PL/SQL Developer: joining VARCHAR2 to NUMBER? - sql

Here's where I am:
TABLE1.ITM_CD is VARCHAR2 datatype
TABLE2.ITM_CD is NUMBER datatype
Executing left join TABLE2 on TABLE1.ITM_CD = TABLE2.ITM_CD yields ORA-01722: invalid number error
Executing left join TABLE2 on to_number(TABLE1.ITM_CD) = TABLE2.ITM_CD also yields ORA-01722: invalid number error.
-- I suspect this is because one of the values in TABLE1.ITM_CD is the string "MIXED"
Executing left join TABLE2 on TABLE1.ITM_CD = to_char(TABLE2.ITM_CD) successfully runs, but it returns blank values for the fields selected from TABLE2.
Here is a simplified version of my working query:
left join TABLE2 b on a.ITM_CD = to_char(b.ITM_CD)
This query returns a list of item codes and hold reasons, but just blank values for the cost, size, and descriptions. And I did confirm that TABLE2 contains values for these fields for the returned codes.
UPDATE: Here are pictures with additional info.
I selected the following info from ALL_TAB_COLUMNS--I don't necessarily know what all fields mean, but thought it might be helpful
TABLE1 sample data
TABLE2 sample data

You can convert the TABLE1.ITM_CD to a number after you strip any leading zeros and filter out the "MIXED" values:
select A.ITM_CD
left join TABLE2 b
on TO_NUMBER( LTRIM( a.ITM_CD, '0' ) ) = b.ITM_CD

This is a SQL (and really a database) problem, not PL/SQL. You will need to fix this - fight your bosses if you have to. Item code must be a Primary Key in one of your two tables, and a Foreign Key in the other table, pointing to the PK. Or perhaps Item code is PK in another table which you didn't show us, and Item code in both the tables you showed us should be FK pointing to that PK.
You don't have that arrangement now, which is exactly why you are having all this trouble. The data type must match (it doesn't now), and you shouldn't have values like 'MIXED' - unless your business rules allow it, and then the field should be VARCHAR2 and 'MIXED' should be one of the values in the PK column (whichever table that is in).
In your case, the problem is that the codes in VARCHAR2 format start with a leading 0, so if you compare to the numbers converted to strings, you never get a match (and in the outer join, the match is always assumed to be to NULL).
Instead, when you convert your numbers to strings, add leading zero(s) like this:
...on a.ITM_CD = TO_CHAR(b.ITM_CD, '099999')

You can trim leading zeros from your string column.
left join TABLE2 b on trim(LEADING '0' FROM a.ITM_CD ) = to_char(b.ITM_CD)


comparing column values in SQL

I am working on multiple tables in PostgreSQL and I want to compare the column values of two tables but one of them is written differently here is how
it's the same values but one of them starts with three Zeros.
I've tried this
select * from table1, table2
where table1.projectid=table2.project_id and operating_unit= 'USA'
I even tries to replace '=' with 'IN' but both return an empty table
Your code should work if one of the values is a number. But neither are. How about converting them?
select *
from table1 join
on table1.projectid::numeric = table2.project_id::numeric and
operating_unit = 'USA';
Sadly, having to convert on both ends precludes the use of indexes. So an alternative is to just change one side or the other:
select *
from table1 join
on '000' || table1.projectid] = table2.project_id and
operating_unit = 'USA';
At least this makes it possible to use an index.

Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'T70001' to data type int?

I am receiving the above error when using the below query
FROM [SRV-RVS].[dbo].[CARD] b
I am trying to join both tables, here my EMPID is same as SSNO but it got a character in the begining .
Hope you got it
You could convert EMPID to a varchar and add a 'T' character in the join clause.
FROM [SRV-RVS].[dbo].[CARD] b INNER JOIN [SRV-RVS].dbo.EMP e ON ('T' + REPLACE(STR(CAST(b.EMPID as varchar(9)), 9), SPACE(1), '0')) = E.SSNO
Additional notes
I guessed on the length of the varchar but SSN is generally always 9 digits. If you are storing mask/space characters like - in your SSNO column this code will not work.
There is code in there to left 0 pad the id for SSN numbers that start with 0 as an int to string will not automatically pad 0.
If there data sets are large this could cause performance problems.
Really the schema should never have converted SSN to an int (numeric) to begin with. It should have stayed as a varchar field and ideally not set as a primary key on another table either.
Again (continue from last bullet), change the schema or add a computed column. This is currently a poor design.
Fix your table so you can do the join. The rest of this answer assumes you are using SQL Server (based on the syntax of the code in the question).
I would encourage you to do:
alter table emp
add column ssno as ( cast(stuff(empid, 1, 1, '') as int) );
Or to whatever type matches. You can even build an index on this.
Then your code doesn't have to remember business rules about the relationship between empid and ssno.
Join on table by extracting numeric values from string, so it would match on Id Column. It should return result as long u dint have any other surprises in the rowdata. This works by eliminating character in the beginning.
FROM [SRV-RVS].[dbo].[CARD] b
on right(b.EMPID, len(b.EMPID) - (PatIndex('%[0-9]%', b.EMPID )-1) )
=right(E.SSNO, len(E.SSNO) - (PatIndex('%[0-9]%', E.SSNO )-1) )


I have two different tables, we will call table 1 and table 2. Within table 1, I have a column known as featureid which is a numerical value that corresponds to a numerical value in table 2 known as the termid. Also, within this table 2, each of the different termid corresponds to a plain text description of that termid.
What I am attempting to do is join the featureid in table 1 to the termid in table 2, but have the output be a two column display of the plain text description and occurrence of each within table 1.
I know I need to use the JOIN and COUNT syntax within SQL, but not sure how to correctly write the command.
You actually only need one column in the GROUP BY. It's also good practice to specify which values are coming from which table, like so:
COUNT(table1.featureid) AS OccurrenceCount
table2 ON
table1.featureid = table2.termid
GROUP BY table2.textDesc
I think this is what you are looking for:
SELECT textDesc, COUNT(featureid)
FROM table1, table2
WHERE featureid=termid
GROUP BY featureid, textDesc
Alternatively, you can use a different syntax (with the same end result) like so:
SELECT textDesc, COUNT(featureid)
FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2
ON featureid=termid
GROUP BY featureid, textDesc

Compare comma separated list with individual row in table

I have to compare comma separated values with a column in the table and find out which values are not in database. [kind of master data validation]. Please have a look at the sample data below:
table data in database:
id name
1 abc
2 def
3 ghi
SQL part :
Here i am getting comma separated list like ('abc','def','ghi','xyz').
now xyz is invalid value, so i want to take that value and return it as output saying "invalid value".
It is possible if i split those value, take it in temp table, loop through each value and compare one by one.
but is there any other optimal way to do this ??
I'm sure if I got the question right, however, I would personally be trying to get to something like this:
ELSE "invalid value"
data AS D
INNER JOIN badNames B ON b.Name = d.Name
--as SQL is case insensitive, equal sign should work
There is one table with bad names or invalid values if You prefer. This can a temporary table as well - depending on usage (a black-listed words should be a table, ad hoc invalid values provided by a service should be temp table, etc.).
NOTE: The select above can be nested in a view, so the data remain as they were, yet you gain the correctness information. Otherwise I would create a cursor inside a function that would go through the select like the one above and alter the original data, if that is the goal...
It sounds like you just need a NOT EXISTS / LEFT JOIN, as in:
SELECT tmp.InvalidValue
FROM dbo.HopeThisIsNotAWhileBasedSplit(#CSVlist) tmp
FROM dbo.Table tbl
WHERE tbl.Field = tmp.InvalidValue
Of course, depending on the size of the CSV list coming in, the number of rows in the table you are checking, and the style of splitter you are using, it might be better to dump the CSV to a temp table first (as you mentioned doing in the question).
Try following query:
CASE WHEN YourTable.Id IS NULL THEN 'invalid value' ELSE NULL END AS Result
FROM SplitedValues
LEFT JOIN yourTable ON =

SQL statement to return data from a table in an other sight

How would the SQL statement look like to return the bottom result from the upper table?
The last letter from the key should be removed. It stands for the language. EXP column should be split into 5 columns with the language prefix and the right value.
I'm weak at writing more or less difficult SQL statements so any help would be appreciated!
The Microsoft Access equivalent of a PIVOT in SQL Server is known as a CROSSTAB. The following query will work for Microsoft Access 2010.
TRANSFORM First(table1.Exp) AS FirstOfEXP
SELECT Left([KEY],Len([KEY])-2) AS [XKEY]
FROM table1
GROUP BY Left([KEY],Len([KEY])-2)
PIVOT Right([KEY],1);
Access will throw a circular field reference error if you try to name the row heading with KEY since that is also the name of the original table field that you are deriving it from. If you do not want XKEY as the field name, then you would need to break apart the above query into two separate queries as shown below:
, Right([KEY],1) AS [Language]
, Table1.Exp
FROM Table1
ORDER BY Left([KEY],Len([KEY])-2), Right([KEY],1);
TRANSFORM First(qsel_table1.Exp) AS FirstOfEXP
SELECT qsel_table1.XKEY AS [KEY]
FROM qsel_table1
GROUP BY qsel_table1.XKEY
PIVOT qsel_table1.Language;
In order to always output all language columns regardless of whether there is a value or not, you need to spike of those values into a separate table. That table will then supply the row and column values for the crosstab and the original table will supply the value expression. Using the two query solution above we would instead need to do the following:
This is a new table with a BASE_KEY TEXT*255 column and a LANG TEXT*1 column. Together these two columns will define the primary key. Populate this table with the following rows:
"AbstractItemNumberReportController.SelectPositionen", "D"
"AbstractItemNumberReportController.SelectPositionen", "E"
"AbstractItemNumberReportController.SelectPositionen", "F"
"AbstractItemNumberReportController.SelectPositionen", "I"
"AbstractItemNumberReportController.SelectPositionen", "X"
This query remains unchanged.
The new table2 is added to this query with an outer join with the original table1. The outer join will allow all rows to be returned from table2 regardless of whether there is a matching row in the table1. Table2 now supplies the values for the row and column headings.
TRANSFORM First(qsel_table1.Exp) AS FirstOfEXP
FROM Table2 LEFT JOIN qsel_table1 ON (Table2.BASE_KEY = qsel_table1.XKEY)
AND (Table2.LANG = qsel_table1.Language)
GROUP BY Table2.Base_KEY
Try something like this:
select *
select 'abcd' as [key], right([key], 1) as id, expression
from table1
) x
for id in ([D], [E])
) p
Demo Fiddle