LDAP extension for dokuwiki - ldap

I am trying to allow authentication against my ldap server, but everytime when I turn on the LDAP extension I got following error
LDAP err: PHP LDAP extension not found. [auth.php:34] User
authentication is temporarily unavailable. If this situation persists,
please inform your Wiki Admin.
I have set up everything necessary in Configuration Manager.
Any suggestions that can help?

you need the PHP LDAP extension. You can probably install it via your distribution's package manager. Eg. apt-get install php5-ldap


Varnish failed after configure

Regards to all,
I installed the varnish on my Ubuntu 20.04 server. On which Magento2 and Apache web services work. When I apply the varnish according to instructions, it will not work. Can anyone help.
Thanks in advance everyone!
I notice that your varnish.service file is owned by vcache and has rw-r--r-- permissions.
I advise you to perform chown root:root varnish.service, because I'm assuming systemd doesn't have the right permissions to open the file.
Please also verify that the service files are hosted inside /etc/systemd/sytem, because one of your screenshots indicates that some of these files are stored in /etc/systemd.
Long story short, systemd will try to start services using the root user. Make sure this user has read and execute permissions to access this file.
This is the configuration..

Elasticsearch Kibana Graph plugin authentication

Hi I just installed graph plugin to my elasticsearch and kibana servers, but when I make a request in graph is asking for some authentication credentials, but I don't have it.
Any idea where I can configure this?
BTW: I dont have shield installed.
Kibana does not have security authentication.In Kibana configuration, you have authentication fields, to connect to elasticsearch, depending on how you have configured it.So, if you're prompted for credentials, it is from Elasticsearch, or in your Apache/Nginx/whatever configuration if you have. Kibana configuration file is in /opt/kibana/config folder if you have installed it with package; with custom installation, quite same tree, find "config" folder.In this file, check first how Kibana connects to elasticsearch, and comment those fields if you want.
Thanks I found that is a bug in graph, the error is for the license but graph ask for authentication.
So installing a trial license solve the problem.

Apache Directory 2.0-M11 and Gitlab LDAP Authentication

I'm trying to setup LDAP authentication with Gitlab v.4.0 with Apache Directory 2.0-M11 - the configuration of the Gitlab installation is done as per documentation and I see that it tries to hit LDAP. However I'm getting the following errors on LDAP end:
Gitlab LDAP config (gitlab.yml):
is there's any way to friend Gitlab and Apache Directory with minimum effort or minimum code customizations?
Check that the base object is correct. Is base: 'dc=example,dc=com,ou=Users really what is intended, that is, dc=com is an immediate subordinate of ou=users? The normal convention would be ou=users,dc=example,dc=com.

Bugzilla reset to DB verfication

I recently installed Bugzilla on a server and I was trying to configure it to work with LDAP authentication.
Unfortunately, I accidentally disabled DB authentication in the Parameters area of the admin section and the LDAP settings were not configured properly.
Now I am unable to log back in as the administrator and can't log in at all over ldap because the settings were incorrect.
I am unable to figure out where I can manually restore DB authentication for bugzilla either directly in the DB or in some config file.
Appreciate your help
Look in the config file /data/params
You will see an entry called user_verify_class, change this to "DB" and you should be able to log in again.

How to authenticate users on TortoiseHg web server?

TortoiseHg web server configuration has an "Allow Push" parameter where I put the users allowed to push changes. But when I try to push I get an "authorization failed" error. How are the users authenticated? Where do the passwords come from?
Setting allow_push = * will allow anybody to push to your repository served with hg serve. You should of course only do that on a trusted network. Apart from that, you cannot do authentication with hg serve -- you need a webserver in front of it that will authenticate users.
Please see hgrc for a terse explanation of allow_push and the wiki for a slightly longer explanation about what hg serve is for.
I'm just getting into Mercurial, and from what I can tell (and read in the documentation), the TortoiseHg web server isn't meant to be a permanent solution. The docs seem to steer you towards running either Apache or lighttpd.
You may also want to check out Vampire Basic's tutorial on running Mercurial on Windows.
I believe you can just edit your hgrc file, under the [authorize] section:
Store password in TortoiseHg