Script to ssh to remote server and overwrite file - ssh

Been toying around with my Raspberry Pi running raspbian.
I'd like to update a webpage with a shell script that requires no input, such as password.
I just tried creating the keys and putting them in the .ssh file on the remote server, but when I run my simple shell script of ssh 'ls' and it still prompts me for a password.
I also looked into paramiko slightly, but didn't get very far with it.
All I need is to update/replace an html file with text/information that I have.

I think your Public/Private Keys for Authentication is not configured correctly in your server.
Can you check this link which explains the authentication step:SSH Authentication


How to programmatically download a file from a remote desktop if I have the data required to configure a Jump Desktop (remote desktop) connection?

I want to programmatically download a file from a remote machine.
So, I know the host's IP and port:
Login data:
I also know that it creates an SSH tunnel.
Any suggestions? Is it even possible knowing just that data?
My knowledge on that topic is very scarce.
My answer focuses on SSH usage. In order to download a file via SSH, you need to run the scp command, like
scp yourusername#server.url:/the/path/to/the/file.extension ./
That's enough in order to download the file. However, it is possible that this will not work by itself. First, you need the other machine to know about your ssh, so you will need to
vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
hit insert and paste your public SSH key to its end. Don't remove anything. If it is still not working, then ssh might be disallowed on the server and you will need to enable it. Example for Ubuntu:
Your user needs access to the file you want to download, otherwise this won't work.
Alternatively you could set up an SFTP connection as well and use that.

Authentication is not working from PuTTY command line on ngrok

I have a Raspberry Pi set up as a download server at home. To access it from any Windows PC I download Putty and add its parent folder to the Path environment variable.
When accessing it via SSH using Putty GUI or CLI from any PC on my home network, it attempts to login with an SSH key, if it fails it prompts me for a password, and I can login.
I set up an ngrok account to be able to access the server from work (ngrok uses the same address for all users, but each free user gets a specific port, randomized on server reboot).
If i open up Putty's GUI and add the address ( and my port (13495) and click Open, I login normally, SSH key first, if that fails, password prompt, and I can login; as shown in the following picture: Putty GUI Login
However, if I login by command using "putty" from the command line or making a Windows shortcut with that command as the target, it reacts as if password authentication is disabled and the only authentication method is via SSH key, which is not the case. (Failed Putty Logins)
I finally attempted to add the SSH key of my work desktop to the authorized_keys file, nothing changed. I can login by GUI using the key, but CLI login still fails.
I have tried resetting all of Putty's settings, redownloading, using Pageant instead of the Putty settings SSH>Auth, nothing works.
I have searched far and wide and delved into the creepy depths of the Internet and cannot find ANYONE with the same problem. If someone does find a post with the same question, well then that post must be running away from me.
Help me, please.
This is starting to get quite irritating.
Thanks in advance.
It's because PuTTY actually ignores everything after the colon (for a consistency with PuTTY psftp and pscp tools, where you specify a path after the colon).
So the putty works like putty That means you actually connect to the default SSH 22 port, not to the 13495.
You have to use the -P switch to specify the non-default port:
putty -P 13495

SSH on windows without storing password in clear

What I would do is using Putty (or other solution) on Windows to connect to a SAN switch and get results from a command with ssh.
I use Powershell as scripting language and it could be done easily but i don't want to save the password in the script.
I'm looking for a solution to use Putty from command line and set the password not stored in clear in the script.
What I thought is to launch the script with \RUNAS (through a Scheduled task) and pass the actual credentials directly to Putty. (The switch would have the same password as the account used with the Runas). Is that possible?
Or is there any solution using putty with a certificate or something like this?
You may want to consider using key authentication as opposed to a password.
People will say use a password in addition to the key, but if your alternative is storing the password on your PC in a file anyway, someone with access to your machine owns you in either case.. So you just need to generate the keys. The requirement is: no-one but you has access to that key file.
I'm in the same boat, have to use Windows, but for me which gives you a shell, and the basic *nix tools - extremely useful for SSH, connect to remote Linux VPS, etc.. Cygwin, of course which is similar, and has an easier tool (setup.exe if I recall) to install new apps. I actually use git-bash with is mingw with git. No-GUIs. I've found this easy to just drop to the mingw shell when I need to use ssh openssl cut awk etc..
So running any remote command using SSH from the command line without third-party programs like Putty, or those with GUIs, etc.. Using the key authentication and offing password auth completely in ssh on the remote device (at least on devices where you have control) is some additional lockdown for the remote device, especially if you're the only one need access it.
Which leaves, scheduling the script. There should be a way to do that via batch file and Windows or within the command line environment.
I'll suggest following options:
use password authentication. Store the text file with password in a file with limited access (some service account) and launch your script under this account's credentials
same as above, but instead of text file use certificate file
write a small program (C#) which uses DPAPI to store the certificate or password in service account-specific store.
combine any of the above with the use of BitLocker/EFS
No options are can protect you from an attacker having admin access to the server, but implementing them will give an increasing (in order of number) headache to someone who will be trying to break it.
The script will be a weak spot in any case, though.
This is probably not the answer you're looking for, but I wouldn't use Putty for this, and would rather communicate with the SSH server directly using SSH.NET library. It's available in both source and binary form, and you could use it from PowerShell too if you like.
Then you'd have a lot of options to store your login credentials securely.
I recommend setting up 2-factor authentication on the ssh machine that you have to communicate with IF you can't use key authentication.
Google's 2 factor authentication can be implemented for ssh and is relatively easy to set up as long as SE linux is disabled...if it isn't disabled, you can add an exception and that would essentially help reduce the risk of compromise and increase security.

still asking for password even after setting up the machine for Password-less SSH Login

I need to copy a file from a remote machine to my local machine and I need to automate it.
I've tried SCP command and it's working, however, I could not automate the part wherein it is asking for the password of the user of the local machine and the remote machine.
Based on this article I can Perform SSH Login Without Password Using ssh-keygen & ssh-copy-id
after following all the instructions written there, I tried to access the remote machine using this
ssh lalala#XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
it works, it doesnt ask for the password anymore. But when I tried copying a file from that machine using the command below,
scp lalala#XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:'/a/b/c.txt' lelele#XXX.XXX.XXX.YYY:'/b/c/'
it still asks for the password of the localmachine which is the lelele#XXX.XXX.XXX.YYY
I wonder if I did something wrong? what could it be? is there something wrong with the format of the command?
BTW, im using Centos, and I'm planning to code it using python
If you are copying to your local machine why don't you just do
scp lalala#XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:'/a/b/c.txt' /b/c/
I tried your line on some machine with similar setup and didn't get asked for password; I got an error instead, but this is probably due to differences in our configurations. I tried mine and it worked.
Regarding whether your connection succeeds in the remote machine you could tail this file there:
tail -f /var/log/secure
If you see no error there you can be sure (well, never say always) your layout with the generated keys is working.
In this case I bet you'll see no error there
I think you may have multiple ssh keys and set identies only as yes. If so, please check this answer:

How to use ssh command in shell script?

I know that we shuld do
ssh user#target
but where do we specify the password ?
Hmm thanks for all your replies.
My requirement is I have to start up some servers on different machines. All servers should be started with one shell script. Well, entering password every time seems little bad but I guess I will have to resort to that option. One reason why I don't want to save the public keys is I may not connect to same machines every time. It is easy to go back and modify the script to change target addresses though.
The best way to do this is by generating a private/public key pair, and storing your public key on the remote server. This is a secure way to login w/o typing in a password each time.
Read more here
This cannot be done with a simple ssh command, for security reasons. If you want to use the password route with ssh, the following link shows some scripts to get around this, if you are insistent:
Scripts to automate password entry
The ssh command will prompt for your password. It is unsafe to specify passwords on the commandline, as the full command that is executed is typically world-visible (e.g. ps aux) and also gets saved in plain text in your command history file. Any well written program (including ssh) will prompt for the password when necessary, and will disable teletype echoing so that it isn't visible on the terminal.
If you are attempting to execute ssh from cron or from the background, use ssh-agent.
The way I have done this in the past is just to set up a pair of authentication keys.
That way, you can log in without ever having to specify a password and it works in shell scripts. There is a good tutorial here:
SSH Keys are the standard/suggested solution. The keys must be setup for the user that the script will run as.
For that script user, see if you have any keys setup in ~/.ssh/ (Key files will end with a .pub extension)
If you don't have any keys setup you can run:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
which will generate ~/.ssh/ (the -t option has other types as well)
You can then copy the contents of this file to ~(remote-user)/.ssh/authorized_keys on the remote machine.
As the script user, you can test that it works by:
ssh remote-user#remote-machine
You should be logged in without a password prompt.
Along the same lines, now when your script is run from that user, it can auto SSH to the remote machine.
If you really want to use password authentication , you can try expect. See here for an example