How to customize a textbox -

I want to customize a textbox such that the user will input date as shown in image1 below. Note these points :
Apr not 04 or April or anything else.
The order must be dd/mmm/yyyy. even if their computer system date is set otherwise.
Text to be aligned left. How do i do that textbox in visual basic 2010 ?

I think a MaskedTextBox with a custom format will be the right option for you. So that you can restrict the user to enter digits for month and letters for day and year. you can set the mask like the following:
txtCustomDate.Mask = "00/LLL/0000"
Where 0 stands for integer L for Letter, required. Restricts input to the ASCII letters a-z and A-Z. This mask element is equivalent to [a-zA-Z] in regular expressions.
You may get better format options from here


Automatic decimal places in textbox center of six digits in

I want to show comma sign center of six digits and have length of textbox 7. for example "123,456" like this.
The MaskedTextBox control would be an easy way to accomplish this.
Replace your TextBox by a MaskedTextBox, and try to set the Mask to something like this:
MaskedTextBox1.Mask = "##0,000"
It should make sure that your trailing zero are always showing.

vba customize cells format

I am needing to customize cells with simple thousands format, like 1000, without any separator or decimal.
However, I wish to remove text fonts other than a number when they are input.
For example, I want to input 120118, however in my paper from which I am copying that figures, it is formatted as a date, thereby 12/01/18. I am needing Excel to simply keep it as 120118 after typing, removing the slash (/). I have seen similar settings in access queries.
Have you tried simply pasting only the cell value with:
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
Or just clear the cell format and format it again with your desired format.
Selecting the range
Home > Number > Number Format (or Ctrl+1 I think) > Custom
Enter ddmmyy
Can be done programmatically e.g.
Thisworkbook.worksheets("Sheet1").range("A1:A50").numberformat = "ddmmyy"
The above would only be a visual/cosmetic change and the internal value of each cell would still be a date (technically a number) for calculation purposes.
However, if I've misunderstood and you instead want to go from the date 21 Jan 2018 to the number 210118, I think you would need to get the range's value(s), format as DDMMYY string, then clng() - or maybe (DD*10000) + (MM*100) + (YY) might work, then format as "000000" to preserve leading zeros.

Format Text to Number format in Report Builder 3.0

I am working with 4 fields in Report Builder 3.0 in which I am trying to format as a number with the corresponding comma. When I use the number format in the Text Box Properties nothing happens. When I export this report to Excel the field has to be converted to a number as it is being exported as a text field.
Do you have any suggestions as to how I can change the formatting in the report itself?
Thanks for your time!
If I pull data from Oracle using an openquery I get the same issue. To resolve:
When you have the Text Box Properties box open, select the function key by the Value.
In the expression, add "Int" at the front of the string with () on each side of expression. (This converts the value of the expression to an integer)
Ex: =Int(Fields!Count.Value)
Close the expression box after making these additions and select "Numbering" in Text Box Properties to format the text box accordingly.

masked textbox , use hour format with control of max 24(hours):60(minutes)

I use a masked textbox, and I would control the input, the problem is, I use 1 textbox and the control should on the first 2 digits with a maximum of 24 and the last 2 digits with a maximum of 60. Is there a possibility to program this?
Use the _Validating event of the masked textbox. In that example on MSDN, the extra spaces and ':' were stripped out, and the first two digits were validated against 0-23 and the second two digits were validated against 0-59.

How to enforce hour format?

I am using a textbox in but the input should be an hour format for example, "13h30".
How can I enfprce this by a user? When he puts the first 2 digits like 13 then automaticly the appl. puts a "h" between? Or is there a better solution?
If you are using WinForms then you could use a masked textbox with a mask of 00h00. This doesn't work too well if they subsequently want to edit the value they have entered though as the rightmost digits are shifted left if you do a backspace. You may be better off making a user control