How do I add a lazy loaded column in EntitySpaces? - orm

If you do not have experience with or aren't currently using EntitySpaces ("ES") ORM this question is not meant for you.
I have a 10 year old application that after 4 years now needs my attention. My application uses a now defunct ORM called EntitySpaces and I'm hoping if you're reading this you have experience or maybe still use it too! Switching to another ORM is not an option at this time so I need to find a way to make this work.
Between the time I last actively worked on my application and now (ES Version 2012-09-30), EntitySpaces ("ES") has gone through a significant change in the underlying back-end. The scenario that I'm seeking help on is when an entity collection is loaded with only a subset of the columns:
_products = new ProductCollection();
I then override the properties that weren't loaded in the initial select so that I may lazyload them in the accessor. Here is an example of one such lazy-loaded property that used to work perfectly.
public override byte[] ImageData
bool rowIsDirty = != DataRowState.Unchanged;
// Check if we have loaded the blob data
if(base.Row.Table != null && base.Row.Table.Columns.Contains(ProductMetadata.ColumnNames.ImageData) == false)
// add the column before we can save data to the entity
this.Row.Table.Columns.Add(ProductMetadata.ColumnNames.ImageData, typeof(byte[]));
if(base.Row[ProductMetadata.ColumnNames.ImageData] is System.DBNull)
// Need to load the data
Product product = new Product();
product.Query.Select(product.Query.ImageData).Where(product.Query.ProductID == base.ProductID);
if (product.Row[ProductMetadata.ColumnNames.ImageData] is System.DBNull == false)
base.ImageData = product.ImageData;
if (rowIsDirty == false)
return base.ImageData;
base.ImageData = value;
The interesting part is where I add the column to the underlying DataTable DataColumn collection:
this.Row.Table.Columns.Add(ProductMetadata.ColumnNames.ImageData, typeof(byte[]));
I had to comment out all the related stuff from that accessor when I updated to the current (and open source) edition of ES (version 2012-09-30). That means that the "ImageData" column isn't properly configured and when I change it's data and attempt to save the entity I receive the following error:
Column 'ImageData' does not belong to table .
I've spent a few days looking through the ES source and experimenting and it appears that they no longer use a DataTable to back the entities, but instead are using a 'esSmartDictionary'.
My question is: Is there a known, supported way to accomplish the same lazy loaded behavior that used to work in the new version of ES? Where I can update a property (i.e. column) that wasn't included in the initial select by telling the ORM to add it to the entity backing store?

After analyzing how ES constructs the DataTable that is uses for updates it became clear that columns not included in the initial select (i.e. load) operation needed to be added to the esEntityCollectionBase.SelectedColumns dictionary. I added the following method to handle this.
/// <summary>
/// Appends the specified column to the SelectedColumns dictionary. The selected columns collection is
/// important as it serves as the basis for DataTable creation when updating an entity collection. If you've
/// lazy loaded a column (i.e. it wasn't included in the initial select) it will not be automatically
/// included in the selected columns collection. If you want to update the collection including the lazy
/// loaded column you need to use this method to add the column to the Select Columns list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="columnName">The lazy loaded column name. Note: Use the {yourentityname}Metadata.ColumnNames
/// class to access the column names.</param>
public void AddLazyLoadedColumn(string columnName)
if(this.selectedColumns == null)
throw new Exception(
"You can only append a lazy-loaded Column to a partially selected entity collection");
if (this.selectedColumns.ContainsKey(columnName))
// Using the count because I can't determine what the value is supposed to be or how it's used. From
// I can tell it's just the number of the column as it was selected: if 8 colums were selected the
// value would be 1 through 8 - ??
int columnValue = selectedColumns.Count;
this.selectedColumns.Add(columnName, columnValue);
You would use this method like this:
public override System.Byte[] ImageData
var collection = this.GetCollection();
if(collection != null)
It's a shame that nobody is interested in the open source EntitySpaces. I'd be happy to work on it if I thought it had a future, but it doesn't appear so. :(
I'm still interested in any other approaches or insight from other users.


Why is my record being deleted from the db when I attempt to update the record from entity framework MVC?

When I attempt to update a record from entity framework the record is being deleted from the table. There are no errors thrown so it really has me baffled what is happening.
I am fairly new to entity framework and I've been learning it for about a month now.
I can update the record without any issues from SQL Server but not from vs. Here is the code to update the db:
// GET: /Scorecard/Edit/5
public ActionResult Edit(int id, string EmployeeName)
if (id == null)
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
CRS_Monthly crs_monthly = GetAgentById(id);
crs_monthly.EmployeeName = EmployeeName;
if (crs_monthly == null)
return HttpNotFound();
return View(crs_monthly);
// POST: /Scorecard/Edit/5
// To protect from overposting attacks, please enable the specific properties you want to bind to, for
// more details see
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include="REC_ID,Cur_Plan,Plan_Update,Comments,Areas_Improve,Strengths,UPDATED_BY,UPDATED_TIME,Agent_Recognition")] CRS_Monthly crs_monthly)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
crs_monthly.UPDATED_TIME = DateTime.Now;
crs_monthly.UPDATED_BY = Request.LogonUserIdentity.Name.Split('\\')[1];
db.Entry(crs_monthly).State = EntityState.Modified;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(crs_monthly);
When I run the debugger crs_monthly is valid and looks fine until db.SaveChanges(). Any help is greatly appreciated!
You should never save an instance of your entity created from a post, especially when you're utilizing Bind to restrict which properties are bound from the post data. Instead, always pull the entity fresh from the database and map the posted values on to it. This ensures that no data is lost.
Using Bind is a horrible practice, anyways. The chief problem with it is that all your properties are listed as string values, and you're introducing maintenance concerns. If remove one of these properties or change the name, the Bind list is not automatically updated. You must remember to change every single instance. Worse, if you add properties, you have to remember to go back and include them in this list or else your data just gets silently dropped with no notice.
If you need to only work with a subset of properties on your entity, create a view model containing just those properties. Then, again, map the posted values from your view model onto an instance of your entity pulled fresh from the database.

Relation many-to-one retrieved from custom cache

It's more like theoretical question.
I have one table to hold dictionary items, and the next one for hold Users data.
User table contains a lot reference collumns of type many to one indicated on dictionary item table. It's looks like:
public class User
public int Id;
public Dictionary Status;
public Dictionary Type;
public Dictionary OrganizationUnit;
I want retrieve all dictionary on startup of aplication, and then when i retrieved user and invoke reference property to dictionary the dictionary object should be taken from cache.
I know i can use a 2nd level cache in this scenario, but i'm interested about other solution. Is there any?
It's posible to make my custom type and said that: use my custom cache to retrieved value of dictionary??
Across multiple session the second level cache is the best answer, the only other solutions to populate objects from a cache without using second level cache i can think of would be to use an onLoad interceptor (and simply leave your dictionaries unmapped) or do it manually somewhere in your application.
But why don't you want to use the seocondlevel cache? If your views on caching is very different from the storages there are providers for in hibernate it is possible for you to implement your own provider?
Why not store it in the session? Just pull the record set one time and push it into session and retrieve it each time you want it. I do something similar for other stuff and I believe my method should work for you. In my code I have a session manager that I call directly from any piece of code needs the session values. I choose this method since I can query the results and I can manipulate the storage and retrieval methods. When relying on NHibernate to do the Caching for me, I don't have the granularity of control to cause specific record sets to only be available to specific sessions. I also find that NHibernate is not as efficient as using the session directly. When profiling the CPU and memory usage I find that this method is faster and uses a little less memory. If you want to do it on a site level instead of session, look into HttpContext.Current.Cache.
The following example works perfectly for storing and retrieving record sets:
// Set the session
SessionManager.User = (Some code to pull the user record with relationships. Set the fetch mode to eager for each relationship else you will just have broken references.)
// Get the session
User myUser = SessionManager.User;
public static class SessionManager
public static User User
get { return GetSession("MySessionUser") as User; }
set { SetSession("MySessionUser", value); }
private static object GetSession(string key)
// Fix Null reference error
if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current == null || System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session == null)
return null;
return System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session[key];
private static void SetSession(string key, object valueIn)
// Fix null reference error
if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session[key] == null)
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session.Add(key, valueIn);
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session[key] = valueIn;

How to work around NHibernate caching?

I'm new to NHibernate and was assigned to a task where I have to change a value of an entity property and then compare if this new value (cached) is different from the actual value stored on the DB. However, every attempt to retrieve this value from the DB resulted in the cached value. As I said, I'm new to NHibernate, maybe this is something easy to do and obviously could be done with plain ADO.NET, but the client demands that we use NHibernate for every access to the DB. In order to make things clearer, those were my "successful" attempts (ie, no errors):
DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.For<User>()
.Add(Expression.Eq(UserField.Id, userid));
return GetByDetachedCriteria(criteria)[0].Id; //this is the value I want
var JobLoadId = DetachedCriteria.For<User>()
.Add(Expression.Eq(UserField.Id, userid));
ICriteria criteria = JobLoadId.GetExecutableCriteria(NHibernateSession);
var ids = criteria.List();
return ((JobLoad)ids[0]).Id;
Hope I made myself clear, sometimes is hard to explain a problem when even you don't quite understand the underlying framework.
Edit: Of course, this is a method body.
Edit 2: I found out that it doesn't work properly for the method call is inside a transaction context. If I remove the transaction, it works fine, but I need it to be in this context.
I do that opening a new stateless session for geting the actual object in the database:
User databaseuser;
using (IStatelessSession session = SessionFactory.OpenStatelessSession())
databaseuser = db.get<User>("id");
//do your checks
Within a session, NHibernate will return the same object from its Level-1 Cache (aka Identity Map). If you need to see the current value in the database, you can open a new session and load the object in that session.
I would do it like this:
public class MyObject : Entity
private readonly string myField;
public string MyProperty
get { return myField; }
if (value != myField)
myField = value;
googles nhforge
This may be able to help you.

LINQ SQL Attach, Update Check set to Never, but still Concurrency conflicts

In the dbml designer I've set Update Check to Never on all properties. But i still get an exception when doing Attach: "An attempt has been made to Attach or Add an entity that is not new, perhaps having been loaded from another DataContext. This is not supported." This approach seems to have worked for others on here, but there must be something I've missed.
using(TheDataContext dc = new TheDataContext())
test = dc.Members.FirstOrDefault(m => m.fltId == 1);
test.Name = "test2";
using(TheDataContext dc = new TheDataContext())
dc.Members.Attach(test, true);
The error message says exactly what is going wrong: You are trying to attach an object that has been loaded from another DataContext, in your case from another instance of the DataContext. Dont dispose your DataContext (at the end of the using statement it gets disposed) before you change values and submit the changes. This should work (all in one using statement). I just saw you want to attach the object again to the members collection, but it is already in there. No need to do that, this should work just as well:
using(TheDataContext dc = new TheDataContext())
var test = dc.Members.FirstOrDefault(m => m.fltId == 1);
test.Name = "test2";
Just change the value and submit the changes.
Latest Update:
(Removed all previous 3 updates)
My previous solution (removed it again from this post), found here is dangerous. I just read this on a MSDN article:
"Only call the Attach methods on new
or deserialized entities. The only way
for an entity to be detached from its
original data context is for it to be
serialized. If you try to attach an
undetached entity to a new data
context, and that entity still has
deferred loaders from its previous
data context, LINQ to SQL will thrown
an exception. An entity with deferred
loaders from two different data
contexts could cause unwanted results
when you perform insert, update, and
delete operations on that entity. For
more information about deferred
loaders, see Deferred versus Immediate
Loading (LINQ to SQL)."
Use this instead:
// Get the object the first time by some id
using(TheDataContext dc = new TheDataContext())
test = dc.Members.FirstOrDefault(m => m.fltId == 1);
// Somewhere else in the program
test.Name = "test2";
// Again somewhere else
using(TheDataContext dc = new TheDataContext())
// Get the db row with the id of the 'test' object
Member modifiedMember = new Member()
Id = test.Id,
Name = test.Name,
Field2 = test.Field2,
Field3 = test.Field3,
Field4 = test.Field4
dc.Members.Attach(modifiedMember, true);
After having copied the object, all references are detached, and all event handlers (deferred loading from db) are not connected to the new object. Just the value fields are copied to the new object, that can now be savely attached to the members table. Additionally you do not have to query the db for a second time with this solution.
It is possible to attach entities from another datacontext.
The only thing that needs to be added to code in the first post is this:
dc.DeferredLoadingEnabled = false
But this is a drawback since deferred loading is very useful. I read somewhere on this page that another solution would be to set the Update Check on all properties to Never. This text says the same:
But I can't get it to work even after setting the Update Check to Never.
This is a function in my Repository class which I use to update entities
protected void Attach(TEntity entity)
_dataContext.Refresh(RefreshMode.KeepCurrentValues, entity);
catch (DuplicateKeyException ex) //Data context knows about this entity so just update values
_dataContext.Refresh(RefreshMode.KeepCurrentValues, entity);
Where TEntity is your DB Class and depending on you setup you might just want to do

Preserving DataRowState when serializing DataSet using DataContractSerializer

For various reasons I am having to send a typed dataset to a WCF service endpoint. This works fine except that upon Deserializing, the RowState of each row in each DataTable is set to 'Added', regardless of what they were on the client. If I write the serialized stream out to a file, I see that the RowState is not part of the Serialized data. How can I add this so that I can preserve the RowState across service boundaries? Not that I think it matters, but the client process is running .net 3.5 while the service process is running .net 4.0
I had this problem also, and found a very simple solution for it:
Instead of using the dataset object's "WriteXml" method, serialize the object 'manually' using a BinaryFormatter:
BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
using(FileStream fs = File.Open("datastore.dat", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
bf.Serialize(fs, ds);
When you deserialize, the object is in the exact same state as before, including the rowstate data.
Here is the code for the RowState property:
public DataRowState RowState
if (this.oldRecord == this.newRecord)
if (this.oldRecord == -1)
return DataRowState.Detached;
if (0 < this._columns.ColumnsImplementingIChangeTrackingCount)
foreach (DataColumn column in this._columns.ColumnsImplementingIChangeTracking)
object obj2 = this[column];
if ((DBNull.Value != obj2) && ((IChangeTracking)obj2).IsChanged)
return DataRowState.Modified;
return DataRowState.Unchanged;
if (this.oldRecord == -1)
return DataRowState.Added;
if (this.newRecord == -1)
return DataRowState.Deleted;
return DataRowState.Modified;
as you can see, there may be nothing you can do about its value, because it is calculated rather than just stored. The easiest solution may be to just add another column to the DataSet which contains the state of the row.
(Why does it always calculate out to the value Added? Most likely because when your serialized dataset is rehydrated back on the server, new rows are created and added to the dataset - so the value is quite literally true. If you follow the above suggestion to add another column to the dataset, that will require a change to the server code to be able to examine and process it - if you are going to make that sort of change then maybe it is worth doing the whole thing and recode that service to use proper serializable DTOs instead?).