Sum of a record source in access forms - vba

I have a query that has the following display:
type $ value
1 5
1 3
1 2
2 1
2 3
This query is the record source of my form I would like the form to display the data as so
type Sum of value
1 10
2 4
is there a vba or setting way to achieve that ?

The proper way to do that is to use an aggregation function in your query, in your case it would be sum. Your query will look like this.
SELECT Type, SUM(value) As Total FROM table GROUP BY Type;
if you use the graphical query builder then you will have to follow this


Ignore a column in MS ACCESS query if the WHERE clause is not set

I've got a dropdown list, which shows all the Article_Group_ID's that are linked to a specific brand, using the following Query:
SELECT TbArticle.Article_Group_ID, TbArticle.Article_Brand_ID
FROM TbArticle
GROUP BY TbArticle.Article_Group_ID, TbArticle.Article_Brand_ID,
HAVING (((TbArticle.Article_Brand_ID)=1))
This works as expected, it returns the following:
Query results
But, if a user does not wish to specify a specific Article_Brand_ID, the query results look like this:
As you can see, the same Article_Group_ID is returned three times. Because of this, the user now sees the same group three times, instead of just once. If I were to remove the Article_Brand_ID from the query, the results would look like this:
Is there any way to achieve the same behavior, by "ignoring" the Article_Brand_ID column, if it's WHERE clause is not set?
Database layout
A single query cannot return a variable number of columns. So, strictly speaking you cannot do what you want with a single query. However, if you are willing to accept the second column as NULL when the brand is not provided, then you can adjust the aggregation.
Let me denote the parameter by ?:
SELECT a.Article_Group_ID,
IIF(? IS NOT NULL, a.Article_Brand_ID, NULL) as Article_Brand_ID
FROM TbArticle as a
WHERE a.Article_Brand_ID = ? OR
GROUP BY a.Article_Group_ID,
IIF(? IS NOT NULL, a.Article_Brand_ID, NULL);
Note: It is usually better to filter before aggregating (i.e. using WHERE) rather than filtering afterwards (i.e. using HAVING).

Choosing which rows to sum and average in either SSRS or SQL

ROW column 1 column 2
1 A 1
2 A 1
3 A 3
4 A 1
5 A 2
6 B 1
7 B 3
8 B 1
Pic of table
Lets say I have this table as shown above. I want to be able to average SELECTED values from column 2. Am I able to use any function in SSRS that allows me to select which value to use to average? The end goal is to allow the user to interactively choose which value to average.
For example if I would want to use ("Row 1 + Row 2 + Row 4")/3, or (Row 6 + Row 8)/2, how can I go about letting the end user to choose those values to average?
Is there something that I need to do in SQL first to make it easier in SSRS?
The idea is by using report parameter and dataset filter
Add parameter in SSRS to allow user input of multiple values, set the available values for row-1, row-2, and so on
here for your reference how to add the parameter in SSRS,or%20accept%20the%20default%20name.
after you add the parameter, let's say you already have a dataset which is SQL query such as:
FROM the_table
Right click on your dataset, on properties, in the filter tab, add a filter for the column ROW IN parameter that you have made earlier
after you add filter on your dataset, on your report, simply use that dataset and put expression AVG(Column 2)

How can i get incremental counter with sql?

Can you help me with sql query to get the desired result
Database used :- Redshift
requirement is
I have 3 columns as:- dish_id,cateogory_id,counter
So i want counter to increase +1 if the dish_id is repeated and if not it should remain 1
the query i need should be able to query the source table and get the results as
dish_id category_id counter
21 4 1
21 6 2
21 6 3
12 1 1
Unless I missunderstood your question, you can accomplish that using window functions:
SELECT *,row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY dish_id) FROM my_table;

Dividing summed field by another summed field in the same query

How to divide a summed field by another summed field in the same query.
Example: lets have the query "querySummary" which its field have been grouped already
SID SumOfCredits SumOfMarks
1 3 18
2 2 20
3 4 40
Group By Sum Sum
I want to add another field named "FAvg" to the same query that builds up of dividing "SumOfMarks" by SumOfCredits, so the the result should be as following
SID SumOfCredits SumOfMarks FAvg
1 3 18 6
2 2 20 10
3 2 40 20
Any help please ? many Thanks
Replace "Sum" in the "Total" row by "Expression" and in the "Field" row use the expression:
FAvg: Sum(Mark)/Sum(Credit)
You'll get something like this:
(The other Sum columns are not required for the FAvg expression)
The SQL looks like this:
Sum(Table1.Credit) AS SumOfCredit,
Sum(Table1.Mark) AS SumOfMark,
Sum([Mark])/Sum([Credit]) AS FAvg

How to find percentage in SQL from list of zeros and ones?

I have result set like -
id achieved
1 0
2 1
3 1
4 0
5 0
The Percentage should be 2/5 i.e. 40 %. How can I write a SQL Query to achieve something like this ? I would prefer not to use and nested select as the actual query is already doing quite a bit. Thanks !
select avg(achieved) from ...
Note that you will have to use a group by function to include categories:
select gender, avg(achieved) from ... group by gender