Using WebStorm and IntelliJ at the same time - intellij-idea

I have code for an existing web application built with java, jsp, and js.
I would like to use WebStorm for the JS part of the development and the free edition of IntelliJ for the rest of the code, but it doesn't look like I can open the same project in both as they seem to step on each other.
Is there a way I can do this without having to close/switch the IDEs all the time?

Opening Idea project in WebStorm and vice versa is not a recommended approach. Different Idea-based IDEs (RubyMine, PHPStorm, WebStorm, PyCharm, IDEA) have the same project format (.idea) but different settings/module types that aren't compatible. So we strongly recommend to avoid sharing the same project between IDEs.
If you like to work on the same front-end sources in different IDEs, I'd suggest sharing the sources folder(s) but keeping the .idea folders separated: just create a new empty project in WebStorm and add your sources root as additional content root in Settings/Directories


Directories in settings not showing when creating a web project in IntelliJ

When I create a web project in WebStorm, there is a directories option in Settings where I can set up my directory structure :
I am using IntelliJ Ultimate now, and apparently it is a superset of WebStorm, so I expect it to work exactly the same.
However after I create my web project, this "directories" option is missing.
How do I setup my directories for a web project in IntelliJ?
In IDEA, similar settings are available in the Project structure dialog (File | Project Structure, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S in default keymap).
Unlike WebStorm, IDEA supports different kind of modules, facets, artifacts, its projects structure is much more complex, that's why a separate dialog is required to manage it

How to run ant file in JetBrains WebStorm IDE?

I want to migrate from Eclipse to WebStorm for front end programming. I have done a setup for WebStorm but I couldn't find the way to do:
Ant view - I couldn't find Ant view to run Ant files
File synchronizer - to synchronize the code from Eclipse editor to actual working domain folder, I used to use file synchronizer. For WebStorm - I have found remote file synchronizer plugin but either I am not able to use it or it is meant for something else.
Any help on these would be highly appreciated!!
Also, I used to work on multiple projects simultaneously. Is there any way in WebStorm to use multiple projects in same view (without opening different windows)? If it is not feasible to do these things in WebStorm please guide me to choose good IDE for frontend programming.

Having IntelliJ IDEA auto-download libraries from Maven

I've set up a Scala project in IntelliJ idea with several dependency libraries auto-downloaded by the IDE from Maven repositories, using the built-in support for this functionality. The libraries are then automatically downloaded into a local folder and everything works as expected.
My problem is when some of those libraries go missing- either because I've deleted them, or because I'm pulling the project from a clean machine and the library binaries aren't included in version control. I'd like to tell IDEA to automatically re-download all dependency libraries from the Maven repository; I know this is possible because all the necessary information can be found in the .iml file.
If I manually go to every library in the "Project Structure" dialogue and click "Edit," I can repeat the original workflow to redownload from Maven repo without touching any settings. This is inconvenient when there are many libraries, though. Is there any way to tell IDEA to just do this for me for all Maven repo libraries included in the project?
It would be easier to use Apache Maven and maintain a pom file with a list of all dependencies (with the possibility to keep it in source control, etc) which you can simply reimport whenever you need to. IntelliJ and Maven will then manage all your libraries for you, along with their javadocs and sources. There are many, many, other benefits from this approach -- it is highly recommended.

How do you link an eclipse project to an eclipse plug-in project?

I am building an eclipse plug-in project that acts as a front end. I also have a separate eclipse project that runs as a backend. Right now I can run each of them separately and they communicate just fine using sockets.
I would like the plug-in to create the major components of the back end when it starts but also keep the two projects separate so that I can use other editors to communicate with the back end. So, I added the back end eclipse project to the build properties of the plug-in project and I added some code from the back end driver to the plug-in activator's start(). However, when I run the plug-in project I am getting class not found exceptions for all back end references. It appears to compile fine, but I can't run it. I do not do anything to the MANIFEST.MF file in the plug-in project.
How does one add a second java project to an eclipse plug-in project?
There are several ways you can do this, going from best and most difficult to worst and easiest:
(1) Use a build tool (such as the built-in ANT, or tycho, or (as I'm sure there are) some other). This is by far the best solution, but is quite a bit more involved than the next 2.
(2) Convert your non-plugin project to a plugin project and add it as a plugin dependency in your plugin settings file's dependencies tab
(3) Export your non-plugin to a new .jar in your plugin project directory (e.g. $project_loc/lib/something.jar); go into plugin settings (plugin.xml) and include it in: The Build tab under binary build, and the Runtime tab under Classpath. (Or edit the corresponding entries in and
For most cases I'd recommend approach (1); look up a few tutorials online, there are plenty. (3) is the quick-and-dirty non-flexible workaround to your particular situation, good for nothing other than seeing if it actually can run. (2) is somewhere in between -- obviously not ideal, but not as bad as 3.

Intellij / webstorm pointing to one project

I have a Play project. I use Intellij for the Java portion, but like to use Webstorm for the javascript part.
How can I do this ? Obviously right now, they keep overwriting the config file... :(
IntelliJ is perfectly capable of dealing nicely with JavaScript. Why do you need WebStorm? I'd recommend that you manage both the Java and web parts of your application in IntelliJ. I believe Play support is available, too:!.html
IntelliJ IDEA contains all the WebStorm features, these products are not designed to be used together, on the same machine and on the same project at the same time.