Can add my own custom snippets to Big Commerce - variables

I have tried to upload my own snippet that replaces the create new account text that is held in the %%LNG_NewCustomerIntro2%% variable. Of course I am thinking this would be as simple as 123 but I guess not.
Does a snippet have to be registered? Or should I just comment out the current code in the snippet I need (or hide it with css) and then add in my code?
It seems this is common with bigcommerce....
Any suggestions

No, you can not introduce custom snippets to BigCommerce. Snippets refer to a function in the core application to supply data (thus requiring core code). It is better to remove the existing snippet and provide your own code within the panel or layout file.


Customize anchor-sections.css with blogdown

I saw in the html_document help page an easy-way to customize the anchor style by adapting the anchor-section class. This works well for individual Rmd documents.
I would like to know how to achieve the same thing within blogdown. I thought that I could simply customize the static/rmarkdown-libs/anchor-sections/anchor-sections.css file.
This actually work temporarily, but is not working properly since this file is automatically regenerated every time any Rmd file is rendered.
I'm sorry I did not include a reprex, this is more of a technical question.

Piranha CMS: Problem with custom block in manager interface

I am trying to add a custom block. I followed the steps in following two links:
In the CMS manager, I added the custom block to a page, but the block content is empty. Looks like the Vue.js didn't get associated to the custom block. I have set the block component attribute to the Vue.js.
I added the Vue.js by calling below method in the startup. Did I miss something to create a custom block?
Move your "mycustomblock.js" file to the folder "wwwroot/js/" instead of the default "assets/js/". That way the file will be visible to Vue.js
Something is not working with the assets folder, probably it cannot be reached by Vue.js
after the Project is compiled. I had the same problem and this solution worked for me.
void Configure in Startup.cs will then look something like this (I simplified the syntax a bit compared to the documentation):
Adding a custom block and many other tasks have been difficult for me. Trial and error, and no knowledgebase to fall back on. The documentation is a fantastic start, and "Step by step" guides would be a good idea for the future (but I guess time is very limited).

ExtJS 5 Custom Theme Testing

I recently started to create custom theme for ExtJS 5 by Sencha.
Following I managed to create ThemeDemoApp, inherit ext-theme-neptune, change $base-color to green and refresh/rebuild ThemeDemoApp with my-custom-theme. All ok.
My problem is, ThemeDemoApp is quite poor for testing a custom theme. A panel, tab, button and a modal window. That's it?
After bit of googling I bumped into (Why isn't this mentioned in the guide?!) Heading says: View and test every Ext component against bundled Ext Themes, or your own custom themes.
My question is: How? How do I test my own custom theme against this example? Do I have to dig into the source (themes.js) and build such page/application myself?
The examples - including the Theme tester - is included in the ExtJS download.
You can modify the list of themes available by editing the shared/options-toolbar.js file.
To get it to find your theme, you'll either need to name it similar to the others (ext-theme-name), or modify themes.js accordingly.
Or you could just hack the theme.js file to hardcode your theme.
(Ext JS 4 used to create an example page for themes automatically - it doesn't seem to do that now, though)
According to advice at How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file? I decided to load both options-toolbar.js and themes.js (with just minor modification - commenting out Ext.onReady(...) function in themes.js) and I used functions getBasicPanel(), getCollapsedPanel(), etc. in my own application to create the same testing page (absolute-layout container that fits the page).
Anyhow, I guess Robert's answer is the correct one - there is no prearranged, ready-to-use functionality from Sencha :-(

Page Navigation in Windows 8 XAML (without using code behind)

For my windows 8 application i am trying to navigate between pages with out using code behind.
For example, i have one image in my UI without creating tapped event for that image i need to navigate to another page,
<Image Source="ms-appx:///Assets/Logo.png" Width="155" Height="110" Tapped="{ // Navigation method here }"/>
Is it possible to navigate between pages like this...? If possible, how can i get this to work??
XAML is just a declarative language without action part so code behind is an essential part of it.
All interactions work via events and event can be handled in a code behind only. So what you want is not possible with XAML(at least with WinRT XAML).
If you are asking if you can specify the code inside the .xaml file, then no, that is not possible.
If you are asking if you can avoid adding code to the .xaml.cs file, then yes, that is possible. You will still need to specify a method but it can even be done as a simple lambda. You will need to use the Command hooks rather than the Event Hooks, e.g.
<Button Command="{Binding GoConnectionCommand}" ... />
The code for this command is usually defined in the ViewModel as part of the MVVM pattern, and Josh Smith explains it far better than I will.
AlSki mentioned using a ViewModel. Although technically the ViewModel is not part of the "code behind" for the XAML file, it's still code and I believe you were asking for a no code solution.
ixSci is correct that there is no way to do this out of the box without code behind in WinRT XAML.
In full WPF it's possible to do this using a behavior called NavigateToScreenAction. You can read about it here. Unfortunately behaviors don't ship out of the box with WinRT, but they can be added back in by an open source project called WinRtBehaviors.
There is no NavigateToScreenAction behavior for WinRT, but one could be created. There is a good article on creating behaviors with the library here. It will obviously require code to create the behavior, but after it's created you could use it in XAML without any code.
Really, the short answer is it's not possible to navigate without code on WinRT.
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Format month/year in Ektron calendar header

Version 8.0.1 SP1
Our client would like us to reformat the month/year in the calendar header. See attached image. They want "April, 2012" instead of the abbreviated "Apr, 2012". Where is this specified? I have looked at the webcalendar objects, css files, xslt files.
Any suggestions?
I haven't made that particular change, but have faced similar requests. Your options are-
Use Javascript (jQuery) to reformat on client side
Dig around in the workarea looking for formatting code, though usually the formatting code is locked up in a DLL.
DisplayXslt or EkMarkup - some controls allow you to apply XSLT or EkMarkup (Ektron markup template) for custom display. You create an XSLT, and apply it via the DisplayXslt property on the control.
Discard the control, and use the APIs to drive your own custom control.
Also, this Ektron forum post suggests having a look at this file- workarea/webcalendar/xsl/default.xsl
If this file exists (I don't have an Ektron installation currently handy), then it is likely you can use the DisplayXslt method described above.