Soundcloud audio "undefined" - api

So I have been developing a version of the Soundcloud player on this dev server:
While I had the player working fine I am now getting an error in regards to the audio. The track url is presenting as "undefined" on all but one track ("Odd Orbit").
Pulling my hair out here.
Just as a note tracks are only show if 'streamable' is not set to '0'.

I've tested invaders and watchdog and they are both set to streamable=false:
The one that worked for me (snowfaller) is set to streamable=true:
Setting the non streamable to streamable should resolve the problem.

Related video : can't change audio volume

i am trying to implementing agora video to my project already tried build it on WebGL and VR and it's work great, but for some reason cant change the audio volume on Quest device, even thought my quest volume is set to 0 but still hear it for some reason
Thanks in advance!

In App Store Connect, app preview poster frame not saving

I've added some video app previews for my app on App Store Connect and when I set the video poster frame, it never saves the image that I want, it always reverts back to the one that Apple defaults to initially. Does anyone know a work around?
UPDATE: I did get in contact with App Store Connect and they told me it's a recent bug that they're actively working on fixing. I'm going to touch base with them early next week.
Issue is still happening. But if you want to be able to upload without problems try this:
Upload the screenshots of one complete language
Don't touch anything for 2-4 min once pictures are uploaded.
Then you can refresh the webpage and check if the screenshots are well uploaded.

video.js Change Src When Seeking Without Resting Playback

My video src is an AWS presigned request url, it expires in x amount of time. The video will start playing just fine in video.js. For large video files after the brief url expiration time, changing the seek bar causes a network error because the original src link has expired. How do you refresh the src with another unexpired presigned url without restarting from the beginning of the video? I don't want the video to go back the beginning.
So far I have found that you can capture the change of the seek bar by listening for the event 'timeupdate' and in the passed event testing for e.manuallyTriggered.
i had this same issue today. i'm using plyr instead of videojs, so i'm not sure if you can do this exact thing, but my solution was:
bind an error handler to the player for when the link has expired and someone tries to play/seek, and then in the handler...
store the current time of the video
send an ajax request to my server to get an updated signed URL
update the source of the player
set the current time of the video to the previously stored time
it's kind of slow/clunky, but it's the best fix i could come up with at the moment, aside from loading the entire video before allowing playback (which didn't seem like great UX).
update: this does work with videojs...but it doesn't work with either player in Safari, which apparently doesn't send the error event at all.

YouTube iFrame API quality parameter "vq" bug - video playback with black screen

There seems to be a huge issue with the iframe url parameter "vq" (in this case "vq=hd720").
If you use this paraneter, the video screen in the flash player turns black.
This example URL worked until today:
(feel free to replace the example YouTube ID)
Now, this example works only without the "vq" parameter (vq=hd720):
The problem is, that we delivered this YouTube iframe in a lot of websites for a lot of clients and it worked quite well for month (years?). Now every single site has black youtube videos!!!
Does anyone know if this parameter was depricated?
Was there a new YouTube API release today?
The parameter was already discussed and recommended in diffrent forums:
e.g. Force youtube embed to start in 720p
Any ideas how to force Google (YouTube) to solve this problem?
It seems that the only way out of this (currently) is to remove the vq parameter or set it to auto. This seems like a widespread problem though, that has occurred very recently. You may wish to star this issue at google make them take notice:
I was having a similar issue but when I tried to force an embeded youtube video to play in HD at a dimension smaller than the HD resolution.
I was able to get around the "black screen" HD issue by using the old embed code.
If you set the video size to the highest resolution you can then use vq=hd720 parameter and set the video width and height to a lower resolution
<object width="1280" height="720"><param name="movie" value="//"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="//" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>
Hope this helps!
Just had this exact problem. Found changing it to vq=auto works in the code. But on the videos we're working with it's coming out at a slightly lower quality than we'd like.
Nevertheless, this at least removes the blackout.
What are your 3d settings set to? Here's what I've noticed...
1) Taking away the vq=hd setting works.
2) Turning the 3D setting on the video player ON (or sometimes OFF the ON again) makes the
video work.
3) Curious about number 2, I went to the video settings on the video (the admin settings) and changed the 3D settings under Advanced. I changed it from "Disable 3D for this video" to "Please make this video 3D." For some reason this works -- the vq code is back to working the way it should.
HOWEVER I don't know if I would recommend doing this! The reason I set all my videos to "Disable 3D for this video" in the first place was because if I left on on the on the default "No Preference," it often caused glitches in the video.
Has YouTube changed anything with the 3D settings recently? I think thay may have but am not certain.

Objective-C iPhone - YouTubePlugIn.webplugin/YouTubePlugIn warning

I'm trying to play a YouTube video within an iPhone app using the technique in this URL
The technique works fine and the video plays fine, except that I'm getting this warning.
warning: Unable to read symbols for "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/3.1.2 (7D11)/Symbols/System/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/YouTubePlugIn.webplugin/YouTubePlugIn" (file not found).
That does slow down the app for the first time I got the warning. Seems like a lot of people is getting the same warning, but none of the forums I read seems to have the solution to get rid of the warning.
Do I need to download something or do specific things?
I also tried adding the YouTube framework from "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS3.1.2.sdk/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/YouTube.framework"
Doesn't seem to solve the issue.
Please enlight.
Some clips might not play in mobile devices. Check if you clips does.
The "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/4.2.1 (8C148)/Symbols/usr/lib/dyld' has changed; re-reading symbols" warnings can be ignored (the clips should play anyway if it is available on mobile devices).
Note. I don't know the correct reason why some clips don't play on mobile, it might be a transcoding issue (not being transcoded for mobile) or some publisher settings.
Would be interesting to know.
You need to run your app on the device. The Simulator doesn't have the YouTube app.