Combining two nested SELECT with DISTINCT? - sql

How do I look up DISTINCT values of one table, look for each name in another table and get both the values and their names as a result?
The Beleg table looks like this:
SELECT DISTINCT Ursprungskonto FROM Beleg
WHERE YEAR ( Valuta ) = 2016
gets me:
For each of these values, I need to lookup its name:
SELECT Name FROM Geldkonto
WHERE Kontonr = 1000
results in:
At the end of the query, I need to have this result:
1000 Kasse
1210 OneBankName
1220 AnotherBankName
1230 YABN
I'm using SQL-92 (Filemaker).
Thanks a lot for any help!

You could try sub-query:
SELECT Kontonr , Name FROM Geldkonto
WHERE Kontonr in (SELECT DISTINCT Ursprungskonto FROM Beleg
WHERE YEAR ( Valuta ) = 2016)

You could use inner join
SELECT DISTINCT Beleg.Ursprungskonto, Geldkonto.Name
FROM Beleg
INNER JOIN Geldkonto
ON Beleg.Ursprungskonto=Geldkonto.Kontonr;

Instead of applying DISTINCT after the join you better do it before:
SELECT k.Kontonr, k.Name
FROM Geldkonto AS k
SELECT DISTINCT Ursprungskonto
FROM Beleg
WHERE YEAR ( Valuta ) = 2016
) AS b
ON k.Kontonr = b.Ursprungskonto
This is similar to #rev_dihazum's solution, simply using a join instead of a subquery, useful if you need any additional columns from Beleg.


Building/Creating SQL Metrics from the table

I have a table:
SELECT aaa.sr_nbr,
FROM tablea1 aaa
INNER JOIN tablea2 bb
ON aaa.inst_id=bb.inst_id AND aaa.item_id=bb.item_id
LEFT JOIN table3 ccc
ON bb.inst_id=ccc.inst_id AND bb.item_id=ccc.item_id
WHERE ccc.cust_name NOT LIKE '%EXP%'
AND ccc.cust_name NOT LIKE '%RMAA%' mt;
Now, I have created, separately, queries for metrics, like:
SELECT mt.sr_nbr,
COUNT(mt.sr_nbr) as cnt_nbr
WHERE mt.it_tran_code <> 'D'
GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7;
or the another one:
SELECT t_2.sr_nbr,
SUM(t_2.sn_dup) AS sn_dup_sum
COUNT(t_1.sr_nbr) AS sn_dup
WHERE ccc.cust_name NOT LIKE '%EXP%'
AND ccc.cust_name NOT LIKE '%RMAA%'
) AS t_1
GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
COUNT(t_1.sr_nbr) > 1
) AS t_2
GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7;
and so on... I have about 10 similar metrics.
Now, I do not know the best way how to "put" those query metrics within the main table/query.
You can insert results of a SELECT query into a table if you are able to fill the INSERT statement correctly.
INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerName, City, Country)
SELECT SupplierName, City, Country FROM Suppliers
WHERE Country='Germany';
Make sure the amount and types of the results matches the columns you're trying to insert.

Grouping records on consecutive dates

If I have following table in Postgres:
Order_id Order_date Customer_name
1 11/09/17 Xyz
2 15/09/17 Lmn
3 12/09/17 Xyz
4 18/09/17 Abc
5 15/09/17 Xyz
6 25/09/17 Lmn
7 19/09/17 Abc
I want to retrieve such customer who has placed orders on 2 consecutive days.
In above case Xyz and Abc customers should be returned by query as result.
There are many ways to do this. Use an EXISTS semi-join followed by DISTINCT or GROUP BY, should be among the fastest.
Postgres syntax:
SELECT DISTINCT customer_name
FROM order_dtls o
SELEST 1 FROM order_dtls
WHERE customer_name = o.customer_name
AND order_date = o.order_date + 1 -- simple syntax for data type "date" in Postgres!
If the table is big, be sure to have an index on (customer_name, order_date) to make it fast - index items in this order.
To clarify, since Oto happened to post almost the same solution a bit faster:
DISTINCT is an SQL construct, a syntax element, not a function. Do not use parentheses like DISTINCT (customer_name). Would be short for DISTINCT ROW(customer_name) - a row constructor unrelated to DISTINCT - and just noise for the simple case with a single expression, because Postgres removes the pointless row wrapper for a single element automatically. But if you wrap more than one expression like that, you get an actual row type - an anonymous record actually, since no row type is given. Most certainly not what you want.
What is a row constructor used for?
Also, don't confuse DISTINCT with DISTINCT ON (expr, ...). See:
Select first row in each GROUP BY group?
Try something like...
SELECT `order_dtls`.*
FROM `order_dtls`
INNER JOIN `order_dtls` AS mirror
ON `order_dtls`.`Order_id` <> `mirror`.`Order_id`
AND `order_dtls`.`Customer_name` = `mirror`.`Customer_name`
AND DATEDIFF(`order_dtls`.`Order_date`, `mirror`.`Order_date`) = 1
The way I would think of it doing it would be to join the table the date part with itselft on the next date and joining it with the Customer_name too.
This way you can ensure that the same customer_name done an order on 2 consecutive days.
For MySQL:
SELECT distinct *
FROM order_dtls t1
INNER JOIN order_dtls t2 on
t1.Order_date = DATE_ADD(t2.Order_date, INTERVAL 1 DAY) and
t1.Customer_name = t2.Customer_name
The result you should also select it with the Distinct keyword to ensure the same customer is not displayed more than 1 time.
For postgresql:
select distinct(Customer_name) from your_table
where exists
(select 1 from your_table t1
Customer_name = your_table.Customer_name and Order_date = your_table.Order_date+1 )
Same for MySQL, just instead of your_table.Order_date+1 use: DATE_ADD(your_table.Order_date , INTERVAL 1 DAY)
This should work:
SELECT A.customer_name
FROM order_dtls A
INNER JOIN (SELECT customer_name, order_date FROM order_dtls) as B
ON(A.customer_name = B.customer_name and Datediff(B.Order_date, A.Order_date) =1)
group by A.customer_name

querying over multiple data from function in PostgreSQL

I have a function which gives stock levels:
select * from stocklevel(ID)
This function gives stock leverl per ID.
For example:
select * from stocklevel(23)
Result is:
ID datelevel stocklevel
23 01.01.17 15
23 02.01.17 18
23 05.01.17 20
This is the stock level for ID=23.
Not all dates appear, it depends on many things.
I want to use this function to get the stock levels for all parts from my system
basically something like this:
select *,(select stocklevel from stocklevel(parts.partid) where datelevel = ??? )
from parts
select *
from parts
left join ( select stocklevel from stocklevel(parts.partid) where datelevel = ??? ) using (ID)
Now, the issue is with the WHERE condition I want to specific a specific date like '04.01.17' but if the date does not exist i want it to take the date before that so:
for the ID=23 and date '04.01.17' it should show 18,'02.01.17' .
for the ID=23 and date '15.01.13' it should show nothing.
for the ID=23 and date '05.01.17' it should show 20,'05.01.17' .
How can I do that?
First, I would use a lateral join:
select *
from parts p left join lateral
Then the issue is that you want the most recent level before or on a given date. You can do this using distinct on:
select distinct on ( . . .
from parts p left join lateral
where datelevel <= ?
order by, datelevel desc;
Note: This will not return parts that have no dates before the given date. You might want:
where datelevel is null or datelevel <= ?
select *
from parts
left join ( select stocklevel
from stocklevel(parts.partid)
where datelevel = (select max(datelevel)
from stocklevel(parts.partid) sl2
where sl2.datelevel <= '04.01.17') using(ID) ) using (ID)

Show unique ID's in a table with all extra info

SELECT Personeelsnummer, Achternaam, Voornaam, Departement, SubDep, SubSubDep, FTE, RedenUitDienst, Anciennitëitsdatum, GeldigOp, Schrapping, Ancienniteit, Positie, Nieveau, OmschrijfingStatuut
FROM tbl_Worker
GROUP BY Personeelsnummer
SELECT (DISTINCT Personeelsnummer), Achternaam, Voornaam, Departement, SubDep, SubSubDep, FTE, RedenUitDienst, Anciennitëitsdatum, GeldigOp, Schrapping, Ancienniteit, Positie, Nieveau, OmschrijfingStatuut
FROM tbl_Worker
GROUP BY Personeelsnummer
I have a worker table with 49000 records, this includes a 'snapshot' from all workers EVERY month. But what I need is a table with all employees the company 'ever' had but only once. so I tried to wright the query's show above but they are not working.
So what I need is a query that shows all unique 'Personeelsnummers' with all the extra information about these persons.
what does work is this: SELECT DISTINCT Personeelsnummer FROM tbl_Worker ==> this gives me a table with 1200 records but only the numbers but I need all the extra information.
Instead of GROUP BY, use WHERE to get the first or last record:
FROM tbl_Worker as w
WHERE monthcol = (SELECT MAX(w2.monthcol)
FROM tbl_Worker as w2
WHERE w2.Personeelsnummer = w.Personeelsnummer
You would use MIN() to get the first month's record. My Dutch is a bit weak, so I don't know which column refers to the date for the record.
For performance, you want an index on tbl_Worker(Personeelsnummer, GeldigOp):
create index idx_tbl_worker_Personeelsnummer_GeldigOp on tbl_Worker(Personeelsnummer, GeldigOp);
Or you can do it with a JOIN:
FROM tbl_Worker as w INNER JOIN
(SELECT Personeelsnummer, MAX(GeldigOp) as max_GeldigOp
FROM tbl_Worker
GROUP BY Personeelsnummer
) as ww
ON ww.Personeelsnummer = w.Personeelsnummer and ww.max_GeldigOp = w.GeldigOp;
You're looking for a group by:
select *
from table
group by field1
Which can occasionally be written with a distinct on statement:
select distinct on field1 *
from table
As seen in this topic.

MySQL intersection in subquery

I'm trying to create a filter for a list (of apartments), with a many-to-many relationship with apartment features through the apartsments_features table.
I would like to include only apartments that have all of some features (marked 'Yes' on a form) excluding all the ones that have any of another set features (marked 'No'). I realized too late that I couldn't use INTERSECT or MINUS in MySQL.
I have a query that looks something like:
SELECT `apartments`.* FROM `apartments` WHERE `apartments`.`id` IN (
SELECT `apartments`.`id` FROM `apartments` INTERSECT (
SELECT `apartment_id` FROM `apartments_features` WHERE `feature_id` = 103
INTERSECT SELECT `apartment_id` FROM `apartments_features` WHERE `feature_id` = 106
SELECT `apartment_id` FROM `apartments_features` WHERE `feature_id` = 105 UNION
SELECT `apartment_id` FROM `apartments_features` WHERE `feature_id` = 107)
ORDER BY `apartments`.`name` ASC
I'm pretty sure there's a way to do this, but at the moment my knowledge is restricted to little more than simple left and right joins.
A slightly different way of doing it:
select a.*
from apartments a
join apartments_features f1
on a.apartment_id = f1.apartment_id and f1.feature_id in (103,106) -- applicable features
where not exists
(select null from apartments_features f2
where a.apartment_id = f2.apartment_id and f2.feature_id in (105,107) ) -- excluded features
group by f1.apartment_id
having count(*) = 2 -- number of applicable features
You could try something like this:
SELECT apartment_id
SELECT apartment_id
FROM apartments_features
WHERE feature_id IN (103, 106)
GROUP BY apartment_id
) T1
SELECT apartment_id
FROM apartments_features
WHERE feature_id IN (105, 107)
) T2
ON T1.apartment_id = T2.apartment_id
WHERE T2.apartment_id IS NULL
Join the result of this query to the apartments table to get the name, etc.