Painfully long building times with Browserify-rails/Vueify - browserify

I've been experiencing this issue for weeks and I didn't find any information on this anywhere. I am using browserify-rails with vueify, and I got painfully long building times as soon as I change anything in my code, be it a semi-colon or an entire component.
Building times, depending on I don't know what, can take up to 5 minutes (I am not joking). These are the logs I get on my local rails server when building my project. I can get between 5 and 25 of those during a building time.
Browserify: /Users/maxime/Documents/Kimoby/kimoby-rails/node_modules/.bin/browserifyinc -t vueify -t [ babelify --presets [ react es2015 ] ] --cachefile=\"/Users/maxime/Documents/Kimoby/kimoby-rails/tmp/cache/browserify-rails/browserifyinc-cache.json\" -o "/Users/maxime/Documents/Kimoby/kimoby-rails/tmp/cache/browserify-rails/output20160426-652-otln6f" -
What is going on? This is becoming an extremely annoying problem and slowing me on the project advancement.
Thank you!


Xcode mixing Branches

This may sound strange, but I am having issues with Xcode mixing branches, or at least messing everything up.
I created a new branch (v1.4), then created a new data model and renamed an entity. Had to switch back to previous branch (v1.3) to check something and I get errors at run time on v1.3, it's looking for the new entity name from Branch v1.4 - what the %$^#% is happening. I searched the files, the new entity name is nowhere in v1.3.
I switch branches again to v1.2 and it ran fine. So, switched to V1.3 again - nogo. Switched back to v1.2 and it has the same issue now, runtime error because it can't find the new entity name.
What is happening? Anyone else have this issue?
Any thoughts/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
OS X 10.11.6
Xcode 7.1.1
I am not real familiar with GIT, just starting to learn. I ran the couple commands as mentioned, get nothing for either git diff commands.
Running git status --ignored I do get multiple files as untracked - still working on understanding why (Separate issue) - couple object files and 2 data models (Was 3, but manually added one to commit.
Also I get 3 ignored files:
That's as far as I've gotten. Not familiar enough with git to know if these ignored files are the ones I should delete.
Second option - will restoring from time machine fix this? It may be a little extra work for me to recreate v1.4 but probably less time than I've already spent trying to figure out how to fix it.
I do appreciate both comments so far - thank you.
Thanks again for your comments.
However, do to time and schedule I perform a Time Machine backup before ElpieKay posted the last comment, so I will not be able to test it.
Reverting back did "fix" it as you'd expect, but I did lose several hours of work but life happens. I will keep this for if/when this happens again and try the git clean -df to see it fixes it.
On a side note - while I was switching back and forth between V1.3 and V1.4 trying to figure this out, 2 of the model versions disappeared on v1.4 - i.e. the name turned red in Xcode and when I viewed the contents of the file they were missing. I do not know if this is related or not, but I thought I would mention it. This happened one other time and I thought maybe I did something - I did a time machine restore to fix it last time. Wonder if git clean -df would have fixed it.

Could not build module 'AVFoundation'

I've suddenly run into an issue when trying to build and run my app - I need to use AVFoundation and suddenly it's telling me the below message
Could not build module 'AVFoundation'
This comes a long with some other issues such as:
/Library/Frameworks/CoreMIDI.framework/Headers/MIDIDriver.h:390:83: Expected ')'
Which I find odd...
If I remove the import it of course builds and runs just fine.
I have tried several things i.e. adding it to Link Binary with Libraries, clearing derived data, cleaning the project etc etc with no luck.
I'm at a loss with this so any help would be much appreciated.
I'm running Xcode 9 and using CocoaPods - I'm also embedding some swift into my objective C code - something new to me, so could it be related to that perhaps?
Thanks in advance for any help!

internal-package Error 2 while building in Theos

I keep getting make: * [internal-package] Error 2 when trying to build a tweak im working on. Ive never had this issue before, and its not specifying whats wrong. Here is what it says:
Ethans-Mac-mini:alienblue ethanarbuckle$ sudo make package
/Users/ethanarbuckle/Desktop/alienblue/theos/makefiles/targets/Darwin/ Deploying to iOS 3.0 while building for 6.0 will generate armv7-only binaries.
Making all for tweak AlienBlue...
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `internal-library-compile'.
Making stage for tweak AlienBlue...
dpkg-deb: building package `com.ethanarbuckle.alienblue++' in `./com.ethanarbuckle.alienblue++_0.0.1-9_iphoneos-arm.deb'.
make: *** [internal-package] Error 2
Can anyone shed some light on whats happening?
There is nothing wrong with your code.
This is because dpkg won't build a package that has a identifier that isn't alphanumeric (e.g. only A-Z, a-z, 0-9) so it is rejecting the "++" in your package id. I suggest make a new tweak in the NIC and copy your "Tweak.xm" to the new tweak folder and give it an id something like com.ethanarbuckle.alienblueplusplus instead of com.ethanarbuckle.alienblue++.
I had the same error and it took me about a month to figure it out. This change worked for me. Don't forget when you make a new tweak in the NIC to re-add any frameworks you had imported.
Your package name, however, can still have the ++ in it.

CSS and other errors when switching to production rails

I started to migrate a Ruby on Rails/Backbone.js app to production today and got a large number of new problems. One was the following CSS line:
#crops input[type=text, class=crop_selector] {
This was OK in development, but in production it isn't. On top of that, many of my images no longer appeared in the browser and I'm seeing no background colors. Could someone explain to me
1) what is wrong with the CSS?
2) what is so different about production? (perhaps point me to docs where I could read up on the differences)
EDIT on 1/24/13: someone helped me with the CSS error, so that is no longer a question. I still need to understand exactly what is different about production, when the switch is made. It is not just environment variables.

Ivy repreport taking a long time

I'm trying to run the Ivy repreport however it is taking a very long time (>48 hours before I kill it).
The repository that it is being run against is reasonably large but not ridiculously so (~150 Company artifacts and maybe ~1K dependencies).
Running with verbose produces no output.
Does anyone have an idea of what might be happening or how to speed it up?
I would limit the repreport to your organization like:
<ivy:repreport organisation="youroganization" />
This way artifacts that are not linked to your organization are ignored.
On my machine the first lines of output are:
[ivy:repreport] :: resolving dependencies :: caller#all-caller;working
So getting no output at all is very suspicious, but I have no idea what could cause that.
And if all fails you could try to clean the cache.