Method doesnt want to move to Generic Class -

I am wrapping a COM API.
In general, I have had good luck designing some generic classes and shoving the tested parts down into those classes.
Here is one that is giving me a problem.
There are classes that represent result sets. They do not inherit, they do implement a common interface, but it is a very simple interface. It does not expose the ResultSet functionality, specifically .COUNT or .GetAt(i)
My workaround is to make this a MustInherit and use CodeSmith to do the work for me. Not the end of the world. 13 more lines of generated code per entity.
I have played around with a class that might bridge this, and an interface that might bridge this, but I keep coming back to the fact that there is no common 'thing' in the API that represents a result set.
I may be missing something, I certainly am not seeing the solution.
The code for one instance of the work around is listed below
I would like to move this function to the Generic. It currently sits in each instance of class that uses the generic.
ICustomerRetList inherits from IBase. IBase has neither .Count or .GetAt() as mentioned above.
To be clear- My question is this : Can you suggest a vb construct that will allow me to move this function from my concrete class, down to my generic class
Public Overrides Function RetListToList(RetList As ICustomerRetList) As List(Of Customer)
Dim oItem As ICustomerRet
Dim oItem As Customer
Dim l As New List(Of Customer)
For idx = 0 To RetList.**Count** - 1 '.Count is not a member of IBase
oqbItem = RetList.**GetAt**(idx) '.GetAt() is not a member of IBase
oItem = New Customer()
'add the Item to the list
Call l.Add(oItem)
Return l
End Function

If all implementations of IBase have these methods, and they all have the same names, you could combine extension methods and reflection to effectively lower the functions.
Public Class CustomerRetListExtensions
Public Function GetAt(ByVal list As IBase, ByVal idx As Integer) As IBase
Return DirectCast(list.GetType().GetMethod("GetAt").Invoke(list, New Object() { idx }), IBase)
End Function
' If Count is a property, otherwise use the same approach as for GetAt
Public Function Count(ByVal list As IBase) As Integer
Return DirectCast(list.GetType().GetProperty("Count").GetValue(list), Integer)
End Function
End Class


How to mimic Java's Wildcard types in

I have an interface which I defined like this:
Public Interface ISomething(Of T)
' methods
End Interface
I now did an implementation:
Public Class ConcreteThing
Implements ISomething(of SomeClass)
' Implementation
End Class
I have multiple such concrete implementations, and want to have a function which returns any of them based on its parameters. In Java, I would do something like this:
public ISomething<?> getSomething(ParamType p) {
if(p.hasFoo()) return new ConcreteThing();
if(p.hasBar()) return new OtherConcreteThing();
throw new IllegalStateException("p neither has Foo nor Bar");
I already searched about this issue and found out that does not have wildcard types, so I tried:
Public Function GetSomething(p as ParamType) as ISomething(Of Object)
If p.HasFoo Then Return New ConcreteThing()
If p.HasBar Then Return New OtherConcreteThing()
Throw New InvalidOperationException("p neither has Foo nor Bar")
End Function
This compiles, but I get the warning: Runtime errors might occurr when converting 'Foo.ConcreteThing' to 'Foo.ISomething(Of Object)'.
When I try the following, as suggested in a similar question:
Public Function GetSomething(Of T)(p as ParamType) as ISomething(Of T)
If p.HasFoo Then Return New ConcreteThing()
If p.HasBar Then Return New OtherConcreteThing()
Throw New InvalidOperationException("p neither has Foo nor Bar")
End Function
the warning only changes to Runtime errors might occurr when converting 'Foo.ConcreteThing' to 'Foo.ISomething(Of T)'.
So, how do I get this right? Or, if this indeed IS right, how do I have Visual Studio ignore this warning?
I investigated on this issue a little more, discussed it with my colleagues, and I think I found the solution / reason for the warnings.
The warning message is a bit hard to understand and unconcise. What they are trying to say is that, as silly as it sounds, covariance does not work as expected for primitive types, even when using the Out keyword!
Consider an excerpt from this example on MSDN:
' Covariance.
Dim strings As IEnumerable(Of String) = New List(Of String)()
' An object that is instantiated with a more derived type argument
' is assigned to an object instantiated with a less derived type argument.
' Assignment compatibility is preserved.
Dim objects As IEnumerable(Of Object) = strings
This works. Now, change the first IEnumerable to IList:
Dim strings As IList(Of String) = New List(Of String)()
Dim objects As IEnumerable(Of Object) = strings
Works, too. OK, we are lucky, let's change the second:
Dim strings As IList(Of String) = New List(Of String)()
Dim objects As IList(Of Object) = strings
Boom, InvalidCastException. Looking at the signature, this is because the generic parameter in IEnumerable is defined as Of Out T, and IList is only defined As T.
Now, let's define our own.
Interface ISomething(Of Out T)
ReadOnly Property Value As T
End Interface
Class IntThing
Implements ISomething(Of Integer)
Public ReadOnly Property Value As Integer Implements ISomething(Of Integer).Value
Return 42
End Get
End Property
End Class
Now, do this:
Dim s1 As ISomething(Of Integer) = new IntThing()
Works. Now add this:
Dim s2 As ISomething(Of Object) = s1
Boom, InvalidCastException. Now, the funniest part. Add a second implementation of ISomething:
Class StringThing
Implements ISomething(Of String)
Public ReadOnly Property Value As String Implements ISomething(Of String).Value
Return "foo"
End Get
End Property
End Class
And do:
Dim s1 As ISomething(Of String) = New StringThing()
Dim s2 As ISomething(Of Object) = s1
This, on the other hand, works! So, let's go back to the List example.
Dim ints As IEnumerable(Of Integer) = New List(Of Integer)()
Dim objects As IEnumerable(Of Object) = ints
This will get you an InvalidCastException, too.
So, my conclusion is that covariance not only needs the Out keyword, it additionally only works with non-primitive types. .net seems to handle wrapper classes differently to the JVM.
So, never ignore this warning when it pops up. When it does, things will go wonky in an absolutely illogical way! That means, for what I want to achieve, going with simple Objects instead trying to find an equivalent for ISomething<?> is the way to go.
I only use this internally to read a binary file into a more convenient structure to extract the data I pass out via the API in the end, so using Object does not make things very much worse here.
It's weird, I don't get the warning like you do. But I do get an InvalidCastException if I try to run the code.
To get rid of the error (and hopefully your warning as well), you can make the generic type T on ISomething covariant.
Public Interface ISomething(Of Out T) ' Add the "Out" keyword here to make it covariant
' methods
End Interface
Then you should be able to use your GetSomething function as you had attempted:
Public Function GetSomething(p as ParamType) as ISomething(Of Object)
If p.HasFoo Then Return New ConcreteThing()
If p.HasBar Then Return New OtherConcreteThing()
Throw New InvalidOperationException("p neither has Foo nor Bar")
End Function
Relevant documentation: Covariance and Contravariance in Generics
Enables you to use a more specific type than originally specified.
You can assign an instance of IEnumerable<Derived> (IEnumerable(Of Derived) in Visual Basic) to a variable of type IEnumerable<Base>.
And lower in the Defining Variant Generic Interfaces and Delegates section:
A covariant type parameter is marked with the out keyword (Out keyword in Visual Basic, + for the MSIL Assembler).

So a VB interface can't have shared functions. Is there an alternative to creating dummy objects?

To avoid getting into the weeds on my particular program, let me just create a simplified case.
I have a generic class that should work on a variety of objects. Each of those objects must implement a certain interface.
What I WANT to say is something like:
Public Interface GenThing
Shared Function thing_name() As String ' This doesn't work! Can't be shared!
Sub FillOne(row As DataRow)
End Interface
public class Thing1
implements GenThing
public shared function thing_name() as string implements GenThing.thing_name
return "thing number one"
end function
public sub FillOne(row as DataRow) implements GenThing.MakeOne
... bunch of work ...
end sub
end class
public class ThingUtil(of T as {GenThing,New})
public function GetList(id as integer) as List(of T)
dim name=T.thing_name() ' This doesn't work!
dim ds as DataSet=GetData(name,id) ' bunch of work here that's the whole point of the class but not relevant to the question
dim my_list = new List(of T)
for each row as DataRow in ds.tables(0).rows
dim my_t = new T()
return my_list
end function
end class
Do you get my problem? I need every class that implements the interface to have a function that returns a "name" that is used to get the data that is needed to create an instance of the object. But I need to know this name BEFORE I create the instance, because I need it to be able to create the instance. But VB doesn't allow an interface to have a shared function, so what I want to write doesn't work.
So what I've done is this:
I make thing_name not shared.
Then instead of simply "dim name=T.thing_name()", I write
dim dummy = new T()
dim name = dummy.thing_name()
Okay, it works, but it seems really ugly. I create an instance of the object, with all the overhead that that involves, just to get a piece of constant text.
Is there a better way? Or am I making a big deal out of nothing?
I see that two people voted to close this question on the grounds that it is the same as "Why can't we have shared functions in an interface?"
I am not asking why I can't have a shared. I am saying, GIVEN that I can't, how do I solve this particular problem?
There's no really simple way of fixing this, no.
Depending on what thing_name does, however, you might approach things in a different way. If each implementation just returns a constant value, then it's effectively metadata about the class - and could be described in an attribute instead, which can be fetched at execution time. (See Type.GetCustomAttributes.) Unfortunately you can't then enforce all types implementing the interface to be decorated with the attribute - but you could write a unit test to check this pretty easily.
If thing_name needs to really do work at execution time, that's tougher. You could potentially look for a well-known shared method name instead and execute that via reflection (and again have unit tests to check that it's implemented properly).
I realize this is from a few years ago, but running into a similar problem, I wanted to offer a different solution. Pass a delegate as parameter to the ThingUtil constructor. You avoid having to put a shared method in an interface, and the constructor will force you to include the parameter at compile time.
You can add more delegates if needed, or to make it even simpler in this case, just pass name as a string instead of get_name as a delegate.
Define the delegate in the interface:
Public Interface GenThing
Delegate Function ThingNameDelegate() As String
Sub FillOne(row As DataRow)
End Interface
Public Class Thing1
Implements GenThing
Public Shared Function thing_name() As String 'name this whatever you want
Return "thing number one"
End Function
Public Sub FillOne(row As DataRow) Implements GenThing.FillOne
'do stuff
End Sub
End Class
In ThingUtil, add a member to store the delegate, a constructor parameter to to accept, and call it with .Invoke():
Public Class ThingUtil(Of T As {GenThing, New})
Private m_thing_name As GenThing.ThingNameDelegate
Public Sub New(thing_name As GenThing.ThingNameDelegate)
m_thing_name = thing_name
End Sub
Public Function GetList(id As Integer) As List(Of T)
Dim name = m_thing_name.Invoke()
Dim ds As DataSet = GetData(name, id) ' bunch of work here that's the whole point of the class but not relevant to the question
Dim my_list = New List(Of T)
For Each row As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
Dim my_t = New T()
Return my_list
End Function
End Class
Finally, use it like this:
Dim tu as new ThingUtil(Of Thing1)(AddressOf Thing1.get_name)
tu.GetList(1) how can I use a Linq using Generic classes?

I have the next structure:
public class mysample
public property status as integer
end class
Dim mylist=new List(Of mysample)
Dim item as new mysample
Dim item1 as new mysample
I have next function which it is calculating something:
Function test(Of T)(newstatus as integer, mylist as List(of T)) as integer
Dim res as integer = myList.Where(Function(x) x.status=newstatus).First.status
Return res
End function
The call is where I am interested to execute: test(Of mysample)(2, mylist)
I have mysample in different projects and they can not be in the same for this reason I decided to use generic list to do my Linq calcultion.
How can I solve this issue? all clases has status but I have different classes and I pass the name as generic type.
Do the classes share a common base class or interface? If so you should place a filter on the generic type like this:
Function test(Of T as CommonBaseClassOrInterface)(newstatus as integer, mylist as List(of T)) as integer
That will allow you to access any members on CommonBaseClassOrInterface. If they currently don't share a base class or interface you should consider adding one, making sure that Status is a member.
If you can't give them a base class or interface for some reason, you can still do this using reflection, but I DO NOT recommend going that direction.
Yes, because you have not constraint T in any way. It would be perfectly legal to call
test(Of Integer)(2, new list(of Integer))
which would fail because Integer does not have a status property. You either need to constrain T to be of some type that has a status property (either a base class or a common interface), or don't make it generic:
Function test(newstatus as integer, mylist as List(of mystatus)) as integer
Dim res as integer = myList.Where(Function(x) x.status=newstatus).First.status
Return res
End function
I have mysample in different projects
You mean you have several classes names mystatus in several projects? Then they are not the same class.
all classes has status but I have different classes and I pass the name as generic type
The create at least an interface that has a Status property and use that to constrain the generic parameter in Test.

OOP concept: is it possible to update the class of an instantiated object?

I am trying to write a simple program that should allow a user to save and display sets of heterogeneous, but somehow related data. For clarity sake, I will use a representative example of vehicles. The program flow is like this:
The program creates a Garage object, which is basically a class that can contain a list of vehicles objects
Then the users creates Vehicles objects, these Vehicles each have a property, lets say License Plate Nr. Once created, the Vehicle object get added to a list within the Garage object
--Later on--, the user can specify that a given Vehicle object is in fact a Car object or a Truck object (thus giving access to some specific attributes such as Number of seats for the Car, or Cargo weight for the truck)
At first sight, this might look like an OOP textbook question involving a base class and inheritance, but the problem is more subtle because at the object creation time (and until the user decides to give more info), the computer doesn't know the exact Vehicle type.
Hence my question: how would you proceed to implement this program flow? Is OOP the way to go?
Just to give an initial answer, here is what I've came up until now. There is only one Vehicle class and the various properties/values are handled by the main program (not the class) through a dictionary. However, I'm pretty sure that there must be a more elegant solution (I'm developing using
Public Class Garage
Public GarageAdress As String
Private _ListGarageVehicles As New List(Of Vehicles)
Public Sub AddVehicle(Vehicle As Vehicles)
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Vehicles
Public LicensePlateNumber As String
Public Enum VehicleTypes
Generic = 0
Car = 1
Truck = 2
End Enum
Public VehicleType As VehicleTypes
Public DictVehicleProperties As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
End Class
NOTE that in the example above the public/private modifiers do not necessarily reflect the original code
Let's first distinguish between the set of answers which one can ask about an object in the garage (its attributes) from the set of answers to those questions( its state).
If you are simply looking at a scenario where the set of answers changes, then a simple State Pattern applies. The attributes remain constant, and state changes. All object instantiations remain of a single type with constant attributes.
if you are looking at the more complicated situation where the available attributes for an object in the garage changes, one uses the Decorator pattern. However, I don't think this quite fits your scenario either. The Decorator pattern is for scenarios where there is a tractable number of attributes, but the number of possible combinations is potentially exponential because there is no restriction of which go with which.
The scenario that I think best handles your situation is that the object is actually undefined until identified, with only a Proxy (represented by the vehicle key) created initially, Once the object is completely identified, which it seems occurs all at once, it's full object is instantiated.
It is possible that you might want a Decorator sitting on top of the Proxy, but that might not be necessary either.
--Later on--, the user can specify that a given Vehicle object is in fact a Car object or a Truck object
You are dangerously close to asking for unrestricted downcasting as a feature. This is just not possible in managed code, the CLR provides hard guarantees that illegal downcasts are never possible. It raises the InvalidCastException when you try anyway.
Somewhat more concrete, if the original object was created as a Vehicle then there is no way that you can ever interpret or access that object as though it is a Truck. A Truck has, say, a Cargo property that Vehicle doesn't have. In fact, Vehicle doesn't even have the storage for Cargo. Re-interpreting a Vehicle as a Truck will give it a complete garbage value for Cargo. And much worse, writing the Cargo property will corrupt memory.
Unrestricted downcasting is possible in some languages, like C and C++. Particularly in C it is almost inevitable, void* is the "object class" of C. But these languages are also pretty famous for writing code that crashes at runtime. An illegal downcast is an excellent and common way to induce such a crash. The heap corruption this causes is extremely difficult to diagnose, the crash doesn't happen until much later, far removed from where the original damage was done.
You use the standard Factory pattern to create instances of a specific class that have a desired set of properties. Upcasting to the base class is always valid. Such a factory will return a reference of type Vehicle for example, even though it created a Truck object. Downcasting it later to a Truck will be valid.
Object Oriented Programming works best when you try to model realistic objects, rather than 'magical' objects that do things that don't make sense.
In the real world you can't have a car that is a vague blob, but suddenly becomes a Pickup truck. Thus it makes little sense to model your system this way, and you will run into various problems that cause you to go back to the "magic" again and again.
One can think of the compiler and the runtime environment as a sort of "pocket universe" and one can think of certain rules enforced by the compiler as "Laws of physics" that apply in that universe. In some cases you bend these laws, given certain compensations, but in general you shouldn't try to do this as it can cause huge rifts in the space-time continuum (ie, you can corrupt the internal state of the program).
Instead, I would model it this way. You can have a list of "License Plate" objects, and when you want to "create" a Pickup Truck, you use a Factory class, passing in the License Plate object and it will create a Pickup Truck that uses that license object.
Remember, that objects often contain other objects. A license plate is an object in and of itself, so why not treat it as such? Since you appear to have no real tie between the ambiguous "vehicle" and the license plate, this makes more sense.
My understanding is : You are trying to achieve in something you can actually dynamically do in JavaScript and its constructors...
I don't know if you can dynamically create Methods, Functions, Events or Properties in like :
Public Module SampleMembers
Public _PaxNum As Integer = 0
Public _CargoAmount As Integer = 0
Public Function GetPassengerNumbers() As Integer
Return _PaxNum
End Function
Public Function GetCargoAmount() As Integer
Return _CargoAmount
End Function
End Module
And then, declare in your application a basic object like :
Dim MyVehicle As Object
Later on, during runtime, dynamically add members to your vehicle object like :
Public Sub ConvertBaseVehicleToCar(ByRef CurrentVehicle As Object)
' ...
Object.AddMember(SampleMember._PaxNum, CurrentVehicle)
Object.AddMember(SampleMember.GetPassengerNumber(), CurrentVehicle)
' Where Object would have a magical Constructor Modyfier...
' That would be GREAT... of course
End Sub
But you can't do that in if I'm not mistaken
If it was just about datas...
I would use :
Public Class Vehicle
Private _PropertiesList As New SortedList(Of String, String)
Public Function AddProperty(ByVal PropertyName As String, ByVal PropertyValue As String) As Boolean
If _PropertiesList.ContainsKey(PropertyName) Then
_PropertiesList.Item(PropertyName) = PropertyValue
Return False ' Property replaced !
_PropertiesList.Add(PropertyName, PropertyValue)
Return Property ' New Property added !
End If
End Function
Public Function RemoveProperty(ByVal PropertyName) As Boolean
If _PropertiesList.ContainsKey(PropertyName) Then
Return True ' Property actually removed !
Return False ' No property with that name !
End If
End Function
Public Function GetPropertiesList() As List(Of String)
Dim NewList As New List(Of String)
Dim CurrentProperty As String
For Each CurrentProperty In _PropertiesList.Keys
Return NewList
End Function
Public Function GetProperty(ByVal PropertyName As String) As String
If _PropertiesList.ContainsKey(PropertyName) Then
Return _PropertiesList.Item(PropertyName)
Return ""
' Or whatever explicit code of your choice
' like Return "N/A" or Return "#"
End If
End Function
' I would replace this latest function by
Public Property Item(ByVal PropertyName As String) As String
' ...
End Property
' ...
' And the Constructor
Public Sub New(ByVal VehicleType As String)
End Sub
' With its default Properties like :
Private Sub InitializeType(ByVal ProposedType As String)
ProposedType = ProposedType.Trim().ToUpper()
Select Case ProposedType
Case "CAR":
Item("Type") = "CAR"
Case "TRUCK":
Item("Type") = "TRUCK"
Item("Type") = "MINIVAN"
End Select
End Sub
' And add a FINAL ReadOnly Property
Public ReadOnly Property VehicleType() As String
Return Item("Type")
End Get
End Property
End Class
Now, MyVehicle could be anything, a car, a truck, a plane, even PlanetEarth...
Still, I CAN'T mask or add methods, functions, properties upon runtime. My properties are all of type "String"
MyCar.Item("NumberOfWheels") = "6"
' ^^ I'll have to cast this to Integer before using it...
' Where :
Public Function SumOfWheels(ByVal ListOfVehicles As List(Of Vehicles)) As Integer
Dim CurrentVehicle As Vehicle
Dim CurrentWheels As Integer
Dim TotalWheels As Integer = 0
For Each CurrentVehicle In ListOfVehicles
If Integer.TryParse(CurrentVehicle.Item("NumberOfWheels"), CurrentWheels)
TotalWheels = TotalWheels + CurrentWheels
End If
Return TotalWheels
End Function
However, I could add a sort of virtual type modyfier : The initial ReadOnly Property VehicleType()
' ...
Public Property VehicleType() As String
' The Getter is the same, but the setter is a litte bit different :
Set(ByVal NewType As String)
InitializeType(NewType) ' Simple ? No ! I'll have to edit the Method...
End Set
End Property
Private Sub InitializeType(ByVal ProposedType As String)
ProposedType = ProposedType.Trim().ToUpper()
Select Case ProposedType
Case "CAR":
Item("Type") = "CAR"
Item("Drivers") = "1"
Case "TRUCK":
Item("Type") = "TRUCK"
RemoveProperty("PaxSeats") ' Well, you actually can have one.. or two..
Item("Drivers") = "1"
Item("Type") = "MINIVAN"
Item("Drivers") = "1"
Item("Type") = "MOTORBIKE"
Item("Drivers") = "1"
Item("PaxSeats") = "1"
Item("NumberOfWheels") = "2"
Item("Type") = "JETLINER"
Item("Drivers") = "2"
Item("Drivers") = "3"
End Select
End Sub
' ...
Anyway, I'll have to write codes for specific routines using several vehicles in my Garage. This would be members in my Garage Class. Each time I want to do specific things for a given set of vehicles, I'll had to check what type of vehicle it is and select the correct path of code to run.........
That would become very tricky if you want to have a bunch of sub models of vehicles...
But at least, you can have an usefull Function that retrives ALL vehicles with a specific property in your Garage :
Public Function GetVehicleUsingProperty(ByVal PropertyName As String, ByVal PropertyValue As String) As List(Of Vehicle)
' And a better one :
Public Function GetVehicleUsingProperty(ByVal PropertiesParam As SortedList(Of String, String)) As List(Of Vehicle)
' ... :P
Just the way I see things. Hope someone else could give a better way to implement all of this ?
I would be inclined to have a "Vehicle" base class that can be created normally (not abstract) with the basic properties that you do know. Including the VehicleType you defined set to "Generic" by default.
Create each specific type for each sub type. Defining the correct properties in a ridgid format to enforce good code.
In the base type create a function to Clone Vehicle Properties to a passed in Object. Eg.
Public sub CloneTo(byval OtherVehicle as Vehicle)
When a "Generic" vehicle needs to be more specific create the new child type, pass it to the routine to clone the existing information, and replace the old type with the new one in the Garage Collection.
You would need to evaluate the Child Type for each item in the garage collection to determine the available extended properties, but I think a good solid full tree list of children can minimize this work if all the correct levels are in place (the lower levels would be most commonly accessed and if any properties that can be are placed always at the highest level in the tree) Eg. Vehicle - Car - Sedan. PassengerCapacity for exampel is really a property of a Vehicle.

What is the VB.NET equivalent of List<?> in Java

I'm strictly looking for a language conversion here of this:
I already have a work around I'm just surprised that I can't find the equivalent of a variable type of a "raw" generic list that takes a wild card.
Java's mechanism here enables you to reference a list regardless of what T is.
Java even enables you to go further and do things like:
List<? extends Number>
List<? super Double>
I tried:
List(Of )
and that did not work. That only seems to work inside the GetType function.
Those aren't C# generics declarations, they're Java declarations, so there is no equivalent in VB.NET.
As Konrad states in his comment above, Java and C# have quite different generic implementations. C# works by expansion, Java by erasure. Thus in C# there is no "raw" generic type available.
Are you talking about
List(of T)
List(of String)
See Generic Types in Visual Basic (Visual Basic) on MSDN. What you're looking for is called a Type Constraint. You'll have to combine that with a declaration on a method or class that performs the restriction that you want.
To accept any type you can do:
Public Sub testSub(Of t)(arg As List(Of t))
'Do something.
End Sub
Or to restrict it, for example, to a value type, you can do:
Public Sub testSub(Of t As Structure)(arg As List(Of t))
'Do something.
End Sub
What you're looking for is a purely generic property which isn't allowed in the .Net Framework. The code below will not compile.
Public Property testSub(Of t) As List(Of t)
End Get
End Set
End Property
The closest you can get is:
Public Class testClass(Of T)
Public Property testSub As List(Of t)
End Get
End Set
End Property
End Class
Ok my goal was to be able have a Collection property on MyBaseClass that points to it's collection, which is of type MyCollection(Of T), where T is a type of MyBaseClass. The base class does not know what will subclass it. It therefore needed to assign any implementation of MyCollection AND get the early binding and intellisense.
I needed to have my cake and eat it too (early binding and late binding).
Here's what I did inside MyBaseClass:
Public Event pCollectionChanged(Value As IList)
Private _pCollection As IList
<XmlIgnore()> _
<System.ComponentModel.Browsable(False)> _
Public Property pCollection As IList
Return _pCollection
End Get
Set(Value As IList)
If _pCollection Is Value Then Exit Property
_pCollection = Value
RaiseEvent pCollectionChanged(Value)
End Set
End Property
Public Function Collection(Of t As MyBaseClass)() As MyCollection(Of t)
Return pCollection
End Function
Now I can assign a MyCollection(Of anything) to pCollection, and I can do this from calling code:
Dim MyObject As New MyBaseClassSubType
MyObject.Collection(Of MyBaseClassSubType).MyNeatoCollectionMethod
whereas before I just had Collection As IList, which did not give me access to MyNeatoCollectionMethod
Tada! Thanks to all those who answered.