When the simulator is in landscape mode, the inspector isn't reverted as it had to - testing

I want to use Appium inspector in order to generate my scripts.
When my app is in portrait mode the appium inspector is working fine.
But when i want to use in lLandscape mode check the schema i have provided :
In landscape we have 2 possibilities in our application. In My case the application rotate and the screen is in the same position as i provide in the schema (Landscape 2).
At that moment the appium recorder is seeing it as if it was in (Landscape 1).
Is there a way to fix the red rectangle as i have mentionned in (Landscape 2).


Appium iOS can't inspect notification layer

Im using Appium to test my notifications in my iOS app.
Im sending with another device a notification while the iOS app is in BG. Then I swipe down using :
((IOSDriver) wd).swipe(500,0,500,1000,1000);
The above works, the screen get scrolled down and I can physically see the notification. The issue is that the appium still inspects the screen below.
I checked appium inspector and it verified that it doesn't recognize nothing but the elemnts of the layer below the notifications one.
Any approach ??
As long as I know it is known limitation for iOS now.
You can get notification bar elements on Android only
But based on top comment it should be possible to wrap up with Appium since Xcode 9 introduced interaction with multiple apps, so its matter of time.
I found a workaround that fits my needs.
I found out that if I click the home button and then swipe down the notification are visible to Appium.
Because Appium not having key events for iOS, iPhone has the an accessibility option for home button, I toggled that on and I can simply click it during the test and swipe down the notification center.
I know it's not ideal but its working.
Thanks for the help.

Windows 8.1 app Strange behaviour rotating the device

I have notice a strange behaviour executing a simple test for my app.
The app is running on a tablet device.
In portait mode, before rotation, i have the correct font size.
I rotate the device in landscape mode and the app is stretched correctly
I rotate again the app in portrait mode but the font size is
Somebody know why this happen?
How can I avoid this behaviour.
I'm going crazy for 3 days without found a solution
Testing the app with another device (8' display), the problem is still present.
The problem is present too testing the app with visual studio simulator !!
I don't think is a code problem because my app has 4 pages with 4 different
ListViews and the problem is present in all pages.
I notice that the font size change when the device is rotate for the first time from portait to landscape.
The destination FontSize in landscape mode could be accettable, but when in portrait mode i need (is a customer requirement) to go back with the original Font Size

iPad orientation bug in iOS 8

I am getting a strange error when launching my app in iPad running on iOS 8 (only if launched in landscape mode). Though, it works very fine in iOS 7
Here is the screenshot: http://imgur.com/OZRLjZ7
The app is fully portrait mode except one screen (graph which requires both portrait & landscape modes) and so I can't uncheck landscape property in deployment target. If I uncheck landscape orientation support in deployment target then it works very fine. So it works fine when I launch in iPad with iOS 8 (ONLY if it is portrait mode). If I launch it in landscape mode it shows this black strip (which is exactly the area which keyboard takes but there no keyboard, neither I'm showing it on this screen).
Thanks for your help in advance!

Xcode 6 custom launch screen

I am trying to make a custom launch screen based Xcode 6 new feature following the content given here. I don't understand how can I manage orientation of launch screen on iPad. My launch screen contains a horizontal rectangular image in the centre. Using size classes I can set different constraints and views for iPhone in landscape or portrait mode. But unable to do the same for iPad. Also how can I lock the orientation of Launch screen when creating a launch screen using the above method ?
You can not do this for the iPad because both orientations fall under the regular width and regular height size class.

How can I test landscape view using the iPhone Simulator?

I wonder if I can test landscape view using simulator?
Under the Hardware Menu you will find the rotation items which correspond to CMD+Left and CMD+Right
In the Hardware menu, there is an option to change the orientation. Also, Cmd-Left and Cmd-Right will rotate the virtual phone.
Setting simulator orientation in IDE
The above (hardware->device) is a solution for rotating the simulator only once the simulator is launched ,but there should be also an option in your IDE to define the orientation of the simulator.
If you are using JDeveloper IDE the go to
Application --> Deploy --> New Deployment Profile --> select Profile Type(iOS) --> iOS Options --> Device Orientations.
IDE Device orientations.
There you can mention which orientation you need by default, either landscape or portrait.
Short cut key for switching Orientations
Press command key and press left arrow / right arrow.
This would switch between the landscape and portrait views you require.
I hope this might help your query.
[enter image description here][1]
I was struggling with this exact problem for about an hour.
On the left-most project navigator screen, click the name of your project (should be the highest dropdown button), then click the general tab on the page that opens up, scroll down and you should see a section titled "Deployment Info" Make sure you select the checkbox of each orientation you want available for your project.
Test your simulation again.
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/4nW9D.png