Are _Nullable and _Nonnull useful for anything other than Swift interop? - objective-c

Does the Objective-C compiler actually warn you if it thinks that you may be passing nil to a parameter marked with _Nonnull?
Or is it merely a hint to whatever tool converts between Swift and Objective-C to better deal with Swift optionals?

On its own, there is warning only in the extremely trivial case: when you pass nil to a function accepting _Nonnull value.
NSObject* _Nonnull test(NSObject* _Nonnull) {
test(nil); // warning
NSObject* _Nullable f = nil;
test(f); // no warning (passing _Nullable to _Nonnull), only warn in static analysis
NSObject* _Nonnull g = [[NSObject alloc] init];
g = nil; // no warning (!) (assigning nil to _Nonnull)
if (g != nil) { // no warning (unnecessary '!= nil' comparison)
return nil; // no warning (returning nil to _Nonnull)
(There is a -Wnullable-to-nonnull-conversion flag but it doesn't seem to have any effect to the code above.)
As documented, the three attributes will not change the behavior of the code:
… Note that, unlike the declaration attribute nonnull, the presence of _Nonnull does not imply that passing null is undefined behavior: fetch is free to consider null undefined behavior or (perhaps for backward-compatibility reasons) defensively handle null.
Beyond the compiler, it will also help the static analyzer, but again clang's static analyzer will only catch the trivial case where it knows for sure you are assigning a nil to a _Nonnull (i.e. the test(f) example above).
Nevertheless, it is still useful to mark a pointer _Nonnull/_Nullable as
Allow Swift developers to use your library better;
The compiler will emit warnings everywhere if you don't add those annotations 😏


Objective-C method parameter type-safety

If I have methods like:
- (BOOL)isValidRow:(NSDictionary*)contentVersionRow
do we really have to continually check like this at the beginning of the method
if(![contentVersionRow isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
// Handle unusual situation - probably return NO in this case
to really implement proper type-safety inside Objective-C methods? Because in theory the parameter is not guaranteed to point to an NSDictionary object, is this correct?
EDIT: So answers so far seem to indicate we should not check for this, but then what is the difference between checking for this and checking for nil parameter, which I assume we should do? Or should we not check for nil either, if it's not normally expected? Both cases cover the situation of a misbehaving caller.
Just like in C you are dealing with pointers in Objective-C. So saying NSDictionary * simply means "here's a pointer to a memory address that contains an instance of NSDictionary".
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface Test : NSObject
- (void)useDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionary;
#implementation Test
- (void)useDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionary
NSLog(#"Keys: %#", [dictionary allKeys]);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
#autoreleasepool {
Test *test = [[Test alloc] init];
// 1: This works fine
[test useDictionary:#{#"key": #"value"}];
// 2: This will cause a compiler warning (or error depending on the options passed to the compiler)
[test useDictionary:#"not a dictionary"];
// 3: This will compile without any warnings
[test useDictionary:(NSDictionary *)#"not a dictionary"];
The 2nd and 3rd examples will cause the program to crash at runtime. So if you want to pass incorrect things to methods, you can. Usually Xcode will warn you if you have a type-mismatch.
Update about nil-checking: If it's an API-misuse to pass nil to your method, then throw an exception. That's what exceptions are for in Objective-C: to catch programming mistakes, not to handle expected runtime issues (like an unreachable network). If your method can just silently fail if nil is passed in or handle it in a sensible way, then do that instead. For example if you have a method addValue:(NSNumber *)number that adds the given value to a sum then it wouldn't be a big deal if someone called it with nil: Just don't add anything :)
Yes, but you shouldn’t.
Obj-C is a dynamic language, so it is up to each object to determine if it responds to a certain method. It is bad style to check the class of an object.
Instead, if you want to check that an object supports a selector you should use -respondsToSelector:, but only if you handle objects not responding to that selector.

Why can't the address of an ivar be passed to an "id __autoreleasing *" argument under ARC?

Under ARC, an out-parameter takes the following form (by default; this is equivalent to NSError **):
- (BOOL)tryWithError:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)err;
From the Transitioning to ARC Release Notes, if we pass the address of a __strong local variable, the compiler will create a temporary variable and generate the following code:
NSError *error; // strong
BOOL ok = [myObject tryWithError:&error];
// translated to
NSError *__strong error;
NSError *__autoreleasing tmp = error;
BOOL ok = [myObject tryWithError:&tmp];
error = tmp;
But if we do it with an instance variable:
#implementation Foo {
NSError *_error; // strong
- (void)bar
[myObject tryWithError:&_error];
this gives us the error
Passing address of non-local object to __autoreleasing parameter for write-back.
Why is this invalid? Couldn't the compiler just translate such code automatically to this?
- (void)bar
NSError *__autoreleasing tmp = _error;
[myObject tryWithError:&tmp];
_error = tmp;
After all, this is what I will be writing anyway to solve the problem!
Note: adding the out keyword to the parameter type will reduce the compiler's work slightly because it doesn't have to read the current value into the temporary variable — but this doesn't take care of the error.
A pointer to an ivar can't be passed to an “id __autoreleasing *” argument under ARC because that kind of pass-by-writeback is ill-formed. The respective section in the ARC specification lists legal forms of pass-by-writeback, the only one applicable here is
&var, where var is a scalar variable of automatic storage duration
with retainable object
, so only automatic storage duration (a local variable) is allowed.
Why this is invalid: I am pretty sure the reason here is compatibility with older code:
1) You should only look at the error writeback in the failure case. In the success case, there is no guarantee at all what's inside the error pointer.
2) In general, whether the writeback value should be used or not depends on the contract of the method. That is something the compiler cannot check.
This is the version of the code that matches the type of &error (NSError * __autoreleasing *) to the type of the writeback (NSError ** which is interpreted as NSError * __autoreleasing *). If ok is YES, the error value won't be touched.
NSError * __autoreleasing error;
BOOL OK = [myObject performOperationWithError:&error];
if (!OK) {
// use error
However, those __autoreleasing are ugly, so instead of forcing us to use __autoreleasing all over the place, the compiler allows us to pass a __strong (but local) variable as well (default ownership):
NSError *error;
BOOL OK = [myObject performOperationWithError:&error];
if (!OK) {
// use error
According to the docs, that gets rewritten to:
NSError * __strong error;
NSError * __autoreleasing tmp = error;
BOOL OK = [myObject performOperationWithError:&tmp];
error = tmp;
if (!OK) {
// use error
Not a problem at all, the error will only be used in the success case.
Now let's have a look at a __strong instance variable _error. Why doesn't the compiler allow that? Here is what the rewrite would look like:
NSError * __autoreleasing tmp = _error;
BOOL OK = [myObject performOperationWithError:&tmp];
_error = tmp;
if (!OK) {
// use error
The problem here is that the writeback in tmp would always be used (assigned to the instance variable _error), ignoring the contract of the method that the writeback should only be used in error cases (or in general whatever the documentation of the method says). A safe way to assign the last error to an instance variable would be
NSError * __autoreleasing tmp = _error;
BOOL OK = [myObject performOperationWithError:&tmp];
if (!OK) {
_error = tmp;
// use error
} else {
_error = nil; // Make sure that _error is nil if there was no error.
And that's only true for the convention of Cocoa's methods which return an error. In general there is no way for the compiler to tell what a method will do with an id *: There may be old methods out there that use different conventions. So if you really want to store the writeback in a __strong instance variable, you currently have to walk the extra mile yourself, and I don't expect this to change.

Objective-C & KeyValueCoding: How to avoid an exception with valueForKeyPath:?

I've got an object of type id and would like to know if it contains a value for a given keyPath:
[myObject valueForKeyPath:myKeyPath];
Now, I wrap it into a #try{ } #catch{} block to avoid exceptions when the given keypath isn't found. Is there a nicer way to do this? Check if the given keypath exists without handling exceptions?
Thanks a lot,
You could try this:
if ([myObject respondsToSelector:NSSelectorFromString(myKeyPath)])
However, that may not correspond to the getter you have, especially if it is a boolean value. If this doesn't work for you, let me know and I'll write you up something using reflection.
For NSManagedObjects, an easy solution is to look at the object's entity description and see if there's an attribute with that key name. If there is, you can also take it to the next step and see what type of an attribute the value is.
Here's a simple method that given any NSManagedObject and any NSString as a key, will always return an NSString:
- (NSString *)valueOfItem:(NSManagedObject *)item asStringForKey:(NSString *)key {
NSEntityDescription *entity = [item entity];
NSDictionary *attributesByName = [entity attributesByName];
NSAttributeDescription *attribute = attributesByName[key];
if (!attribute) {
return #"---No Such Attribute Key---";
else if ([attribute attributeType] == NSUndefinedAttributeType) {
return #"---Undefined Attribute Type---";
else if ([attribute attributeType] == NSStringAttributeType) {
// return NSStrings as they are
return [item valueForKey:key];
else if ([attribute attributeType] < NSDateAttributeType) {
// this will be all of the NSNumber types
// return them as strings
return [[item valueForKey:key] stringValue];
// add more "else if" cases as desired for other types
else {
return #"---Unacceptable Attribute Type---";
If the key is invalid or the value can't be made into a string, the method returns an NSString error message (change those blocks to do whatever you want for those cases).
All of the NSNumber attribute types are returned as their stringValue representations. To handle other attribute types (e.g.: dates), simply add additional "else if" blocks. (see NSAttributeDescription Class Reference for more information).
If the object is a custom class of yours, you could override valueForUndefinedKey: on your object, to define what is returned when a keypath doesn't exist.
It should be possible to graft this behavior onto arbitrary classes reasonably simply. I present with confidence, but without warranty, the following code which you should be able to use to add a non-exception-throwing implementation of valueForUndefinedKey: to any class, with one, centralized line of code per class at app startup time. If you wanted to save even more code, you could make all the classes you wanted to have this behavior inherit from a common subclass of NSManagedObject and then apply this to that common class and all your subclasses would inherit the behavior. More details after, but here's the code:
Header (NSObject+ValueForUndefinedKeyAdding.h):
#interface NSObject (ValueForUndefinedKeyAdding)
+ (void)addCustomValueForUndefinedKeyImplementation: (IMP)handler;
Implementation (NSObject+ValueForUndefinedKeyAdding.m):
#import "NSObject+ValueForUndefinedKeyAdding.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import <objc/message.h>
#implementation NSObject (ValueForUndefinedKeyAdding)
+ (void)addCustomValueForUndefinedKeyImplementation: (IMP)handler
Class clazz = self;
if (clazz == nil)
if (clazz == [NSObject class] || clazz == [NSManagedObject class])
NSLog(#"Don't try to do this to %#; Really.", NSStringFromClass(clazz));
SEL vfuk = #selector(valueForUndefinedKey:);
#synchronized([NSObject class])
Method nsoMethod = class_getInstanceMethod([NSObject class], vfuk);
Method nsmoMethod = class_getInstanceMethod([NSManagedObject class], vfuk);
Method origMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(clazz, vfuk);
if (origMethod != nsoMethod && origMethod != nsmoMethod)
NSLog(#"%# already has a custom %# implementation. Replacing that would likely break stuff.",
NSStringFromClass(clazz), NSStringFromSelector(vfuk));
if(!class_addMethod(clazz, vfuk, handler, method_getTypeEncoding(nsoMethod)))
NSLog(#"Could not add valueForUndefinedKey: method to class: %#", NSStringFromClass(clazz));
Then, in your AppDelegate class (or really anywhere, but it probably makes sense to put it somewhere central, so you know where to find it when you want to add or remove classes from the list) put this code which adds this functionality to classes of your choosing at startup time:
#import "MyAppDelegate.h"
#import "NSObject+ValueForUndefinedKeyAdding.h"
#import "MyOtherClass1.h"
#import "MyOtherClass2.h"
#import "MyOtherClass3.h"
static id ExceptionlessVFUKIMP(id self, SEL cmd, NSString* inKey)
NSLog(#"Not throwing an exception for undefined key: %# on instance of %#", inKey, [self class]);
return nil;
#implementation MyAppDelegate
+ (void)initialize
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
[MyOtherClass1 addCustomValueForUndefinedKeyImplementation: (IMP)ExceptionlessVFUKIMP];
[MyOtherClass2 addCustomValueForUndefinedKeyImplementation: (IMP)ExceptionlessVFUKIMP];
[MyOtherClass3 addCustomValueForUndefinedKeyImplementation: (IMP)ExceptionlessVFUKIMP];
// ... rest of app delegate class ...
What I'm doing here is adding a custom implementation for valueForUndefinedKey: to the classes MyOtherClass1, 2 & 3. The example implementation I've provided just NSLogs and returns nil, but you can change the implementation to do whatever you want, by changing the code in ExceptionlessVFUKIMP. If you remove the NSLog, and just return nil, I suspect you'll get what you want, based on your question.
This code NEVER swizzles methods, it only adds one if it's not there. I've put in checks to prevent this from being used on classes that already have their own custom implementations of valueForUndefinedKey: because if someone put that method in their class, there's going to be an expectation that it will continue to get called. Also note that there may be AppKit code that EXPECTS the exceptions from the NSObject/NSManagedObject implementations to be thrown. (I don't know that for sure, but it's a possibility to consider.)
A few notes:
NSManagedObject provides a custom implementation for valueForUndefinedKey: Stepping through its assembly in the debugger, all it appears to do is throw roughly the same exception with a slightly different message. Based on that 5 minute debugger investigation, I feel like it ought to be safe to use this with NSManagedObject subclasses, but I'm not 100% sure -- there could be some behavior in there that I didn't catch. Beware.
Also, as it stands, if you use this approach, you don't have a good way to know if valueForKey: is returning nil because the keyPath is valid and the state happened to be nil, or if it's returning nil because the keyPath is invalid and the grafted-on handler returned nil. To do that, you'd need to do something different, and implementation specific. (Perhaps return [NSNull null] or some other sentinel value, or set some flag in thread-local storage that you could check, but at this point is it really all that much easier than #try/#catch?) Just something to be aware of.
This appears to work pretty well for me; Hope it's useful to you.
There's no easy way to solve this. Key Value Coding (KVC) isn't intended to be used that way.
One thing is for sure: using #try-#catch is really bad since you're very likely to leak memory etc. Exceptions in ObjC / iOS are not intended for normal program flow. They're also very expensive (both throwing and setting up the #try-#catch IIRC).
If you look at the Foundation/NSKeyValueCoding.h header, the comment / documentation for
- (id)valueForKey:(NSString *)key;
clearly states which methods need to be implemented for -valueForKey: to work. This may even use direct ivar access. You would have to check each one in the order described there. You need to take the key path, split it up based on . and check each part on each subsequent object. To access ivars, you need to use the ObjC runtime. Look at objc/runtime.h.
All of this is vary hacky, though. What you probably want is for your objects to implement some formal protocol and then check -conformsToProtocol: before calling.
Are your key paths random strings or are those strings under your control? What are you trying to achieve? Are you solving the wrong problem?
I don't believe this is possible in a safe way (i.e. without mucking with -valueForUndefinedKey: or something similar on other peoples' classes). I say that because on the Mac side of things, Cocoa Bindings—which can be set to substitute a default value for invalid key paths—simply catches the exceptions that result from bad key paths. If even Apple's engineers don't have a way to test if a key path is valid without trying it and catching the exception, I have to assume that such a way doesn't exist.

What are the best practices for exceptions/returning NO/nil in Objective-C?

I'm new to Objective-C, and I see that there are different conventions used about error handling. There are exceptions, but also there are situations where functions are just supposed to return nil in case of something going wrong.
So, how do I decide when use which, and how to handle exceptions and unexpected return values? What are the best practices and red flags?
I won't be definitive about which to use, but here's some info about each of the options:
Exceptions in Obj-C are not really meant to be used to control program flow. From the documentation on exception handling:
The general pattern is that exceptions are reserved for programmer error only, and the program catching such an exception should quit soon afterwards.
For this reason I wouldn't recommend using exceptions #try/#catch just to test whether a method worked correctly.
You also have several options for handling exceptions, in addition to setting a higher-level uncaught exception handler.
Errors are typically used in three ways:
Delegate methods
An object can simply pass an NSError to its delegate in a designated error-handling callback:
- (void)myObject:(MyObject *)obj didFailWithError:(NSError *)error;
The delegate is then free to take any appropriate action, including perhaps displaying a message to the user. This pattern is commonly used in asynchronous delegate-based APIs.
Out parameters
These are most commonly used in conjunction with a boolean return value: if the return value is NO, then the NSError object can be examined for more information about the error.
- (BOOL)performTaskWithParameter:(id)param returningError:(out NSError **)error;
Where one possible usage pattern would be:
NSError *error;
if (![myObject performTaskWithParameter:#"param" returningError:&error]) {
NSLog(#"Task failed with error: %#", error);
(Some people also prefer to store the boolean result in a variable before checking it, such as BOOL success = [myObject perform...];.) Due to the linear nature of this pattern, it's best used for synchronous tasks.
Block-based completion handlers
A fairly recent pattern since the introduction of blocks, yet a quite useful one:
- (void)performAsynchronousTaskWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(BOOL success, NSError *error))handler;
Used like this:
[myObject performAsynchronousTaskWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL success, NSError *error) {
if (!success) {
// ...
This varies a lot: sometimes you won't see the boolean parameter, just the error; sometimes the handler block has no arguments passed to it and you just check a state property of the object (for example, this is how AVAssetExportSession works). This pattern is also great for asynchronous tasks, when you want a block-based approach.
Handling errors
Cocoa on Mac OS X has a quite thorough error-handling path. There is also NSAlert's convenience method + (NSAlert *)alertWithError:(NSError *)error;. On iOS, the NSError class still exists, but there aren't the same convenience methods to handle errors. You may have to do a lot of it yourself.
Read the Error Handling Programming Guide for more information.
Returning nil
This is often used in conjunction with NSError out parameters; for example, NSData's method
+ (id)dataWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)path
error:(NSError **)errorPtr;
If reading the file fails, this method returns nil, and further information is stored in an error.
One reason this is a particularly convenient pattern is because of nil messaging, which can be done safely with no effect in Obj-C. I won't go into detail here on why this is useful, but you can read more about it elsewhere on the interwebs. (Just make sure to find an up-to-date article; it used to be that methods returning floating-point values wouldn't necessarily return 0 when sent to nil, but now they do, as described in the documentation.)
Exceptions should be used as little as possible in Objective-C. Where other languages would use exceptions, in Objective-C it's recommended to make use of NSError objects most of the time.
Apple's documentation on exception handling is here:
So how would one make use of NSError objects? Well, if we look at Apple's classes, errors are returned using an indirection pointer.
For example:
- (NSObject *)objectFromSet:(NSSet *)set error:(NSError **)error
// get an object from a set; if the set has at least 1 object
// we return an object, otherwise an error is returned.
NSObject *object = [set anyObject]
if (!object)
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:#"AppDomain" code:1000 userInfo:nil];
return nil;
return object;
// and then we use the function like this
- (void)test
NSError *error = nil;
NSSet *set = [[[NSSet alloc] init] autorelease];
NSObject *object = [self objectFromSet:set error:&error];
if (object)
// use the object, all went fine ...
// handle error, perhaps show an alert view ...
If a method is supposed to return an object, and it is unable to do so, it should return nil. If there's an error that you want to report to the user so that they can take some kind of action about it, use an NSError object.
Objective-C supports exceptions in much the same way as other programming languages, with a similar syntax to Java or C++. As with NSError, exceptions in Cocoa and Cocoa Touch are objects, represented by instances of the NSException class,
You can use
#try {
// do something that might throw an exception
#catch (NSException *exception) {
// deal with the exception
#finally {
// optional block of clean-up code
// executed whether or not an exception occurred
Show more about Error Handling apple doc .

What does the "*" mean in Objective C?

Sometimes I encounter code that has *, sometimes **. Can anyone explain what they mean in Objective C? (I used to be a Java programmer, with experience in C/C++.)
The * denotes that you are using a pointer to a variable, and is most commonly used to store a reference to an Objective-C object, objects which can only live on the heap and not the stack.
Pointers are not a part of Objective-C exclusively, but rather a feature of C (and therefore its derived languages, of which Objective-C is one of them).
If you are questioning the difference between * and **, the first denotes a pointer, whereas the second denotes a pointer to a pointer; the advantage of the latter to the former is that when passing in an object using ** in a method parameter, the method can then change this parameter and the new value is accessible in the calling method.
Perhaps the most common use of ** in Cocoa is when using NSError objects. When a method is called that can return an NSError object on failure, the method signature would look something like this:
- (id)someMethodThatUsesObject:(id)object error:(NSError**)error;
What this means is that the calling function can pass in a pointer to an NSError object, but someMethodThatUsesObject: can change the value of error to another NSError object if it needs to, which can then be accessed by the calling method.
This is often used as a workaround for the fact that functions can only return one value.
A * in Objective-C means exactly the same as in C; and you'll usually see it (or not) in these situations:
// Method signatures:
// Here the asterisk (*) shows that you have a pointer to an NSString instance.
+ (NSString *)stringWithString:(NSString *)aString;
// Method signatures, part two:
// Here the double asterisk (**) signifies that you should pass in a pointer
// to an area of memory (NSError *) where outError can be written.
- (BOOL)writeToURL:(NSURL *) atomically:(BOOL) error:(NSError **)outError;
// Method signatures make for good examples :)
// Here the asterisk is hidden; id is a typedef for void *; and it signifies that
// a pointer to some object of an indeterminate class will be returned
- (id)init;
// And a forth example to round it all out: C strings!
// Here the asterisk signifies, you guessed it, a pointer! This time, it's a
// pointer to the first in a series of const char; terminated by a \0, also known
// as a C string. You probably won't need to work with this a lot.
- (const char *)UTF8String;
// For a bit of clarity, inside example two, the outError is used as follows:
// Here the asterisk is used to dereference outError so you can get at and write
// to the memory it points to. You'd pass it in with:
// NSError *anError;
// [aString writeToURL:myURL atomically:YES error:&anError];
- (BOOL)writeToURL:(NSURL *)url atomically:(BOOL)atom error:(NSError **)outError {
// do some writing, and if it went awry:
if (outError != NULL)
*outError = [NSError errorWithName:#"NSExampleErrorName"];
return NO;