Elasticsearch Kibana Graph plugin authentication - authentication

Hi I just installed graph plugin to my elasticsearch and kibana servers, but when I make a request in graph is asking for some authentication credentials, but I don't have it.
Any idea where I can configure this?
BTW: I dont have shield installed.

Kibana does not have security authentication.In Kibana configuration, you have authentication fields, to connect to elasticsearch, depending on how you have configured it.So, if you're prompted for credentials, it is from Elasticsearch, or in your Apache/Nginx/whatever configuration if you have. Kibana configuration file is in /opt/kibana/config folder if you have installed it with package; with custom installation, quite same tree, find "config" folder.In this file, check first how Kibana connects to elasticsearch, and comment those fields if you want.

Thanks I found that is a bug in graph, the error is for the license but graph ask for authentication.
So installing a trial license solve the problem.


Glassfish workaround to work with OpenAM

The IT dept. in the company where I work uses OpenAM to manage web access over the intranet (SSO solution).
As I'm using Glassfish 4.1, which is a container not supported by OpenAM, is there some workaround that I could use OpenAM, without replacing Glassfish? If so, how can I do it?
Thanks in advance.
When using OpenAM 13.5.0 for example, it is possible to deploy OpenAM to Payara for example with a bit of a compromise.
DISCLAIMER: the following steps allows one to deploy OpenAM to GlassFish/Payara, but this does not mean that this kind of deployment is actually supported by anyone.
So the steps are:
in the WAR file within the WEB-INF/lib/openam-radius-server-13.5.0.jar you'll need to remove the META-INF/INDEX.LIST file
you'll need to edit the WEB-INF/web.xml file and remove both the ws and federationrest servlets and their mappings
to deploy the WAR you'll need to execute this command:
bin/asadmin deploy --name openam --contextroot /openam --property implicitCdiEnabled=false OpenAM-13.5.0.war
It seems that OpenAM cannot be deployed on Payara (Glassfish). Please refer to the blog and the last comment of this issue.
So you may have to use another container, for example, Tomcat.

LDAP extension for dokuwiki

I am trying to allow authentication against my ldap server, but everytime when I turn on the LDAP extension I got following error
LDAP err: PHP LDAP extension not found. [auth.php:34] User
authentication is temporarily unavailable. If this situation persists,
please inform your Wiki Admin.
I have set up everything necessary in Configuration Manager.
Any suggestions that can help?
you need the PHP LDAP extension. You can probably install it via your distribution's package manager. Eg. apt-get install php5-ldap

Other Application Cartridges availability in Openshift Origin

I was able to install the default cartridges bundled in Origin,,
What if I need to add some application like ex: httpd server, ldap server, tomcat etc..
Is there a way to do it, I saw the DIY and customer cartridge install, is there any pointers on how to use those?
I am not sure your question is 100% clear. If you are trying to install downloadable cartridges, you should be able to use the same syntax that you use for online, something like:
rhc app create jekyll https://raw.github.com/openshift-cartridges/openshift-jekyll-cartridge/master/metadata/manifest.yml
If that is not what you are asking, can you be more specific about what you are trying to do, and what you have tried already and what errors it gave?

Pushing my Mercurial Repository through HTTP with Apache and Windows

So I have managed it. I can clone mercurial-repositories remotely using HTTP to my Windows Server 2003 machine and the ipaddress from that machine. Although I did deactivate IIS6 and am using Apache 2.2.x now. But not all works right now...darn! Here's the thing:
Cloning goes smooth! But when I want to push my changes to the original repository I get the message "cannot lock static http-repository". On the internet I get to read several explanations that Mercurial wasn't designed to push over HTTP connections. Still, on the Mercurial website there's something about configuring an hgrc file.
There's also the possibilty to configure Apache to host via HTTPS (or SSL). For this you have to load the module enabling OpenSSL and generating keys.
Configuring the hgrc file
Just add "push_ssl = false" under the [web] line. But where to put this file when pushing your changes back?! Because I placed it in the root of the server, in the ".hg" directory, nothing works.
Using SSL/HTTPS with Apache
When I try to access 'https://myipaddress' it fails, displaying a dutch message which would mean something like "server taking too long to respond". Trying to push also gives me a dutch error message which means about the same. It can not connect to my server via https although I followed the steps exactly at this blog.
I don't care which of the above solutions will work for me. Turns out none of them work so far. So please, can anyone help me with one of the solutions above? Pick the easiest! Help will be greatly appreciated, not only from me.
-Windows Server 2003
-Apache 2.2 with OpenSSL
-Mercurial 1.8.2
-I can clone, but not push!
Thank you!
Maarten Baar(s)
It seems like you might have apache configured incorrectly for getting it to do what you want. Based on your question it sounds like you have a path (maybe the root of the server) pointing to the repository you want to serve.
Mercurial comes with a script for this exact purpose, in the latest version it is hgweb.cgi. There are reasonably good instructions for setting it up on the mercurial site. It should allow both cloning and pushing. You will need the push_ssl=false if you will not be configuring https and also an allow_push line which will let certain users, or all (*) push to the repository. But all that should be part of the setup docs.

How to authenticate users on TortoiseHg web server?

TortoiseHg web server configuration has an "Allow Push" parameter where I put the users allowed to push changes. But when I try to push I get an "authorization failed" error. How are the users authenticated? Where do the passwords come from?
Setting allow_push = * will allow anybody to push to your repository served with hg serve. You should of course only do that on a trusted network. Apart from that, you cannot do authentication with hg serve -- you need a webserver in front of it that will authenticate users.
Please see hgrc for a terse explanation of allow_push and the wiki for a slightly longer explanation about what hg serve is for.
I'm just getting into Mercurial, and from what I can tell (and read in the documentation), the TortoiseHg web server isn't meant to be a permanent solution. The docs seem to steer you towards running either Apache or lighttpd.
You may also want to check out Vampire Basic's tutorial on running Mercurial on Windows.
I believe you can just edit your hgrc file, under the [authorize] section:
Store password in TortoiseHg