Nohup seems to be stuck - aix

I have ran a command here at work that my coworkers told me to run:
They told me that this command was supposed to run in background, once it takes hours and hours to run ... but after running the command, the prompt stucked in this "Sending output to nohup.out" and it's like this for more than 1 hour.
Question: can I shutdown my computer? Sorry about my ignorance, I do not understand anything about it. By the way, this is a windows command prompt, connected to an AIX server using Telnet.

You are at a command prompt, the output of the previous command wrote on top of it. Yes, you can disconnect from the remote system and the command will continue (it will ignore the HUP signal sent on disconnect). Yes, you can shut down your Windows client.


Sanity Start compiles however localhost:3333 returns nothing

Good day all... I have been having an issue with Sanity for the past 3 days... After running sanity start on my linux vps I get the success message Content Studio successfully compiled! Go to http://localhost:3333 however the link returns nothing - it just loads indefinitely without any error message in my console. I have tried chrome, brave and firefox as well as turning third-party cookies on - I'd appreciate any assistance or ideas as to what the problem may be
If simply re-starting Sanity Studio doesn't work, you might check if there's still a thread running after exiting studio, and if so, terminate the thread and start Studio again.
A simple CLI command that kills the process running on port 3333 is:
lsof -t -i tcp:3333 | xargs kill
I've experienced similar issues with Studio being unresponsive after inadvertently leaving it running when my MBP goes to sleep. When I return, it appears Sanity is still running in the terminal, but there is no browser response and no errors thrown in the terminal.
More resources that might help:
Finding the PID of the process using a specific port?
Find (and kill) process locking port 3000 on Mac

How to type in the Windows Ubuntu terminal while a windows exe is processing?

Typically in most terminals I've worked with (for instance, powershell or OSX's built-in "terminal") if you start typing your next command while the previous is still running, the terminal will receive your keyboard inputs and insert them anyway.
With the windows ubuntu terminal, all my keystrokes while the current command is running are lost.
This seems to only happen when I run a windows exe through the ubuntu terminal.
For example, this suppresses all my keyboard input: "ping.exe", while using ubuntu's ping does not: "ping"
Is there a fix to make it so that my keyboard input is not suppressed when running windows tools in the ubuntu terminal? I find this valuable since I often being typing the next command while the previous is still running.

Is there a way to detach running remote ssh script in PyCharm?

I use remote shh interpreter in PyCharm regularly, using the configured deployment. I often run remote programs from PyCharm GUI (using F5 key), that takes hours to complete (e.g. training a deep net). This unfortunately means that any network outage causes running script to exit and I have to run the script over again. Is there a way to detach the running script so it keeps running? In the sense similar to what screen or nohup is doing? I know I can run it in screen manually via ssh, but it is a bit inconvenient.
Ok. I found out that this feature is not implemented yet. There is however a suggested workaround

Reboot computer during automation testing

I'm using SpecFlow with NUnit. Some scenarios require reboot computer in the middle of their running. I did not find any approaches to do it for specified technologies. Is there someone who can help me?
Call a command line command from your code to reboot the system should do it, but it would also kill the test run on that machine, so you would also need to schedule the test run to restart after the reboot.
Windows reboot command:
shutdown /r /t 0
As advised Niels, you can split your tests. And, after test is finished, save data on hard drive, then in next test suite read that data.

How can I run xsp4 as a background process on linux?

Is there an easy way to get xsp4 running as a background process on a linux server?
When I run xsp4 I get this:
Listening on address:
Root directory: /test
Listening on port: 80 (non-secure)
Hit Return to stop the server.
So if I quit the terminal I am running it from it stops the server.
Do I have to write a daemon to do this? Or is there already something in place that I am missing?
You have a couple of options. If your problem is terminal closing, then screen can be simple solution (just run screen xsp4, then Ctrl+A,D and you can close terminal). If the method you have used suits you, then use it -- however xsp will die after terminal closing. xsp should be generally used for debugging, production solutions are FastCGI or apache module, so these are daemons "by definition".
I had to use Mono for a demo that I had to show, and faced the same problem. My workaround was:
xsp4 --nonstop &
Note: It will show the initial information and if you hit enter, it will continue running. You can also exit the terminal if you want and it will continue as well.
you can do install the xsp4 in the terminal
sudo apt-get install mono-xsp4
go to your project Folder where the Asp project saved and type in the terminal