Format month/year in Ektron calendar header - ektron

Version 8.0.1 SP1
Our client would like us to reformat the month/year in the calendar header. See attached image. They want "April, 2012" instead of the abbreviated "Apr, 2012". Where is this specified? I have looked at the webcalendar objects, css files, xslt files.
Any suggestions?

I haven't made that particular change, but have faced similar requests. Your options are-
Use Javascript (jQuery) to reformat on client side
Dig around in the workarea looking for formatting code, though usually the formatting code is locked up in a DLL.
DisplayXslt or EkMarkup - some controls allow you to apply XSLT or EkMarkup (Ektron markup template) for custom display. You create an XSLT, and apply it via the DisplayXslt property on the control.
Discard the control, and use the APIs to drive your own custom control.
Also, this Ektron forum post suggests having a look at this file- workarea/webcalendar/xsl/default.xsl
If this file exists (I don't have an Ektron installation currently handy), then it is likely you can use the DisplayXslt method described above.


Customize anchor-sections.css with blogdown

I saw in the html_document help page an easy-way to customize the anchor style by adapting the anchor-section class. This works well for individual Rmd documents.
I would like to know how to achieve the same thing within blogdown. I thought that I could simply customize the static/rmarkdown-libs/anchor-sections/anchor-sections.css file.
This actually work temporarily, but is not working properly since this file is automatically regenerated every time any Rmd file is rendered.
I'm sorry I did not include a reprex, this is more of a technical question.

Modify product labels xml in Odoo

I’m having several issues when trying to modify the default template of product labels. I need to add some new fields to the existing template that generates the document of product labels (and to design in with proper dimensions).
I am not able to find the xml template to modify it because I can’t find the file. This is a topic I have been researching deeply through the internet during the lasts days and all my attempts have been unsuccessful.
On the Internet, it is said that the product labels are generated using the product/report/product-label.xml and product_label.xsl:
The issue is that I can’t files these files in my Odoo installation folder (tested with both Windows and Ubuntu). These are my folder contents in Ubuntu usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/addons/product/report:
Should I create the xml and xsl files?
If so, how can I reference them? I have already tried to modify the xml file to try if the options for rendering the report change and nothing’s happens...
Here is the xml that I have been modifying (looks like it is an index of the different available reports but I haven’t found any official documentation regarding this) (note that I’ve added a number to each report title to see if something changes):
And the select options are still the same, as it can be seen in the following screenshot.
Am I’m missing something? It looks like these templates are located somewhere else and I’m editing these files without success (and restarting the Odoo server doesn’t work either...).
I'm using Odoo v12.
Thank you for your help!
<report> tag in odoo is actually shortcut of model record creation, qweb-pdf or qweb-html type of report needs a qweb template to render the report output, which is mentioned in name and file properties in the report tag.
After changing the files in a odoo module, if that module is already installed before change, you have to update the module. You can update from Apps menu of odoo web panel. For example, in this case, you are making change in product module which is named Products & Pricelists in odoo Apps. After making change, update that module and you will find the changes effective. Also, if you are adding new XML file, you have to add respective file name in __manifest.py__, or have to import in __init.py__ if you are adding new python file in the module.

Can add my own custom snippets to Big Commerce

I have tried to upload my own snippet that replaces the create new account text that is held in the %%LNG_NewCustomerIntro2%% variable. Of course I am thinking this would be as simple as 123 but I guess not.
Does a snippet have to be registered? Or should I just comment out the current code in the snippet I need (or hide it with css) and then add in my code?
It seems this is common with bigcommerce....
Any suggestions
No, you can not introduce custom snippets to BigCommerce. Snippets refer to a function in the core application to supply data (thus requiring core code). It is better to remove the existing snippet and provide your own code within the panel or layout file.

How do I add a DatePicker to a custom field

I have TRAC 1.0.1 running.
For my tickets I would like to have a DueDate. Entering the DueDate should be done by using a DatePicker. Because it is convenient, and you can not enter wrong values.
I added following plugin to TRAC:
The description says, that it provides validation for custom fields and a DatePicker for Milestone and Ticket fields.
My trac.ini configuration file looks like this:
duedate1 = text = true
duedate1.date_empty = true
duedate1.label = Due Date
duedate1.order = 4
duedate1.value = DD-MM-YYYY
first_day = 1
format = dmy
separator = -
TRAC is now checking the input against the format. But what I really want is a DatePicker that pops up and lets me choose the date.
Any help is appreciated.
If the input is being validated but there is no datepicker it sounds like a client side JS / browser problem.
I just created a new Trac env, added the DateFieldPlugin, copied your [ticket-custom]
and [datefield] ini configuration and it seemed to work out of the box just fine. For example on /newticket I can see a datepicker for the Due Date field (using Firefox at least). Given that, all I can really do is give some more details which might help us debug your problem.
The datepicker is added via JavaScript. If you are running Trac 1.0 then you don't need to worry about jQuery or jQuery UI as Trac core now ships with these dependencies. You can see that by looking at the scripts tab in Firebug etc. when you are running tracd. Are you serving your own jQuery or jQuery UI scripts which might be conflicting? Are there any errors shown on the Firebug console tab?
The plugin serves extra JS files when you request certain pages in Trac, including /newticket and /ticket. You should also be able to see these scripts being served in Firebug etc. Is that true for you?
If you inspect the HTML in the ticket.html template displayed on /newticket you should also see something like this for the Due Date input
<input type="text" class="datepick hasDatepicker" value="MM-DD-YYYY" name="field_due_date1" id="field-due_date1">
Note the two datepick and hasDatePicker classes are what tell JS to to render a jQuery Datepicker dialog. Does your custom field have these classes? The plugin should be adding them for you (inside the post_process_request())
If all that is the same for you then maybe it is a browser problem?
While the plugin way was ok, when there was no other way, now it is only second best, because of all the limitations of storing date/time as formatted string instead of POSIX (micro)seconds, just like for other native Trac time fields.
There is a better way: Custom date/time field support has entered Trac core since 1.1.1 ("unstable" development branch moving towards next stable 1.2).
At least if you foresee heavy use and/or long term Trac deployment, you'll appreciate adding true timestamps to your db right from the start. It provides you with the best possible experience like date picker UI, full time zone and TracQuery support, even future time constraints ('nextday', 'nextweek', etc.) are possible right now.
A last note regarding Trac code stability: For what its worth I'm using true custom time fields support via patches in production since 2009 (Trac 0.13dev), runs smoothly in applications with 30.000+ tickets by now.

Objective-c code formatter site to create html that can be embedded into a blog

I'm looking for site similar to that allows one to put in c# code snippet and it formats the html to post into your blog with a CSS file.
I need one that actually does this for Objective-C.
You want the GeSHi (Generic Syntax Highlighter) library. It's is excellent, has dozens of languages (including Objective-C, with the ability to automatically linkify classes/protocols to the documentation), and support for many popular CMSs (Django, WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Mambo, etc).
If you'd like to see it in action, you can check out nearly any wiki page on our local CocoaHeads website. For example:
Assuming you're on a Mac, copying code from Xcode will keep the syntax coloring. Any WYSIWYG blog editor should support that.
In case your blog software isn't WYSIWYG, you can paste into TextEdit and save as HTML. It outputs pretty crappy HTML considering it's just highlighted source code, but it's nonetheless compliant HTML.
Other than that, I don't know of an online service for that.
I use pygments (python) to generate syntax highlight for source code examples embedded in blog.
If your entry text is just the source code it will work the same for what you are after, I tested it to highlight Objective-C as well.
I actually use markdown syntax to type plain text blog post in a file and I copy plain text code examples. Then I run the file via markdown processor, which includes pygments for highlight and store it into a file.
It's as simple as:
include markdown
html = markdown.markdown(text,['codehilite'])
See simple script at the link which just takes file name of your plain text file and creates html file.
Then I can copy/paste the code.
You have to include link or copy the css as well to get the syntax highligh but it's easy.
I do this for blogger, see example how to use markdown with pygments to do syntax highlight.