Relay RootContainer's "renderFetched" vs "Component" - relay

In Relay,
The RootContainer accepts 2 props called "renderFetched" and "Component".
Their description sounds similar. What exactly is the difference between the two?

"renderFetched" is a callback that passes the data to the "Component"
When all data requirements are fulfilled, renderFetched is called to render the view. This callback is expected to spread data into the supplied Container when rendering it. ref.
I suppose the purpose of this function is to do some transformation to the data before passing it to the Component.


Custom Search and Filter functionality VueJS

I was hoping I could get some feedback on something I'm working on. I'm building an application that is essentially a bunch of data tables. Part of my requirement is not to use any additional frameworks (vuetify) or any type of store (vuex).
Currently, my application is constructed as follows:
API call upon creation of app
That data get's passed into a component where I would like to do all my searching/filtering
From there the next component is built specifically for Pagination
Then to the component that builds the data tables.
My question is, since I have this top down approach, how do I build both the search and filter functionality to where I don't have to pass anything back up to the parent components?
I am using scoped slots to pass/inject data into child components. My first thought was that I would have a computed property that returns an array in the control component and then pass that down to the pagination component, which works, but how do I also use that same array if I want to be able to filter results and also search filtered and none filtered items? Essentially to be able to mock the functionality of some of the Vuetify tables.
I assume you don't want to pass data/prop-drill between 3 component layers?
You can use provide/inject.
You can provide a "setArrayData" method to the child components (2 and 3 levels deep) and also provide "arrayData" data property.
You can also an event bus (see vue docs). In Vue 2 an event bus is built in, in Vue 3 it's not.

Pass entire data item vs just id as Prop in Vue list when using VueX

I have a VueX state that contains a list of items. E.g.:
operations: Operation[]
We need to display each Operation as an item in a list. So we have an OperationList component and an OperationItem component.
When it comes to rendering the list (v-for), would it be recommended to pass the entire item as a prop or just the id and have the OperationItem read the data from VueX?
<operation-item v-for="operationId in operationIds" :id="operationId" :key="operationId"/>
<operation-item v-for="operation in operations" :operation="operation" :key=""/>
I think it might be a preference choice but in my projects I usually pass all the prop of the components that way :
v-for="operation in operations"
I'm not sure if that's a good practice or not but in this case, it's more flexible, you don't need to give a structured object for it to render, you just have to give it all it's properties.
A bit like for a class constructor, I would pass all the necessary parameters separately instead of passing them in an $option array or Settings class.
For some components, it also doesn't make sense for them to be aware of the store, they should juste be "stupid" rendered components.
I hope it's clear enough that you get my point !
I'd say pass the entire item. That way your component doesn't need to know where the data came from and you would be able to reuse the component in situations where the data didn't come from Vuex.

Pass hidden data with vue-router

I would like to pass data when navigating from one route to another, but the data shouldn't be shown to the user in the URL, as it is with route parameters.
Instead, I want the data to stay "hidden" from the user, since, in my case, I want to pass an authentication key (which is pretty long and shouldn't necessarily be shown to the user).
Is this achievable using router.push()?
What I think I would do to solve this, is to define props, just below where you define your path, you can add props to it. See: Passing props to Route Components
Essentially you define what do you want to pass, an object, a value, whatever you need. And within your router-view component, you bind the prop that you want to pass.
For example:
: is shorthand for v-bind
<router-view :props-name-defined-in-router="value"></router-view>
Remember to use the proper casing in Vue.js See: Component name casing in templates
Additionally, I think this other question seems to fit your needs.
Passing props to Vue.js components instantiated by Vue-router

is there A Communication Manager for vue components?

I was Vue.js now for a project and created and used a lot of components.
Now I started to have the problem of having too many eventemitters and props that I need to keep track of.
I guess to illustrate the problem the best I will use an example:
Lets say you have a main.vue and 2 or 3 Components.
One contains a button that should manipulate the other 2 components or switch them out.
Now I need to emit an event to the main.vue and then main.vue has to change a binded variable and pass props down to the other 2 components.
Alright: Now lets put the button in a component of of a component. You need to make sure that every link between a parent and a child is correct.
Now create a bit project and put a button in another components and you have to change everything.
So is there a good way to avoid this?
Something like a broadcast function so that every component is receiving the event?
Or a Manager that is handling the communication of all components?
use a flux pattern (vuex)
At first you may think that this does not really answer the question, since it deals with storage of data, and not handling of events. The flux pattern changes the architecture of your application by creating a single store (think database) that all components can read and write from. Coupled with the reactive nature of the reactive frameworks such as vue (or react), the components will react to a change in data. So instead of tightly coupling component A to D through B and C, you'd have component A listen to mutations in object X, and component D makes changes to object X. When the change happens, component A gets updated without having to listen to any of the children's $emit functions firing. At first it may seem daunting, but the investment is worthwhile.

VUE.JS: Passing Data From Parent To Child Component

I have a layout file in which I have some data. Besides that I have three components:
I want to declare the data in the layout file, but access it through the three child-components.
How is this done in Vue.js?
Thank you for your help.
One option can be to pass the props to all the child components which is the norm in vue when it comes to passing data to child component, as also explained here.
Given that you want to pass same data to all these components and there can be cases going forward when you want to change this data and get it reflected in parent as well, you can go for a centralised state management, which is explained here in more detail.