are live, any Instagram user will be able to authorize your app, but you will have access only to the permissions that you were granted during the review.
Well, maybe you should try this library that allows you to scrape public info withou auth (client_id or access_token):
$medias = Instagram::getMedias('kevin', 150);

get latest tweet of a user without authentication

I am creating a website using rails. there is no user authentication but all the team members data(name, summary of job experience, social media handles, etc) is saved in a json file which is parsed to show the data on page. I have a twitter handle of every user. I want to collect the latest tweet and the tweet's information(tweeted on, etc) for every handle. Also, if any of the user posts another tweet, that tweet should replace the old tweet. I dont have user authentication in my application. i did try on terminal
but it gives me
{"errors":[{"message":"Bad Authentication data","code":215}]}
All requests to Twitter's API now need to be authenticated. See the documentation for the API call you want to make.
You will need to register an app with Twitter and get your authentication tokens before you can start to make requests like that.
So, to be clear, the users do not need to be authenticated - but your app does need to be authenticated.

How to share my youtube-playlist with the end user, using You Tube data api version 3 objective c

i am developing an app on which i want, end user can access my youtube-playlist(and videos among them). i have the full access of the youtube channel, just want the users to access them. I am using objective c client library for youtube v3.
what i have done:
auth 2 authentication for end user
api call to youtube server using my client id and secret.
Currently i am getting Like, upload, watch history etc. of my channel from another user(end user) but only the id, not any link of video of related playlist.
When i login using my credential of youtube on my app i get all the video links, but when i login using another youtube id then i don't get the video links. can not figure it out why this is happening.
Basically i just want some suggestion or direction on the following:
is it possible to share my youtube-playlist to others(end user)?
if possible then can the user can access the videos of the channel? if so how?
Thank you.
I was misunderstanding the concept. Any playlist/video that is publically visible on youtube, then just the ID for corresponding playlist/video is needed.
One has to make the query request to youtube server based on the ID of the resource he want to fetch.
Basically my Client ID and Secret are using on my app to get the details use of the app, meaning how much api is calling(you can get it on the console of your project).

soundcloud authentication for server-side code (no app!)

I would like my server-side code to upload tracks to soundcloud in its own name, then later it will retrieve comments, favourites and listener counts. I do not want to do this on behalf of an app user - for there is no app! Previous questions here on stackoverflow§ (there is no "me too" button) and the API docs seem to suggest I cannot do this. Am I correct?
§ Can track belong to the application and not individual users?
This is called "Authenticating without the SoundCloud Connect Screen" in the API docs:
An "app" in this case is a program that wants to access the Soundcloud API. You register them here:
Normally you would make a unique username, and register the app to that user. Then, the code logs in as that user to authenticate.

Is the Twitter Search API affected by the recent Twitter API changes?

I've been building an app which allows the user to search through recent (i.e. 6-9 days worth) public tweets on Twitter using the Twitter Search API.
Currently, the site is entirely public - that is, users do not need to sign in to Twitter (or even be Twitter users at all) to use my app.
However, the upcoming changes to the Twitter API have left me confused, particularly the fact it would appear that every request to Twitter's API will need to be authenticated.
My limited understanding of how Twitter's API works is that I need to authenticate my app using OAUTH, which in turn means that, if I want to continue accessing the Twitter Search API, users will need to sign in to my site before they can use the functionality related to the Search API - hence, only Twitter users will be able to use that section of my app.
Am I understanding this correctly, or is the Twitter Search API exempt from the changes? If I authenticate my app, does this mean the rate at which users can search Twitter status updates through my app is increased (or any other advantages over having non-authenticated apps)? Note that I am currently implementing a caching feature to cache related searches.
The changes to the Twitter API would affect your application depending on how your application works. These are the changes that you should be aware of:
All requests used to be anonymous. Now, all requests must be authenticated via OAuth.
With the old rate limits, according to my tests, you where able to make about one request per second per IP address. Now you can make 180 requests per 15 minute block per authenticated user (1 request every 5 seconds on average).
Not related, but still worth mentioning, the data that the new API returns is more similar to the data that the Streaming API returns. It's much more complete.
So, according to these changes, if your application uses some kind of a bot which polls the Search API, stores the results into a database, and then your users search within these stored results; you will have to implement OAuth with your own access token, which you can get by creating an application at
But, if your application connects to the Search API every time that your users interact with it, and you think that you will have to make more than one request every 5 seconds on average, then you will have to ask your users to authenticate in order to get their access tokens for your requests.