change default language of trac to german - trac

I installed trac v1.0.10.
The language of the trac-system (e.g. navigation) is English.
The content of the trac is in German. So how can I change the default_language to German, as well?
The default language of the server is German.

Install Babel (python-babel in some package managers). Set default_language in the [trac] section of trac.ini.
After installing Babel you can set your session preference from the language preference page (/prefs/language). The default_language setting controls the default. If the language setting can't be changed, then the language catalogs haven't been compiled. Often it's necessary to uninstall Trac, install babel and then reinstall Trac. The point is, Babel must be installed when Trac is installed.


How to configure the context.xml file?

I just started learning repast.
When I follow the examples in the attached documentation,I found a problem with the configuration of the context.xml file,What should I do?enter image description hereenter image description here
Unfortunately, there’s an error in eclipse where previously it could find that “site” as part of the repast install itself, but now Eclipse installs by default some web development packages that prevent this. The following packages need to be uninstalled using the Eclipse Update Manager (under Help->Install New Software).
Uninstall Wild Web Developer
Uninstall Web Developer project POM Editor using LemMinX language server (includes Incubating components)
Note that these are uninstalled by default in the MacOS and Windows distributions (although they may be reinstalled if you’ve done an eclipse update). If you are running under Linux and installed from the update site, then you do need to manually uninstall them as described here:

Syntax highlighting for Pycharm - TextMate Plugin [duplicate]

I found this but honestly not sure how to install it or whether it applies. Thanks!
Ruby plug-in that you have linked is designed for IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate only, it will not work with PhpStorm. See this answer for more details.
However, it's possible to get the basic syntax highlighting for Ruby files in PhpStorm using the TextMate bundles support plug-in. It's already included with PhpStorm 6.0.1 and you don't need to install it, just make sure it's enabled in Settings | Plugins.
Git clone Ruby.tmbundle into some directory.
Add this directory in Settings | TextMate Bundles:
For some reason PhpStorm TextMate Bundles support will not recognize *.rb files as supported by this bundle. To fix this problem open Ruby.tmbundle\Syntaxes\Ruby.plist file in some text editor, find <key>fileTypes</key> section, add <string>rb</string> under <array>
(the above should be fixed in the latest Ruby bundle version, so the editing the bundle is no longer needed, but if you are adding some other language bundle, it's something you may need to adjust)
Restart PhpStorm, verify that *.rb is now associated correctly:
Now you get Ruby syntax highlighting in PhpStorm:
If you need full support for both Ruby and PHP (plus much more) in a single IDE, consider using IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate.
CrazyCoder's git repo doesn't work in windows systems, as a large number of the filenames are invalid in Windows.
I have, however, found the official repo for ruby for textmate:
I actually copied over my PhpStorm theme to RubyMine with no issue, so it should go both ways.
I went as far as to create a TextMate keymap for PhpStorm as well, you can take a look here:

Google App Store Warning - You should upgrade to Apache Cordova 3.5.1 or higher as soon as possible

I have received an Email from Google Play Store for my Android App:
This is a notification that your com.mydomain.myapp, is built on a
version of Apache Cordova that contains security vulnerabilities. This
includes a high severity cross-application scripting (XAS)
vulnerability. Under certain circumstances, vulnerable apps could be
remotely exploited to steal sensitive information, such as user login
credentials. You should upgrade to Apache Cordova 3.5.1 or higher as
soon as possible. For more information about the vulnerabilities, and
for guidance on upgrading Apache Cordova, please see
Please note, applications with vulnerabilities that expose users to
risk of compromise may be considered “dangerous products” and subject
to removal from Google Play. Regards, Google Play Team ©2014 Google
Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043
If I try the command mentioned on the given link/page, i.e.:
cordova platform add android#3.5.1 --usenpm
I get an error:
Platform android already added
How can I upgrade Cordova from 3.1 to 3.5.1? I have tried all sort of things like:
npm update -g cordova
But I do not appear to be getting successful. The version file in MyApp\platforms\android\cordova folder still shows following entry and no file in this folder changes:
// Coho updates this line:
var VERSION = "3.1.0";
After some research, I think, I have found the solution here:
npm install -g cordova
cd my_project
cordova platform update android
Running the last command does the trick and I get this response:
**cordova platform update android**
Deleting E:/PhoneGap/my_project/platforms/android/libs/cordova-3.1.0.jar
Android project is now at version 3.6.3
If you updated from a pre-3.2.0 version and use an IDE, we now require that you
import the "CordovaLib" library project.
Hope that helps.
If you are using Phonegap, you just need to update Phonegap to version 3.5.0
It's explained here:
And here's the note from Phonegap that says how you're covered:

trac roadmap progress bar

I've recently migrated a trac project to a new machine and now the roadmap progress bars are not displayed. I've tried enabling and disabling RoadmapModule under the Admin -> General -> Plugins -> Trac 0.12.3 menu. I've also checked the project file trac.ini contains:
stats_provider = DefaultTicketGroupStatsProvider
Turns out it was missing plug-in causing compatibility issues.
sudo easy_install -U -Z
Only progress bars? Than I guess it's an issue with CSS.
Double-check, that i.e. you have appropriate read permission and no interfering style.css in your <env>/htdocs directory.
Or you experience plugin issues, as later comments suggest. Disabling any plugin should bring you into a working state again. From there you can enable plugins step-by-step to find the interfering code, and maybe look for fixed/updated plugin code.

Is there any editor out there that supports code hinting for LESS files?

Is there any editor out there that supports code hinting for LESS files?
WebStorm editor offers their own code analysis tool (hinter?) with support for LESS included among all the other file types that they support, WebStorm is awesome and it is payware rightly so.
If you need a free tool, you can use twitter's recess and Sublime Text 2 or 3 to lint your less formated css. You're gonna need to install npm which comes bundled with nodeJS (and you might want to consider installing nodeJS using a version manager like n or nvm so you can seamlessly update and switch versions as needed).
Once you have npm installed and available from command line ("terminal" or tty):
Install recess globally.
sudo npm install recess -g
And then install the sublime plugin from package control using ctrl+shift+P then install package and search twitter recess
Of course!
If you use Sublime Text 2, there is a plugin:
WebStorm has LESS highlighting and IntelliSense-type hinting.