How to open 5672 port on rabbitMQ server - rabbitmq

My locally installed rabbitMQ server must provide 5672 port for outer users. But it failed! I can only connect to localhost:5672! My rabbitmq.config file is empty!
So how can i let outer users to connect to 5672 port?
PS. I created new user User1 with full rights

If you are using Mac, then probably you need to check /usr/local/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf to see if the file has NODE_IP_ADDRESS with "localhost". Remove it will allow others to connect to your RMQ instance.


Connect host ldap server to local VM

I have a server installed on VM and a LDAP(opendj) server created using Apache Directory Studio on my host computer. Now, I would like to connect that LDAP server to local VM so that the VM server can pull user's information from LDAP server. is it possible to do that? I could not understand how to establish a communication between these two server.
Remote Port Forwarding actually does work here.
my ldap server port was 10389.
I have created a tunnel from host to vm:
ssh -R 10389:localhost:10389 root#
after then, vm can reach to the host through this port (10389).
Sorry, I don't have that much knowledge on ssh. But this one worked for me.

How to fix ngrok forwarding port?

I am ssh-ing onto a remote desktop. Since I have to connect over the internet, I have exposed the ssh port (22) on the remote side using ngrok, and everything is working great. I connect to the desktop using the command
ssh -p portno
where I get the portno from the remote side, when I start the ngrok service from the line that says
Forwarding tcp:// -> localhost:22
However, everytime I start a new ngrok session on the remote side, a new portno is generated. Now, unless I have a secondary connection open (typically using teamviewer), I would not be able to know what that port number is.
How can I start the ngrok service with a fixed portno. This is because I want to have the ngrok service on startup as I would have to restart my remote desktop a couple of times and still want to connect to the desktop using ssh.
You'll need to reserve a TCP address on ngrok, which will give you a fixed address.
To associate a tunnel with a reserved TCP address, you should include the remote-addr option in your ngrok config when starting the tunnel.
An example from the docs: ngrok tcp --region=us --remote-addr 22

what is bitnami activemq URL to connect to?

I have created activeMQ through bitnami google cloud vm, I do not know what URL to use ,what URL to send messages to?
Bitnami developer here,
You can connect to the ActiveMQ admin panel by browsing to http://YOUR_DOMAIN:8161/. You must use the username and password obtained from the server dashboard. Note that if you want to connect to ActiveMQ from a different machine, you must have ports 61616 and 8161 open for remote access.
You also could use an SSH tunnel like the one below...
ssh -i YOUR_KEY_FILE -N -L 8161: bitnami#YOUR_DOMAIN
...and then browse to
By default, all ActiveMQ transport connectors are enabled.
If you want to debug errors, you can find the main ActiveMQ log file at /opt/bitnami/activemq/data/activemq.log.
I hope it helps.

Checking if a port is open through the firewall, that has no listener service actually listening

I have a Windows 2008 R2 server that will need to listen on a particular port (e.g. 1234) in order for an application upgrade to work, but currently the application doesn't have a listener service configured for port 1234.
Our firewall is managed by a third party, but I would like to check in advance that the port 1234 has been opened before I install the update. Is this possible?
I know I can telnet to the server on other listening ports, but as this server has no application listening to 1234 I can't be certain that it is in fact, open. Telnet results are inconsistent when connecting to ports that are apparently listening in netstat.
Is there anything I can do in Powershell or VB for instance, to set up a listener for port 1234 in advance of the upgrade to ensure it will go smoothly?
Many thanks in advance.
Anything that accepts traffic would work.
Run some other service on port 1234 and see if you can connect to that.
Use a network sniffer like WireShark on the server and see if you're getting connection attempts to port 1234.
Install netcat on the server and tell it to listen to port 1234 then connect to that port on the firewall. If it connects, the port is open. (This is really the same as #1 but without an actual service.)

jvisualvm for remote host

I want to use jvisualvm's remote functionality to see live stats of a remote JVM.
I've started the jvisualvm from my windows machine but I don't know how to configure the remote connection.
On the remote machine (OS: Redhat Linux), tomcat is started with below jmx parameters:""""
netstat -lnp| grep 3030
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 30728/java
ssh connection is open to remote server and I tunneled the remote port 3030 on a certain local port but when I create new jmx connection (localhost:localport) in jvisualvm I get the below error
Cannot connect to localhost:10000 using service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:10000/jmxrmi
Can someone help me to create the connection?
First of all if you are making a remote connection, localhost connection doesn't make sense.
You need to start jstatd on the remote machine. For this purpose create a jstatd.all.policy file in the home directory of your remote machine and add the following lines:
grant codebase "file:${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar" {
Then on the command line of your remote machine you will type ' jstatd -J-Djava.rmi.server.hostname={Your Ip address} '
Once jstatd service start on the remote machine you basically add the remote connection Ip address connection on the jvisualVM UI using add remote host.
The Oracle documents for JvisualVM can be referred at but it is really confusing to understand jstatd steps.