Authentication is not working from PuTTY command line on ngrok - authentication

I have a Raspberry Pi set up as a download server at home. To access it from any Windows PC I download Putty and add its parent folder to the Path environment variable.
When accessing it via SSH using Putty GUI or CLI from any PC on my home network, it attempts to login with an SSH key, if it fails it prompts me for a password, and I can login.
I set up an ngrok account to be able to access the server from work (ngrok uses the same address for all users, but each free user gets a specific port, randomized on server reboot).
If i open up Putty's GUI and add the address ( and my port (13495) and click Open, I login normally, SSH key first, if that fails, password prompt, and I can login; as shown in the following picture: Putty GUI Login
However, if I login by command using "putty" from the command line or making a Windows shortcut with that command as the target, it reacts as if password authentication is disabled and the only authentication method is via SSH key, which is not the case. (Failed Putty Logins)
I finally attempted to add the SSH key of my work desktop to the authorized_keys file, nothing changed. I can login by GUI using the key, but CLI login still fails.
I have tried resetting all of Putty's settings, redownloading, using Pageant instead of the Putty settings SSH>Auth, nothing works.
I have searched far and wide and delved into the creepy depths of the Internet and cannot find ANYONE with the same problem. If someone does find a post with the same question, well then that post must be running away from me.
Help me, please.
This is starting to get quite irritating.
Thanks in advance.

It's because PuTTY actually ignores everything after the colon (for a consistency with PuTTY psftp and pscp tools, where you specify a path after the colon).
So the putty works like putty That means you actually connect to the default SSH 22 port, not to the 13495.
You have to use the -P switch to specify the non-default port:
putty -P 13495


How to automatically login via Windows 10 Open SSH client (pre-stored password)? [Putty or BitVise SSH is not an option!]

Recently our web hoster (Domainfactory) changed the method to externally access our online mysql database. From simple ssh "port forwarding" to a "unix socks tunnel".
The ssh call looks like this (and it works!):
ssh -N -L 5001:/var/lib/mysql5/mysql5.sock ssh-user#ourdomain.tld
The problem: you have to enter the password every single time.
In the past I used BitVise SSH client to create a profile (which also stores the encrypted password). By simply double-clicking on the profile you'll be automatically logged in.
Unfortunately, neither the "BitVise SSH client" nor "Putty" (plink.exe) supports the "Unix socks tunnel" feature/extension, so I can't use these tools any more.
Does anyone have an idea how to realize an automated login (script, tool, whatever)?.
The employees who access the database must not know the SSH password in any case!
I got a solution. The trick is to generate a SSH Key pair (private and public) on client side (Windows machine) calling 'ssh-keygen'. Important: don't secure the ssh keys with a password (simply press [enter] if you're asked for a password, otherwise you'll be asked for the SSH-Key password every time you try to SSH). Two files will be generated inside 'c:\Users\your_user\.shh\': 'id_rsa' (private key) and ' ' (public key).
On server side create a '.shh' directory within your user's home directory. Inside the '.ssh' directory create a simple text file called 'authorized_keys'. Copy the contents of '' into this file (unfortunately 'ssh-copy-id' isn't available yet for Windows. So you have to do the copy and paste stuff on your own.) Set permissions of 'authorized_keys' file to '600'.
Now you should be able to simply SSH into your server by calling 'ssh-user#ourdomain.tld' without entering a password. Create a batch file with your individual ssh-call and you're done.
Thanks to Scott Hanselman for his tutorial:

Google server putty connect 'Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)

I'm trying to connect to my Debian Google Compute Engine server through PuTTy (I've tried other alternatives too) but when I do I get the error "Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)
The google server came without a username and password, only a url to automatically login to their own terminal.
I had PuTTY working and then one day got this error.
Solution: I had revised the folder path name containing my certificates (private keys), and this caused Pageant to lose track of the certificates and so was empty.
Once I re-installed the certificate into Pageant then Putty started working again.
Turn on Password Authentication
By default, you need to use keys to ssh into your google compute engine machine, but you can turn on password authentication if you do not need that level of security.
Tip: Use the Open in browser window SSH option from your cloud console to gain access to the machine. Then switch to the root user with sudo su - root to make the configuration changes below.
Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.
Change PasswordAuthentication and ChallengeResponseAuthentication to yes.
Restart ssh /etc/init.d/ssh restart.
Please follow this guide:
with pictures.
In short:
Using Puttygen, click 'Generate' move the mouse around as instructed and wait
Enter your desired username
Enter your password
Save the private key
Copy the entire content of the 'Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file' window. Make sure to copy every single character from the beginning to the very end!
Go to the Create instances page in the Google Cloud Platform Console and in the advanced options link paste the contents of your public key.
Note the IP address of the instance once it is complete.
Open putty, from the left hand menu go to Connection / SSH / Auth and define the key file location which was saved.
From the left hand menu go to Connection / Data and define the same username
Enter the IP address of your instance
name the connection below saved Sessions as 'GCE' click on 'Save'
double click the 'GCE' entry you just created
accept the identy of the host
Now login with the password you specified earlier and run
sudo su - and you are all set.
You need to use an SSH key to login to your instance.
The GCE documentation explains the process here.
I had the same problem but got it working by changing enable-oslogin from TRUE to FALSE in google cloud.
I had the same issue and just figured it out !!
Assuming that you already went and created private/public key added your public key on the remote server ... type in and THEN go to Connection -> SSH -> Auth and click Browse to locate your private key. After you choose it will populate the input field. After that click OPEN ...
So the important thing here is the order... make sure you first enter parameters for the host and then locate your private key.
I got this error because I had forgotten to add my username behind the key in the GCE metadata section. For instance, you are meant to add an entry into the metadata section which looks like this:
sshKeys username:key
I forgot the username: part and thus when I tried to login with that username, I got the no supported auth methods error.
Or, to turn off the ssh key requirement entirely, check out my other answer.
Apparently running sudo chmod -R a+rw on your home folder causes this to happen as well.
This problem mainly caused by your connected username not have the access to the shell in GCE. So you use the following steps to solve this issue.
gcloud auth list
If you are using the correct login. please follow the below steps. otherwise use
gcloud auth revoke --all
gcloud auth login [your-iam-user]
and you get the token or it automatically detect the token.
gcloud compute --project "{projectid}" ssh --zone "{zone_name}" "{instance_name}" .
if you dont know this above line click to compute engine-> ssh dropdown arrow-> view google command-> copy that code and use it
Now it update your metadata and it is available in your computer's folder Users->username
Then you create a new ppk file using puttygen and you give the username, which you want like my_work_space. Then
save the publickey and privatekey in a folder.
Next step: Copy the public key data from puttygen and create new ssh key in gcloud metadata
cloud console ->compute engine->metadata->ssh key->add new item->paste the key and save it
and now return your shell commandline tool then enter
sudo chown -R my_work_space /home/my_work_space
now you connect this private key using sftp to anywhere. and it opens the files without showing the permission errors
:) happy hours.
If the private key has been generated with ssh-keygen in Linux it needs to be converted with puttygen because Putty does not support openssh keys.
Start puttygen, and click on Conversions - Import key, then click Browse and select the private key generated with openssh, then click on Save private key.
Use your new key to connect.
I faced the same issue and solve after several trial and error.
In the /etc/ssh/ssh_config, set
PubkeyAuthentication yes
AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys
PasswordAuthentication no
AuthenticationMethods publickey
then, open putty.
In the "Saved Sessions", enter the server IP, go through the path Connection->SSH->Auth->Browse on the left panel to search your private key and open it.
Last but not least, go back to Session of putty on the left panel and you can see the server IP address is still in the field, "Saved Sessions", then click "Save", which is the critical step.
It will let the user login without password any more.
Have fun,
Download "PuttyGEN" get publickey and privatekey
use gcloud SSH edit and paste your publickey located in /home/USER/.ssh/authorized_keys
sudo vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Tap the i key to paste publicKEY.
To save, tap Esc, :, w, q, Enter.
Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.
sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PasswordAuthentication no
ChallengeResponseAuthentication to no.
UsePAM no
Restart ssh
/etc/init.d/ssh restart.
the rest config your putty as tutorial
NB:choose the pageant add keys and start session would be better
Electricity went down and got this error. Solution was to double click your .ppk (Putty Private Key) and enter your password.
PasswordAuthentication and ChallengeResponseAuthentication default set to NO in rhel7.
Change them to NO and restart sshd.
Similar problem - same error message. I got the same message when trying to clone something from bitbucket with ssh. The problem was in my ssh configuration configured in the mercurial.ini: I used the wrong bitbucket username. After I corrected the user name things worked.
For me these was my problem, solution from
"Looking at the log /var/log/secure showed that it was just downright refused. I'm somewhat new to centos since I'm mainly a debian kind of guy, so I was unaware of /var/log/secure
After checking this and doing a bit of searching, it turns out PermitRootLogin no needs to be PermitRootLogin without-password if you want to specifically use just keys for root login. That did the trick. Thanks everyone for contributing."
I had the same error message and discovered that my mistake was in the username I used with putty. Apparently GCE SSH Keys listing would change your username characters in some of the listing. In my case, the underscore was changed to period. i.e: my_username becomes my.username
I inadvertently copied the wrong username from the listing and got the same error message.
I know this is an old question, but I had the same problem and solved it thanks to this answer.
I use Putty regularly and have never had any problems. I use and have always used public key authentication. Today I could not connect again to my server, without changing any settings.
Then I saw the answer and remembered that I inadvertently ran chmod 777 . in my user's home directory. I connected from somewhere else and simply ran chmod 755 ~. Everything was back to normal instantly, I didn't even have to restart sshd.
I hope I saved some time from someone

Script to ssh to remote server and overwrite file

Been toying around with my Raspberry Pi running raspbian.
I'd like to update a webpage with a shell script that requires no input, such as password.
I just tried creating the keys and putting them in the .ssh file on the remote server, but when I run my simple shell script of ssh 'ls' and it still prompts me for a password.
I also looked into paramiko slightly, but didn't get very far with it.
All I need is to update/replace an html file with text/information that I have.
I think your Public/Private Keys for Authentication is not configured correctly in your server.
Can you check this link which explains the authentication step:SSH Authentication

still asking for password even after setting up the machine for Password-less SSH Login

I need to copy a file from a remote machine to my local machine and I need to automate it.
I've tried SCP command and it's working, however, I could not automate the part wherein it is asking for the password of the user of the local machine and the remote machine.
Based on this article I can Perform SSH Login Without Password Using ssh-keygen & ssh-copy-id
after following all the instructions written there, I tried to access the remote machine using this
ssh lalala#XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
it works, it doesnt ask for the password anymore. But when I tried copying a file from that machine using the command below,
scp lalala#XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:'/a/b/c.txt' lelele#XXX.XXX.XXX.YYY:'/b/c/'
it still asks for the password of the localmachine which is the lelele#XXX.XXX.XXX.YYY
I wonder if I did something wrong? what could it be? is there something wrong with the format of the command?
BTW, im using Centos, and I'm planning to code it using python
If you are copying to your local machine why don't you just do
scp lalala#XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:'/a/b/c.txt' /b/c/
I tried your line on some machine with similar setup and didn't get asked for password; I got an error instead, but this is probably due to differences in our configurations. I tried mine and it worked.
Regarding whether your connection succeeds in the remote machine you could tail this file there:
tail -f /var/log/secure
If you see no error there you can be sure (well, never say always) your layout with the generated keys is working.
In this case I bet you'll see no error there
I think you may have multiple ssh keys and set identies only as yes. If so, please check this answer:

SSH to Amazon EC2 instance using PuTTY in Windows

I am a newbie to Amazon web services, was trying to launch an Amazon instance and SSH to it using putty from windows. These are the steps I followed:
Created a key pair.
Added a security group rule for SSH and HTTP.
Launched and instance of EC2 using the above key pair and security group.
Using PuTTYgen converted the *.pem file to *.ppk
Using putty tried connecting to the public DNS of the instance and provided the *.ppk file.
I logged in using 'root' and 'ec2-user', and created the PPK file using SSH1 and SSH2, for all these attempts I get the following error in putty,
"Server refused our key"
Can you guys please help, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I assume that the OP figured this out or otherwise moved on, but the answer is to use ubuntu as the user (if the server is ubuntu).
1) Make sure you have port 22 (SSH) opened in Security Group of EC2 Instance.
2) Try connecting with Elastic IP instead of public DNS name.
I hope you have followed these steps Connecting EC2 from a Windows Machine Using PuTTY
Another situation where I got the "Server refused our key" error when using putty, from windows, to ssh to an EC2 instance running ubuntu:
The private key was wrongly converted from .pem to .ppk.
puttygen has two options for "converting keys".
Load your .pem file into puttygen using the File->Load Private Key option and then save as .ppk file using the Save Private Key Button.
DO NOT use the menu option Conversions->Import Key to load the .pem file generated by EC2.
See the puttygen screenshots below, with the two menu options marked.
Check the username, it should be "ubuntu" for your machine.
Check if traffic is enabled on port 22 in Security group.
Check if you are using the correct url i.e ubuntu#public/elasticip
Maybe worth of checking one more thing. Go to AWS console, right mouse click on the instance and choose "Connect...". It will show you the DNS name that you want to use. If you restarted that instance at some point, that DNS name could have changed.
I had a similar problem when I tried to connect an instance created automatically by the Elastic Beanstalk service (EBS). But, once I linked my existing key name to the EBS (under Environment Details -> Edit Configuration -> Server Tab -> Existing Key Pair), I was able to login with 'ec2-user' and my existing key file (converted to .ppk) with putty.
This, however, terminates the running instance and rebuilds a new instance with access through the key pair named above.
Just in case it helps anyone else, I encountered this error after changing the permissions on the home folder within my instance. I was testing something and had executed chmod -R 777 on my home folder. As soon as this had occurred, once I had logged out I was effectively locked out.
You won't face this error if you SSH AWS directly using ".pem" file instead of converted ".ppk" file.
1) Use Git Bash instead of putty. Since you can run all the Linux commands in Git Bash. By installing Git you get to access Git Bash Terminal
2) Right click from the folder where you have ".pem" and select "Git Bash Here".
3) Your key must not be publicly viewable for SSH to work. So run "chmod 400 pemfile.pem".
4) Connect to your instance using its Public DNS - "ssh -i "pemfile.pem""
5) Make sure to whitelist your Network IP for SSH in your_instance->security_group->inbound_rules
I assume you're following this guide, and connecting using the instructions on the subsequent page. Verify a couple of things:
You converted the key correctly, e.g. selected the right .pem file, saved as private key, 1024-bit SSH-2 RSA
The Auth settings (step 4 in the connection tutorial) are correct
I was having the same trouble (and took the same steps) until I changed the user name to 'admin' for the debian AMI I was using.
You should lookup the user name ofthe AMI you are using. The debian AMI is documented here
I have had this same problem. The AMI you are using is the one that is also used by the "Cloud Formation" templating solution.
In the end I gave up with that, and created a Red Hat instance. I was then able to connect by SSH fine using the user root.
The instructions here: work fine using a Red Hat instance but not using an Amazon Linux instance. I assume they have some username that I didn't think to try (root, ec2-user, and many other obvious ones, all were refused)
Hope that helps someone!
I use Debain AMI and I try ec2-user, root but correct login is 'admin'.
I was getting the same error when I tried to create a new key pair and tried to use that new pem/ppk file. I noticed that the Key Pair Name field on the instance was still the old one and in poking around. Apparently, you can't change a key pair. So I went back to the original key pair. Fortunately, I didn't delete anything so this was easy enough.
Try an alternative SSH client, like Poderosa. It accepts pem files, so you will not need to convert the key file.
If you already have a key pair, follow these steps:
Convert *.pem to *.ppk using PuTTYgen (Load pem file key then Save ppk)
Add ppk auth key file to Putty SSH>Auth options
Enter "Host Name (or IP address)" field: ubuntu#your-ip-address-of-ubuntu-ec2-host))