I am implementing quick blox video chat. Facing issue with audio getting following error,
TypeError: this.localStream is null for both video and audio.
Any help would be appreciated.
i am trying to implementing agora video to my project already tried build it on WebGL and VR and it's work great, but for some reason cant change the audio volume on Quest device, even thought my quest volume is set to 0 but still hear it for some reason
Thanks in advance!
I'm trying to embed Reddit videos with sound from a url. So far I've figured out that you can get the a soundless video by doing:
Link is https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/jien07/living_the_good_life/
Go to https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/jien07/living_the_good_life.json
Find fallback_url, in this case it's https://v.redd.it/4ymh7g5fzfv51/DASH_720.mp4
The issue is that that video doesn't have any sound, how can I get it with sound? I've tried doing share->embed, but the code it gives me doesn't work when I put it into a page. It also has more information than I need, I just need the video.
Yes, there were some bugs with reddit embed video for a while, the console shows the error is Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getItem' of null, it's because the iframe script can not access the localStorage, localStorage will be null, but reddit does not handle null case:
RedditVideoPlayer.prototype._prepareLocalStorage = function() {
if (typeof localStorage != "undefined") {
var e = localStorage.getItem(this.storageNamespace + ".volume") || this.options.volume
, t = localStorage.getItem(this.storageNamespace + ".muted") || this.options.muted;
this._lastVolume = parseFloat(e),
t.toString().toLowerCase() == "true" ? this.mute() : this.unmute()
There are also some posts on Reddit like point the problem: https://www.reddit.com/r/bugs/comments/jhx80w/embed_imagevideo_code_is_broken/, but there is no response by the official.
I also found that the iframe works on the mobile, because they don't enable the localStorage at the mobile device.
For PC now, you can use the reddit dash url instead of a cross origin proxy in your site.
I found where to get the video with sound. Although this is an old question, some may still stumble upon it.
you should to take it out
If you insert this url in the browser, it will download. But if in the player, then everything will be ok! video with sound
Using IE everything goes well (i got a mp4 video with priority execution setted on flash). when i try to view my video on chrome all seem to be good too, but in few seconds (not always but often) videojs crashes.
This is the log:
What should i do?
According to HTML5 spec error code MEDIA_ERR_DECODE = 3 means that video was failed to be decoded. Chrome could reach broken frame e.g. video was encoded incorrectly.
In my experience HTML5 video decoding has poor support when it comes to error handling. Flash is more bullet-proof here. I got an example when Chrome (HTML5) failed to play video but it was playing fine in FF (flash). Converting to different pixel map (yuvj420p -> yuv420p) resolved my issue.
It means that first you should try encoding video with different options. As an option you can use ffmpeg
So I have been developing a version of the Soundcloud player on this dev server: dev.elbone.com.au/nl
While I had the player working fine I am now getting an error in regards to the audio. The track url is presenting as "undefined" on all but one track ("Odd Orbit").
Pulling my hair out here.
Just as a note tracks are only show if 'streamable' is not set to '0'.
I've tested invaders and watchdog and they are both set to streamable=false:
The one that worked for me (snowfaller) is set to streamable=true:
Setting the non streamable to streamable should resolve the problem.
I'm trying to play a YouTube video within an iPhone app using the technique in this URL
The technique works fine and the video plays fine, except that I'm getting this warning.
warning: Unable to read symbols for "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/3.1.2 (7D11)/Symbols/System/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/YouTubePlugIn.webplugin/YouTubePlugIn" (file not found).
That does slow down the app for the first time I got the warning. Seems like a lot of people is getting the same warning, but none of the forums I read seems to have the solution to get rid of the warning.
Do I need to download something or do specific things?
I also tried adding the YouTube framework from "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS3.1.2.sdk/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/YouTube.framework"
Doesn't seem to solve the issue.
Please enlight.
Some clips might not play in mobile devices. Check if you clips does.
The "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/4.2.1 (8C148)/Symbols/usr/lib/dyld' has changed; re-reading symbols" warnings can be ignored (the clips should play anyway if it is available on mobile devices).
Note. I don't know the correct reason why some clips don't play on mobile, it might be a transcoding issue (not being transcoded for mobile) or some publisher settings.
Would be interesting to know.
You need to run your app on the device. The Simulator doesn't have the YouTube app.