How to share my youtube-playlist with the end user, using You Tube data api version 3 objective c - objective-c

i am developing an app on which i want, end user can access my youtube-playlist(and videos among them). i have the full access of the youtube channel, just want the users to access them. I am using objective c client library for youtube v3.
what i have done:
auth 2 authentication for end user
api call to youtube server using my client id and secret.
Currently i am getting Like, upload, watch history etc. of my channel from another user(end user) but only the id, not any link of video of related playlist.
When i login using my credential of youtube on my app i get all the video links, but when i login using another youtube id then i don't get the video links. can not figure it out why this is happening.
Basically i just want some suggestion or direction on the following:
is it possible to share my youtube-playlist to others(end user)?
if possible then can the user can access the videos of the channel? if so how?
Thank you.

I was misunderstanding the concept. Any playlist/video that is publically visible on youtube, then just the ID for corresponding playlist/video is needed.
One has to make the query request to youtube server based on the ID of the resource he want to fetch.
Basically my Client ID and Secret are using on my app to get the details use of the app, meaning how much api is calling(you can get it on the console of your project).


Get historical data using Instagram API endpoints.

I am trying to fetch data using the Instagram API endpoints. Steps that I have followed
1. Register the client app.
2. Got the access token.
3. I am using this access token through out the url endpoints.
Ex. to get the data for recent media I am using this url endpoint:
However as I am in Sandbox mode, as per the documentation I get only the recent 20 media. Whereas my account contains in total 291 media.
Problems that I am facing:
Not able to get next_url in the paginationpart.
Usage of min_id and max_id in the url does not respond to any changes in the output or the data i.e fetched (Still get only 20 records/media)
Can anybody provide a solution as to how exactly I should get all of my historical data ?
You're in the sandbox mode so there's no way to achieve what you're trying to do before your app has been reviewed and approved (and gone live). From Instagram API documentation:
After your app has been reviewed and approved, you are ready to make it available to the general public. To switch your client from sandbox to live mode, you can use the button on the top section of the configuration screen for your app. When you are live, any Instagram user will be able to authorize your app, but you will have access only to the permissions that you were granted during the review.
Well, maybe you should try this library that allows you to scrape public info withou auth (client_id or access_token):
$medias = Instagram::getMedias('kevin', 150);

Soundcloud API returns 0 tracks for user

For a client of mine I used the Soundcloud API to show tracks on his website.
now it had stopped working, the API returns 0 tracks.
I checked his account and all tracks have the right permissions.
What am I doing wrong?
(website of client)
All rate limits on the SoundCloud API are currently calculated against a client application's client id so you need to change your application client id
Read More
SoundCloud allows certain users to block API requests. In this case, this user has blocked the ability to view their information via the SoundCloud API.
The only way around this is to use an API Key internal to SoundCloud, such as the one youtube-dl uses to download tracks.

Google Youtube Data v3 not found

I have gone through a tutorial that takes me to the webpage. I created a new project, then i went to API & Auth .. clicked on the API key to try to then scroll down and select the Youtube Data API v3 and it is NOT there, why? I need to get the API key for an application I am using. I have logged in to two separate accounts and it is not available in either account. I need help in finding the API key so that I can use it in an application. I called the adwords team and asked them and they asked me to send a question to you in this forum.
By default, there were a few Google Cloud APIs enabled by default. When they were enabled, the Youtube Data API was not showing up in the list of available APIs. I disabled all the preselected APIs, and then the Youtube Data and Analytics APIs were available.
Looks like you just have to disable the default selections for some reason.

How publish Hootsuite on Google+ Pages stream?

I want to achieve the same as Hootsuite, publish a post in a PAGE STREAM. But I don't know even where to look for it. It looks like Hootsuite is using the API, because they prompt an open Auth authentication where the user selects and authorize what this APP can do with his data.
With the PHP client I've been able of posting in the user APP stream (different from the user main stream) using moments class, and get data from the user using plus class client, both from the PHP library available here:
But I don't know how to write in a user's page. Does anyone knows or can point me where to go to, at least, publish on main Google+ page stream as Hootsuite? Thanks.
The Google+ Pages API is currently available to a limited number of parters only, including HootSuite. You can request access to the API at but there is no guarantee when, or even if, Google will approve your access.
Although you can use the HootSuite console to post messages to Google+ pages (see, it isn't clear if you can use the HootSuite API to do so.

soundcloud authentication for server-side code (no app!)

I would like my server-side code to upload tracks to soundcloud in its own name, then later it will retrieve comments, favourites and listener counts. I do not want to do this on behalf of an app user - for there is no app! Previous questions here on stackoverflow§ (there is no "me too" button) and the API docs seem to suggest I cannot do this. Am I correct?
§ Can track belong to the application and not individual users?
This is called "Authenticating without the SoundCloud Connect Screen" in the API docs:
An "app" in this case is a program that wants to access the Soundcloud API. You register them here:
Normally you would make a unique username, and register the app to that user. Then, the code logs in as that user to authenticate.